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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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MsQ. I know what you mean, I was reading SZ's live chat and I don't understand how Dillion hit Georgie with a box?!?!? The inconsistancy of the writers are just killing me, they need to watch the show they write for because half of the time they don't know what they are doing. IDK!! I also saw that someone over at SZ said they would trade a day of Sam for a day of Tracy! I thought that was funny. :)

MinervaFan, I just have to thank you for posting all those Tracy fanfic's the other day. Last night I was bored and going through TQ withdrawl and started reading and re-reading some of the fics. I thought I read all of them but I guess I was wrong. Ms.Q I loved your "One Year Ago" story. Whoever LukeTracy_Fan is I loved "Beautiful Disaster" I downloaded that song 'Far Away' by Nickelback and it is now my favorite song. :) I must have listened to it like 100 times since last night, that is a perfect Lacy song. MF I swear "Live From The Blue Door" is the funniest story EVER!! Also I really enjoyed your new story "Fall" I was reminded of the movie Guarding Tess when you described how TQ was held captive. (I loved Shirley MacLaine in that movie)

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Nex, I'm glad yo uenjoyed the stories. I'm sort of blown away about the enormity of the list, and please remember I'd missed two stories and consolidated all 30 "100 Situations" stories into one entry! As for the "Fall" story, yeah, I was influenced by Guarding Tess, which had a massive effect on my claustrophobic psyche. Add to that the stories I've read of Amazon initiation mysteries, which reportedly included leaving the inititiate in space the size of a coffin for days with only a little bit of food and water. Like a vision quest, only claustrophobically so. The initiates were supposed to come out of the experience stronger and profoundly changed, which I hope I showed in Tracy.

My tape ran out today and I didn't get the entire episode. Aw. I'm going to miss more Dillon and Lulu screaming at each other, and Luke pretending he has a clue. Pity.

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Tracy needs to get her butt onscreen soon, so this thread can get some action, LOL. Where is everybody?

nex, I'm glad you liked "One Year Ago." Also...Here are the 2 stories that MinervaFan accidentally forgot to list: Let It Be by LSpencer (features a good amount of Tracy Q. TQ isn't the center of the story, but she's one of the 4 characters in it: Edward/Lila/Tracy/Alan). And Thanksgiving With the Quartermaines by me. (title is self-explanatory, LOL)

And for those wondering, LukeTracy_Fan is angel.

Another banner...


ILoveTracyQ, is this what you meant? About including other characters, I need to ask Tracey about that.

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Thanks Keith (Yay! You posted!) and ILoveTracyQ! :D

ILoveTracyQ, I know you're not fond of the bob with blonde highlights, but I wanted to include a variety of looks/hair-styles without going really far back.

So, per previews, I guess Luke/Lulu are on tomorrow at the clinic. TG's fifth day onscreen since vacation, and still no sign of JE and therefore Tracy. *sigh*

Edit: SPOILERS (Luke/Laura/Lulu/Edward/Tracy/Dillon/Robin)





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Where to start?

Ms Q, LOVE the banners, especially the small sectional ones. Out of the big ones my favorite was #3 of the first batch asIdon'treallylikethepolaroidsbutI'msurethat'sjustme. *looks shifty* And my ever so weak contribution to fonts is that the font should be white or one of the darker blues on the banner. What's this site going to be called, anyway? Site name here...not so catchy.

I have to check out those fics...they definitely sound interesting.

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Check out the ficathon.

Once again, I had "posting issues."

I hope it's my computer, and not me. It could definitely be me.

So.. right now it's there via sendspace. I will try to fix soon (Really. I will.. but I'm clueless)

Enjoy. I tried really hard.

A big shoutout to Minerva for all her help and support. Without it, Awakenings would have never seen the light of day.

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I mentioned this to LaineyBev in the Break Room last night, but I thought I'd share the joy (?) with you all.

My coworkers. Are reading. My TracyFic.


At work.


Well, only two of them, and only the stories I printed out. See, we have this little group in my section who watch GH every day, and discuss at length. One of them, a nice older lady, has seen a couple of my vids and thinks it's really clever. So I sort of "outed" myself as a fanfic writer, and she asked to read some of my stories. I printed "A Brief History of Humanity," "True to the Blood," and "As the Snow Falls," meaning to sneak them to her at the end of the day so she could take them home with her.

Instead, she starts reading them. At her desk. And the other girl who watches GH--the loud, aggressive, but ultimately nice one--leans over her shoulder and says "WHAT'S THAT" a la Dee Dee from Dexter's Laboratory. She then proceeds to grab "True to the Blood" out of Linda's hands and start reading at her desk.

Luckily, they like the stories and haven't mocked me too mercilessly. In fact, Leah said while reading the Snow story that she thought Luke and Tracy had the potential for being a real, viable couple and that the writers would be idiots to put Luke and Laura back together at this point.

I like Leah much more now. B)

Anyway, that's the story of how I outed myself at work. (Oh, don't snicker. They already know I'm gay.)

ETA: Did I mention they're strongly suggesting that I print out and bind the 100 Situations when I'm done and send them to Jane Elliot? Uh...huh....

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Well actually Debbie it's not that farfetched about mailing Jane the stories. But if you're going to waste the stamp might as well maill ALL your TQ fic stories.

Address the envelope to TG also though....or write Jane a short note that they are for him to read if he wants to.

I myself have thought about printing stories I read and sending it to them..because out of all the actors currently on I think JE/TG might actually approach the writers with an idea or find a way to work something into the scene.

Of course due to copyright laws they can't take your idea and use it without paying you so I doubt they'd ever use the actual story (I don't know why....they could just pay you a royalty but my guess is the writers throw stuff like that in the trash without even reading it.)

But still...I could see them liking some of the stuff you guys have written.

And LaineyBev .....all I can say to your story is WOW.

I bawled man. BAWLED. YOU should mail that to Tony and Jane. And I loved how you ended it. Perfect. :)

And um yeah....I think tomorrow may be the only TQ day we get....but *hopefully* I'm wrong.

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See, LaineyBev, I TOLD you it was a good story! :)

Hey, ILTQ, I am really toying with the idea of sending the stories. Unfortunately, the realities of printing being what they are, I think a zine of ALL my TQ stories would actually be quite bulky and large when I'm finally done with 100 Situations. Limiting it to just 100 Situations would keep it manageable. Anybody thinking we ought to do a group zine and send it to TG & JE? With each of us choosing one or two of our best stories to include? Just curiuos...

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hmmm...if we do a group zine can we vote ?

Because MF I'd send "The Fourteenth" if I were you...or at least that's one I'd send. That is probably one of my faves...and the AU story with SIMON *sniff*....I honestly think Jane would get a kick out of that.

And hmmm...one more of yours I'd pick as a "definite" might be the Ned/Tracy story in Europe or the Dillon/Tracy one from early on with him doing the documentary.

I think they're some of my favorites but honestly I love most of them.....

The saddest part about Lainey's fic that I think made me cry harder than anything?

We'll likely never get those kinds of scenes between them on this GH...not with the current regime.

And that's the REALLY sad part. That what we will get can't even touch that story.

And there's no reason why not because I think Guza COULD write such a thing if he wanted to.

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*cries* When is Tracy going to be on? This is just getting stupid...once again. I NEED her on. I NEED something to look forward to. WhyAreTheyWastingHer? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?

Ooh, had an idea for Oh, Baby; wrote some of it last night (time-line wise, we're talking Chapter 80 something). Anyway, Lainey and MinervaFan keep encouraging me to write a love scene, and well, I had a little fun last night. LOL! It isn't very good IMO...But it's something. And I *think* someone might catch them 'cause I'm evil like that.

smirks, I'm not sure if Tracey is going to use the small sectional banners anymore, but I like them too, LOL. I also like the 3rd big one, but she's not too fond of the repeating images. So...We'll see what happens. :)

Lainey, a big "awww" to your story. SO. UGH. ABOUT. A. CERTAIN. RETURN. I wish we could get something that resembled your story, but ILoveTracyQ is right. GH will never do it. I really enjoyed your Robert/Luke scene, by the way. And of course the, LuNacy stuff goes without saying. :)

Please dear Soap Gods, let Tracy be on today.






From SoapDish: Tracy defends Dillon against Lesley. I'm guessing this is inaccurate. Seriously? Lesley Webber gets a spoiler? Doubt it. ;)

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