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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Now don't anyone get too excited, but guess who showed off her legs today? Well, not show-off, show-off, but she did have a skirt on. ;)

ILoveTracyQ, they're looking for you at TWoP with the bit of great Tracy stuff we've gotten recently. Just thought I'd mention it here. :)






Luke wants Tracy to look after Lulu again. Tracy is upset that he's leaving. He can't go. Lulu needs him, blah, blah, blah. Sorry, Tracy, but shut up. Thank you. Heh. Luke wants to her stop nagging. Tracy wants him to be a "normal" father. He wants her to define normal. She wants him to because "that girl [Lulu] needs you [Luke]."

Next scene: Tracy compares herself to Lulu. They both love their fathers, but Daddy always loses interest. Luke wants her to spare him the psycho-analysis. He's leaving. Tracy will cope. The end. She wonders where he's going. He makes a comment about looking for buried treasure. Tracy doesn't care about that; wants him to know that he's leaving Lulu this time. Luke says his "mission" is over. She says it's just beginning; it started with Lulu having the abortion, and if Luke leaves now, Lulu will bare the regret of her abortion her entire life (or something like that; I can't remember). Enter Lulu: You're leaving?

How sad that their final scenes before GF's return were all about Lulu? I *almost* think yesterday would've been a better ending. On another note, Georgie continues to rock my world.

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Re Tracy's scenes today:

1. First thing I noticed was the legs. Dudes, I was on FF, missed the beginning and STILL noticed the legs on FF! (Not that my last fic was any indication, but I really like when she wears skirts.)

2. Luke. Luke Luke Luke Luke Luke. Could you Puh-LEASE tell your wife what you're up to? Please? Come on, have a little compassion. Have a little faith. Yeah, I know it builds up your machismo image to have everyone think you're a low-down jackass with no compassion, a guy who calls the wind his home. But if you had any kind of spine, you'd tell this woman what you're up to and let her gear up for what may be coming. Instead, you keep it in, you hide things (from your wife AND your daughter), you let them bear the burden of your silence, then you wonder why everyone is mad at you. Oh, Luke. Luke Luke Luke.

3. I frackin' LOVE Tracy. I love her. She's the most awesome person on that show. I mean, Luke and Lulu are basically squatters in her life, giving nothing, taking taking taking, and she is still classy. She is still generous. She fights for that girl, to protect that girl, to help her even though the kid royally messed with her son. She tries to help Luke, even though he treats her like dirt. Why? Because she's a doormat? No. TQ is no doormat. She just has a sense of right and wrong, of what SHOULD be done, and she's not afraid to stand up for it. She takes it hard on the jaw pretty damned often for what she does, but she still does it. I know people mourn for the Old Tracy, Schemer Tracy, but I really love this incarnation of the character. I love her strength, her tenacity, her decency. I love that she tells it like it is, and that she isn't afraid to do something nasty when the situation warrants it. She isn't toothless, boys and girls. She's wise. She's tough. She's Cerredwyn and Baba Yaga and Morgan Le Fey all wrapped up in one sassy, sexy package.

Damn. TIIC don't even have a clue what they've got in this character, do they?

ETA: In The Break Room if anybody's interested.

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Meh. I don't care if Tracy is on being nice. I don't think it ruins the character because she's always had a heart.

BUT I do care that her only scenes are to prop Lulu. :(

So basically....Luke left without telling Tracy why and expects her to look after his daughter.


WEll...TQ's on so I'LL watch anyway. :P

Cute lil story by the way MinervaFan.

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As I watched today's show, I noticed something that nobody mentioned. When Luke was talking to "Laura" just before the scene ended he asked her that if she came back to him just to say goodbye again he wouldn't be able to go through it. She needs to stay and fight to be with him...blah, blah, blah. Otherwise she has set him free, let him go, and that my friends is the key to Lacy. Since we all know GF is coming back on a short term basis, there is no choice but to "set him free". With Luke's heart free he can give it to Tracy. Am I seeing more than I should? Or am I just crazy?

**waves to Regency and LaineyBev**

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*waves to Nex4evr and Lainey Bev*

Yeah, I noticed what he said as well. I whooped a little. At the same time, not so much. Basically, if she can't stay, she has to let him go. If that means let him go to Tracy, I'm not feeling it. If you love someone, love them, even in absentia. I don't want Luke to settle for contentment with Tracy. I want him to be there because he's realized that he and Laura no longer go together. That's just my feeling.

Lainey! I forgot to tell you. I finally got around to reading "Awakenings." I died. It was the very end that knocked me out. I wanted to cry. It felt like vintage GH.

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MsQ, I commented at FF.net, but I totally need to reiterate here. This is, without a doubt, your finest piece of work to date. I'm serious--it's flawless. The narrative, the dialogue (oh, the dialogue is the stuff buttercream frosting fantasies are made of), the pacing, everything. It's amazing. I'm in standing ovation mode, and all you slackers who haven't read it yet need to get off your butts and go read it. *shaking head in amazement* LOVING IT!


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So I liked the scenes with Dillon and Georgie yesterday.

SC/LL did a great job.

The scenes with Luke/Tracy?

Meh. Luke can die. I will always root for Tracy but Luke just needs to die.

I get that he still loves Laura but he should have told her what he was doing.

She probably would have told him to take Lulu with him...but he still should have told.

Of course the only thing possibly saving him is that he is refusing to see that she loves him.

If I thought he knew it and still acted this way?


And I'm in the minority but I still don't think Tracy would have ever had an abortion.

I just don't.

She down deep has a great capacity to love....and I don't think she could do it.

I also don't think that young selfish Tracy would have stopped to consider that she was unable to care for the child. As spoiled as she was ? Nope.

She would have considered another baby another chance to get her father's approval.

Nope.Sorry. Not buying it. I don't think YoungTracy would have necessarily been morally against it.....but I don't think she would have made the choice to have one.

Especially again if the man she was with she really loved. She might have used the baby as an excuse to hold onto the man.

So it just doesn't ring true for me.

Nice story Ms.Q. And yeah....there should be a similiar scene with Dillon/Tracy but Guza may never do that because I don't think he wants Tracy looking like a better parent than LUKE of all people.

She's already a better STEP parent to Lulu than Luke is a father to her.

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Very Odd.

I posted last night.

Right around the time Nex & Regency Posted.

It looked like it was there, and now it's not. Hmmmmmm.

Did someone delete it??

It was sort of raving about how our show is lousy... but nothing out of the ordinary.


Love your story, Ms. Q!!! (You're beginning to pop them out as quickly as Deb!!! That's a talent!!)

Thanks for the compliments on Awakenings, Regency

I think I'm about to write a collection of stories (short ones). They will all be separate stories but the thread will be Laura's struggle to reemerge and then her reemergence. However, they WON"T be about Laura (GH will be doing enough of that. Thank you very much!!!). They will be about how the awakening is affecting the people around her (Hey- who am I kidding.? They'll be about how LuNacy is impaacted by this whole disastrous turn of events). I promise much angst.

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Wasn't MsQ's story great? I printed it out and read it again (instead of working returns/credits) this morning. :) I'm just so thrilled at how many writers (come ON, nex4eva, and jooooiiinnnn us!) there are on this group. Oh, and 4xcrazy? I don't know if I responded to the update on Homelands, but I really really liked it!

Just a little hint--Fey gave me an UBER plot bunny last night that is so downright evil I must write it. Sorry, MsQ, it will be massively with the angst, but I'm sending you tons of virtual chocolate and virtual Prozac to help you get through.

And to all of the writers on this group: here's the deal.

MsQuartermaine: If you can't give us more "Oh, Baby" at the moment, shorts like "No Going Back" are more than happily welcome. Your prose is getting so good--I squee at the prospect. Take a break from the woolly mammoth and go play in traffic, literarily speaking.

Regency: Stop agonizing over the things and write them. You are terrific--you know it, we know, so come onnnnn...pick a bunny and shoot it. :) You rock.

LaineyBev714: I think "Awakenings" proved that you can write this to our immense pleasure. I really look forward to reading your stories. I want more LuNacy stuff, and I want it to come from you, dangit. :o

x4crazy: I know life is nuts for you now, but losing yourself in your fantasy life is a good thing. More fic, please. B) We'll send feedback. Promise.

Keith: Dude, I know you are out there. I know you have another chapter of "Chances Are" waiting for me, right now, right?? Right??

angel2devil: Beautiful Disaster? Update, huh? Please?

Okay, FicMama has spoken. If I missed you, don't think you're off the hook. TracyQ needs must be glorified in song and story, and we are the Bards who will tell the tale. I love you guys--you all rock the freaking Casbah.

ETA: Oooh, page 150!!!!! What do I win? What do I win??? :D:D

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nex, I'd be more excited, but GF has the option of returning if the ratings go up. I doubt LuNacy will ever progress.

MinervaFan, ILoveTracyQ, and Lainey, much thanks for the feedback on No Going Back. Deb, you got email. And I hope to get Oh, Baby rolling again sometime soon. Early October, maybe?

Phone conversation with an offliner: My mother (dum, dum, dum)...Of course, this isn't word for word, but I tried. LOL.

Mom: [in an effort to discuss something else other than RL] So, your Tracy's been on a lot lately.

Me: [shocked] We haven't talked about General Hospital in weeks... Not really. She just had 2 scenes yesterday.

Mom: Yeah, but she was in 3 episodes in a row.

Me: Still not a lot of scenes.

Mom: More than usual.

Me: [laughs] Good point.

Mom: I really don't like her hair.

Me: I miss the curls.

Mom: It's too long. It's better shorter. Has more bounce that way.

Me: I guess.

Mom: Did you see Monica's scene?

Me: Whoa. My mom's talking to me about the...GASP...Quartermaines. I'm usually the one who initiates conversations about them, while she goes on and on about the wonderfulness that is Jason and Sam. Yeah, she was on the phone with Emily.

Mom: But did you notice her ring?

Me: You know, I don't really pay much attention to anything dealing with Emily.

Mom: It was HUGE!

And that's pretty much all I remember. Guess I'm gonna have to find a screencap of that ring. Anyway, kinda pointless, but I thought I'd share regardless. :lol:

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SON's Previews:

Tracy has doubts about Dillon's quick decision to change his career path.

Hmm.....so wow we might actually get to see a good Trillon scene. Or two. Or three. *sniff* I can't believe MinervaFan killed Dillon off in her fic. Oh yeah and the scene where Tracy was wearing the pajama top with the film reels on it?

KILLED ME. That's when I lost it. *sniff* So anyway back to the actual spoiler? What's Dillon's career change? Anyone want to hazard a guess?

Doctor like Uncle Alan...saving lives? (maybe because of the death of his child?) Please say it's not ELQ. That is sooooo not Dillon.

one sentence long spoiler over.


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You crack me up. I'm so glad you noticed the pajama tops. Thought they were going to go the way of "Dierdre the Hairdresser" in the Edward Goes to Hell fic. :)

I don't think his career change will be medicine. He's going to decide to go into "business," maybe an internship with ELQ. Throw in his lot with the "Evil Quartermaines," now that his infatuation with all things Spencer has been kicked to the curb....Just my Speculation.

ETA: Would somebody be a darling and post Scene 3 from Friday's episode? I hesitated too long and now the link no longer works for GHVT. Thank you. Not sure if I want the clips from Monday---ooh, wait. Legs. :) Um. Monday's clips would be nice, too.

BTW, will be in the Break Room for a little while, if anybody's interested.

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