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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Favorite/Least Favorite...

Hair Style? The curls most favorite. The really short hair? Hate.

Jacket/Robe? I don't mind her jackets. Ditch the robes

"Normal" outfit? I don't mind her wardrobe. I just wish they'd start dressing more to accentuate her good points instead of focusing so much on hiding her "bad"ones...although I don't think she has a bad one.

TQ Line/Speech? All of them. Not too fond of any of the goings on while Luke was chasing Skye and Tracy had nothing to do but snark at them though.

Acting Partner? Of all time? Gerald Anthony hands down....nobody else even comes close. But I think Jane rocks with everyone.

Scene (Jan. through September 19th)? Anything without Luke in it. The Dillon/Tracy scenes in the hospital during the epidemic.

Anything else? Nah. Not really.

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I didn't watch either. I'm only 21, but I've seen the first season and was interested in seeing the second. The fact that JE was on then is only icing on the cake. I think you have it right, though. I know she went to Gary for help with her alcoholic husband ( i think he became his sponsor). They got a bit closer and had an affair, she fell in love with him I think. As for the lack of sympathy towards her character. She showed up at her lover's dorr and told the wife that she had been sleeping with her husband, they were in love and were going to be together. She wasn't on for very long, so I don't know how much sympathy she could have gained by doing that in what little time she had. My love, however, is unconditional. She can do no wrong in my eyes and I love any character she plays and will always be a fan, so to hell with the naysayers. I think that's al I have to say for the moment, but I'm sure I'll be back pretty quickly with some more pointless drivel.

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I forgot to do my list!!! (told you I'd be back quickly, this'll probably be tacked onto the end of my previous post)

favorite hair: Like everyone else, the curls. that is tied with the longer straight hair she has now. I also like the bobs, but I'm very picky. I don't like the really short hair, but I like the bob she had around Lila's funeral.

favorite jacket/robe: I also don't have too big a problem with her wardrobe. Maybe I should, but I do like most of her jackets, the only thing I don't like about the robes are the fact that they are gigantic and make her look much bigger than she is. I do hate the fur lined things though. Contrary to another poster, I don't remember who, but I do like the swirly jacket she had on (again around Lila's funeral), but not so much for how it looked on the show but I liked it here. http://abc.go.com/daytime/generalhospital/...ry/70408_1.html I just thought she looked adorable. I don't know why.

line or speech: to be honest, the line is starting to blur between what is really on the show and what I read here. I don't have any that I hate, but if I had to pick a favorite (and these are some in a long line and they are all tied for #1) it would probably be A) the olive scene. not for the same reasons as MF, but I love her just the same. B) the out of my house and out of my heart speech to Lulu, b/c she LOVES luke and even though I don't really cry even, let alone at a show, it made me WANT to. and C) when she said there was no point in speculating after the Luke/Tracy as kids scene... same reason. I'm sure there are plenty more, but I can't think of them. Oh yeah, and Tracy at the chapel praying for Dillon. and "alcohol got me to the alter. And enough of it to drop a horse." just thought that one was funny. I'll stop now b/c more and more keep making the cut.

Acting partner: what a rediculous one that is for me to answer!!!! Everey single one of them. She makes them all bring their A game, but definately Luke is top ( I have to say, I still liked her with Robert and I think they should have done more with that, especially when they had hinted at it a few times. Maybe that's what they'll do when Laura comes back and Luke will realize what an arse he's been.

Scene: every single one with her in it. I hate ones when she doesn't get to say anything more than I hate ones without her in it. That, to me, is a bigger waste than letting her stay home with her family or take a vacation. and it's a tease to us.

I think I'm finally done now.

if you guys ctually powered your way through all of that, than thank you for your patience. I know I put a little too much. Talk to you all later.


oh yeah, sorry.... and her "I want my mommy" speech and the eulogy.

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Our girl's got a thread dedicated to her at SOC. ;) Title is Tracy Q. Rumor. Mentions of her being Skye's mother. smirks, your first post in that thread had me laughing out loud. As well as your post about Ned sleeping with his aunt, distant cousin, and ex-cousin, who turned out to be his sister, LOL!

angel, thanks for taking a look at the statistics. LOL.

MinervaFan, what a fun, upbeat video. I liked that a lot clips included weren't the ones we typically use in videos.

ILoveTracyQ and knh, thanks for taking the poll! And knh, don't worry about the detailed response. I LOVE long posts, and I agree with a lot of what you said. I can't stand when they just put her in the background. Yeah, she's still awesome (with her facial expressions and everything), but still...Stop wasting her.

And the "I want my mommy" speech? Aww. I'm not sure how many over 50 actors could've have pulled that off. Of course, if I'm going to be honest, I prefer when JE strays away from the hysterics. The "quieter pain" is a lot more effective IMO. But given the situation (Tracy's mother's death), I could understand.

A little tidbit about the eulogy...Did you know that the one that aired was different from what was originally written? Whether or not it was a last minute choice by the scriptwriter or Jane Elliot, I don't know. I do know that JE didn't rehearse the memorial scenes, so there's a chance that she didn't have it memorized word for word, but anyway...The original version was in Soaps In Depth, I believe, later posted at GHH2, and I found it saved, so here ya go:

Compared to what aired...

Edit: Remember that Edward/Tracy talk about Georgie/Dillon spoiler. Here's it from the ABC13.com site: Luke, Tracy and Edward lament the loss of Dillon and Georgie's innocence. Looks like Luke was involved too. Darn GH for cutting it!!!

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Yay! Coming to you from an 8 year old computer that hates this board and won't let me sign in for two consecutive seconds, I proudly present....ME!!!


Hair: Curls, followed closely by super-ultra-straight Hotel Fire Hair...and third would be the longer way she has it now.

Ensemble I like a good suit over the drapery. I can't think of anything in particular, except the red one she wore when she dropped Dillon off at the Q's. It said, "I'm busy, I'm stylish, I'm rich, and I just might eat your baby for dinner."

Line/speech Honestly, I love the two times I've seen her come home to the Q mansion...the first time when she insulted Lois and Justus and Brenda/Jax/Sonny, and the second time when she went down the whole family line. For serious stuff...the first banishment I saw in 93...those were riveting scenes.

Acting partner Refuse to choose. Just...can't do it. Love Tracy and Luke. Love Tracy and the Q's...inclusive...even Emily and Jason are strangely tolerable when Tracy is around. Jane makes everyone a good acting partner.

Scene One scene? I am so screwed. If I were on a computer built within the last 8 years, I would go through my Q cds and watch all my Tracy clips...but I cannot, so by default, they are all tied.

Interesting about the Eulogy...I think I actually like the shorter version better. It's more to the point, but how odd that they wrote more and ended up cutting some.

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I completely agree with you. I do like her when she is subtle, but I think that if there were one that was exactly the situation that would have caused her to break down. So I thought it was perfect, though not likely to ever really happen again.

And good thing you like long posts. I have a tendancy to talk and talk and talk, so I hope it doesn't get to bothersome, though the way things go here, it probably won't. Brightside, if it does, you can just skip over it!!

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sorry guys. I don't want to seem rude for that. I just lost my internet connection and got kicked out of the breakroom and couldn't get back in. Just wanted to say goodnight to who ever checks this before they go...

so goodnight!!!

I actually get to go to sleep today instead of staying up late to draw. I don't know what to do with myself.

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I hate soaps.

I already have to deal with clinical depression; now I have that stupid song "Think of Laura" stuck in my head and I want to kill something! (It was L&L's signature song, and they played it as the orderlies rolled Crazy!Laura away from Luke.) I haven't had a chance to play out the Tracy/Luke angst on paper yet (RL intervenes), but their drama is playing itself out on repeat loop in my head without mercy.

Tracy should be on today, right? I'm so depressed. I was so high on LuNacy positivity, and now it's crushed.

(FWIW, the depression is not caused by Tracy/Luke, but by a chemical imbalance in my brain. Tracy/Luke are just the focus of it right now. Tracy/Luke and the fact that some person on my LJ destroyed my enjoyment of a Saints victory in the Superdome with a single comment.)

Tracy should be on today, right? We get Tracy tonight? Pretty Tracy, with at least one dimply smile? Please? Throw us a bone, guys.

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