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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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My take on the softness is that they are using very specific times. It is not a general attitude adjustment, though it seems that way since she is only on when the writers think it absolutely neccessary. It comes out when she is talking to Luke, but let's keep in mind it has come out when she is talking about her and Lulu's abortions and after Justus' death. Remember the olive scene that everyone is so fond of. That was good old Tracy... we need to look at the surrounding circumstances and believe (with all our hearts) that she will be back to her normal self once all this has passed and Luke is back, giving her an actual story line. I think as long as she still has some of her original spark, I'm fine with it, they just need to make sure they don't lose too much b/c, you're right, the fact that she is the exact opposite of Laura is what makes them work. Not only that, it's what makes me love them b/c, truthfully, Laura bores me to tears. I know most people love her, but I can't deal with all the sweetness and yesing everyone to death and always looking at the brightside. In life that's great, but in the great Wide World of Soap Operas, it's boring.

I'm off to bed

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To knh, WORD! I don't see Tracy as losing her spunk so much as maturing and maybe mellowing a bit. She still has the ability to be just as hard-a@@ed as ever, and there is always an edge to her even when she's being kind or supportive. Jane has got that TracyCrust down--no matter how loving Tracy is going to be, it will always have to come through decades of hard, scarred flesh because that's the way Jane plays her. Through the history--this woman knows Tracy better than the writers because she's lived Tracy, and frankly, she plays her like she knows her (unlike the way TIIC sometimes writes her).

Frankly, I trust JE never to let Tracy lose her edge, no matter what TIIC put in front of her. And as for her becoming a fake!Laura? Never. Couldn't happen. Jane wouldn't let it, Tony wouldn't let it, no matter WHAT the script said. Even if all she ever did was smile and bake cookies, Tracy would do it with a wicked, arsenic-laced sense of irony. And I wouldn't eat them cookies....


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Oh I agree Jane will always play her with as much of an edge as possible.

But even Jane won't be able to fully justify Tracy pacifully sitting by while Luke or Edward or someone else(HER??) moves Laura into the Q mansion.

And let's face it...that's likely the way it'll happen. Where ELSE would she stay? So we might as well get prepared for the possibility of that happening.

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Between you, me, and the lampshade, I would love to see them move Laura into the Qmansion. Are you kidding???? That would be suh-WEET. Tracy would NEVER sit quietly by, and the potential for angst would be through the roof. The very worst thing they could do is NOT put her in the mansion, because that would pull Luke AWAY from the Quartermaines, and thus pull the storyline AWAY from Tracy. The closer Laura is, the closer Tracy is, and the more friction there will be. As mentioned in last night's chat, I can TOTALLY see Edward invited the "dear young thing" to live with them, in the hopes that this will succeed in busting up Tracy and Luke.

I relish the idea of Laura in that house, seeing how Luke has lived, how her daughter has lived, the dysfunction Luke has put their family into. I relish the idea of her seeing him interact with the Qs, seeing how far he's slid, what a caricature he's become. I also relish the chance of her seeing him interact with Tracy, and realizing that this is indeed a marriage, despite how much both of them protest.

And since Laura is a weak-willed little thing who always runs from a challenge rather than face it, I can see her backing away, either emotionally or physically, deciding Luke is better off with Tracy and that it's too late to fight for him. Or, I can see her trying to reason with Luke, show him that he should go back to her little dream world of enforced domesticity, only to force Luke to face the fact that as much as he loves Laura, he hated life married to her. And then he chooses, freely, to stay with Tracy, who's much more suited to him. (And then Tracy slams him to the curb.)

And yes, Smirk, MsQ, ILTQ, and all you other beaches from last night's chat, I KNOW I'm delusional. I LIKE my dream world. Leave me alone, and send chocolate. Lots of chocolate.

And Tracy and LUKE are making bubble-bath whoopee on New Year's Eve. I'm telling you it will happen. Viva la LuNacy! :P

ETA: PAGE 155! Gimme somethin' good for starting a new page.....I'm thinking.........CHOCOLATE!

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You have good points MF.

And I agree with most.

I especially like the idea of Laura seeing Lacy together and realizing what the two of them have failed to either realize or admit.

BUT the difference is that Guza does not appear to know or love Tracy like we do.

WE know Tracy would not sit idly by.

But I don't trust that Guza does.

I don't trust him not to "Skye-ify" her, and make her this placid "understanding" PodTracy.

I mean if Laura waking up doesn't bring out the fight in Tracy...something's wrong.

Although Tracy stepping aside and letting Luke go if she felt that was best...would also be in character for her. It could go either way. But I just can't see Tracy agreeing passively to let Laura stay, or to be the one to INVITE Laura to stay.

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I was reading everybody's responce to MinervaFan's question about what roles you could see Jane in, and I forget who, but someone said they could see her in Steel Magnolias. Over at Hella Good there is a game called Casting Couch and like a month ago I put:

Steel Magnolias:

M'Lynn - Alexis

Shelby - Robin

Drum - Ned

Jackson - Noah

Ouiser - Tracy

Clairee - Monica

Truvy - Carly :rolleyes: haha

Spud - Sonny (a really nice, small part) :rolleyes: haha

Annelle - Emily

**waves to Ms.Q**

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*pops in and sends MinervaFan chocolate*

*waves to nex*

And WELCOME to keaton. Hope to see you posting more. :)

OT-I'm tired. It's been go, go, go since I've gotten up...And I'm still missing my computer. :(

SPOILER/RUMOR (Edward/Tracy/Dillon)





From Anonymous of SD:

The Q's will have to deal with the Enduro fall out. ELQ will be in trouble when they face multiple lawsuits. The Q's will come up with a scheme to get out of trouble. Dillion will be heavily involved with this story. There will be more Edward and Tracy on your screens.

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I'd rather see Jane play M'Lynn or even Claree. Ouiser is typecasting IMO...I'd rather see her play something different.

Or even Truvy's role.

I don't watch episodic tv...seriously. Name any "new" show that has been on in the last ten years and I'll bet I can count on one hand the number of different series I've even seen one full episode of.

I'm a freak what can I say....and how odd I'd watch a soap even only on days JE is on...when I don't normally watch any other episodic tv.

I watch reruns of Seinfeld and Everybody Loves Raymond.

I watch reruns of Law and Order and sometimes new ones.... oh yeah and I LOVE "Monk" on USA but never get to watch it anymore because the cable package I have doesn't include USA.

but other than that? Next to nothing that's an actual series.

So it's kind of hard for me to say what show I'd like to watch Jane on.


Jane once said she'd love to play the exact opposite of Tracy...like a woman who cleaned houses for a living or something. So I guess I'd like that for her since that's what she would desire to do.

As far as the SD rumor:

The Q's are just a plot point for everybody else's babies. They will hardly be shown even if lawsuits are mentioned.

And yeah that's negative...but it's also based on the past three years of disappointments. LOL

rumor talk over

ETA *waves* to nex

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god I hope so, cuz that would be a sorely missed opportunity there.

Not much to say, just checking in. Hoping she's on today, but common sense and a long time of disappointment says... probably not.

That would be amazing!!! Then, of course, he would fight for her and she'd take him back eventually. But not before making him suffer a bit... just for entertainment sake.

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Any good Tracy scoops, all ye who findeth the scoops? My brain is going in a thousand directions--most of which led to collapsing early for bed last night (and none of which are condusive to fanfiction). I did get my Minerva McGonagall fic done (1 day before the deadline) at just 46 words over the minimum, so I can scratch "guilt" off my list of reasons not to work on TracyFic.

Here are some of the bunnies fighting for supremacy in my head:

  • Tracy and Luke discuss Laura's return (work in progress)
  • Edward suffers a stroke, and Tracy exhausts herself trying to take care of him.
  • Tracy discovers that Edward is not truly her father, and goes in search of the man Lila had an affair with years before.
  • An ecoterrorist kidnaps Edward and Tracy, and forces Edward to choose which one of them gets to live, and who gets to die.
  • Dillon and Luke force Tracy to participate in the Nurses Ball, much to her chagrin.
  • Luke and Tracy get together on New Years Eve--much candlelight and smooching and completely unrealistic romance.
Of course, none of them are even remotely strong enough to fight through the malaise in my brain. Anyone with encouragement, tricks to fight writers block, and strong strong coffee is welcome to put your two cents in....
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No scoopage.

TIIC certainly ARE keeping a tight lid on specific spoilers about Laura's return and any Tracy/Luke stuff.

Which under different circumstances I'd say might be a good thing. But then I think it's mainly due to Guza and Co. writing as they go. LOL No I'm serious.


Oooh as far as your plot bunnies: write which ever one interests you the most and if none of the others do, put someone in the stories that sparks your interest or change it up a bit.

You like Lulu/Tracy...how about it being Lulu's sick bed she's tending to, or even Alan's or Ned's. Have it be Edward, if Edward must be in the story, that sees her devotion and have him be the one to try and make her slow down.

Hmm...I'm sick of hearing about Laura's return myself. Sorry. I can't even stomach thinking about it.

Although I'm sure I'd love anything you wrote. But I'd put a twist on it and I'd have Tracy be the one to take off and Luke has to track her down (sort of like Regency's WIP )

I no likey the Edward not her father thing. I think it'd be much more traumatic and destructive for TQ to find out LILA wasn't her mother. CAn't you just see Tracy facing that the good she thought she got from Lila...she really didn't get biologically? Especially if say HELENA were her mother. Throw in some Lunacy angst(Luke married to Helena's daughter? hmmm) and THAT's your story.

Edward had so many affairs..and it's believable that Helena would give up her baby so Mikkos wouldn't kill it.

But maybe she gave the baby up to an orphanage and she didn't know that Edward had her followed and made sure he got the baby.

So even Helena does not know Tracy is hers.

I personally am not a Helena fan. But the dynamic between the two characters is interesting.

Tracy might totally self destruct. ANGST people. ANGST.

The kidnapping and who gets to live/who gets to die? Let that be Ned/Dillon who are kidnapped...and Tracy must decide their fates.

If Tracy/Luke and/or Tracy/Dillon/Ned do something together....all for it. Tracy/Luke could dance, Tracy/Ned/Dillon could sing.

And of course something happens right before the performances....

How about for that last one, Tracy decides after Laura goes catatonic again that she just can't stay married to Luke. She readies her bags to fly to parts unknown and tells Luke he and Lulu will have to find another place to live. Luke appears to agree but kidnaps her and attempts to take her somewhere that they can talk uninterrupted. ONly for both of them to end up kidnapped by Helena and the two of them must work together to escape. They are kept somewhere where immediate escape is necessary....such as a timed bomb about to go off, or maybe the air supply is slowing running out. Or in a tank with the water rising. Some type of situation that raises the tension....and might make true feelings come out. Hint hint.

People say strange things when they think they're about to die.

Just suggestions. As far as writer's block....free writing maybe?

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