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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Lainey, we were only there for about 5 minutes. You didn't miss much, except that MinervaFan is writing a cross-over. :) Anyway, I'll be in the breakroom now if anyone wants to join.

ILoveTracyQ, thanks for the feedback. The song was actually so much longer and just kept repeating, so I had to edit it a bit. Heh.

And I'm so *stupid* about the delicious line. He's referring to his "time" with Holly. I mean, I got that, but I guess I was just looking at the positive side, being the fact that he "ditched" her, not the "delicious" and "doing" part. If that makes sense. But now that I've finally seen the light...UGH! *kicks Luke*

We don't even know if JE is on vacation, but I'm with Lainey. If she is, couldn't she have taken it while TG was gone?

Edit: Anyone have anything they want to see on the JE/TQ site? Anything besides what we've mentioned? Tracey is looking for ideas, and I told her I'd ask here.

Edit: SPOILERS (Skye/Luke/Robert...)





From SID...It looks like GH might be going back to Skye/Luke after Laura leaves. Or Skye/Luke/Robert. Here's a quote: "Skye's return and the birth of her baby is going to be quite an umbrella story. The baby will be born in the fall and Alcazar will make his move to keep this baby. An old flame of Skye's will be involved in this, Luke, as well as Robert." I really don't see how Tracy could also be involved, unless it's to provide the occasional snark. And it's not even like I want her involved in the baby mess, but still...I want her onscreen, you know? *sigh*

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Oooh, and let me guess--she and Lorenzo were using Enduro condoms when they did it on the living room floor!!!!! And this will be Lorenzo's excuse to take over ELQ, ousting TQ as the incompentent clown she is??

*kicks TIIC.*

I'm so not going to be happy if they reintroduce the Luke/Skye thing into the mix, on top of Laura coming back. Come the F**K on, guys! Even TG is on record as saying he wants to be paired with a woman his own age--or at least in the same decade. JE is six months older than him, but I'm sure TG can handle an older woman......

I know they need a storyline for RC, and I'm okay with that. But does it have to be JE's storyline? Have they no imagination? Have they no creativity? I know the stories need to be basic--love, money, family, betrayal, etc. But why revisit the same tired plots over and over and over and over....?

Jax made a move to keep his baby--

Dillon makes a move to keep his baby--

Nikolas makes a move to keep his baby--

Ooh, and guess what? Old flames are involved in each scenario.

Tired. Lame. Old. I'm sick of baby storylines, although I know they're a soap staple. I just wish they'd do something creative. Like give one of the babies a disability--like Down's syndrome, blindness, or deafness. Show the struggles of raising an exceptional child, how much pressure it puts on the family, oh, and MAYBE show the child growing up as a recurring character on the show. Now that's real life, that's something a lot of their viewers understand and identify with, a chance for real, honest drama, instead of this trumped-up, lame, Who My Daddy sh*t they keep throwing at us.

*kicks TIIC again for being lame and cowardly with their storylines*

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spoiler talk

I don't trust Guza. I don't think any of us do. And I don't have *high* hopes of his "Luke has grown to love Tracy."

But if they DARE to screw Tracy over again by having Luke still having feelings for Skye(romantic).....I'm DONE.

I'll still be a Tracy fan but Luke will be officially DEADTOME.

That is all.

spoiler talk over.

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Ms.Q, MivervaFan, and ILTQ I agree with all of you. The writers need to come up with some new material. Putting Luke and Skye back together seems so "been there, done that" to me. Besides with Skye about to have another mans baby I really don't see a senerio of "Skye I am still in love with you...blah, blah, blah" from Luke. He has gone above and beyond on his lack of parental skills. For him to go back to Skye makes no sense. Now, Luke swooping down to help Skye get away from Lorenzo it possible because Luke is 'crisis man' helping damsels in distress is his thing. But a romance with Sky..........no.

As for Tracy I think we are going to have to wait and see. Patience is not one of my best virtues but I hold on to the hope that something good is going to come out of Laura's awakening story line. But for now Tracy is here and Skye and Laura are not, so lets keep our fingers crossed that JE signs a new contract and see how this all plays out. :P

This is a bit OT:

But has anybody else noticed that last week when Tracy had her "talk" with Lulu last Thursday, that it is still the same day today? It has been a week in real time but still the same day in GH time. And that the only person who got to change her clothes is Carly, and Alexis had her surgey and got her results in about two hours? WEIRD :huh:

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Preach it nex ! :)

ABout what I'd like to see on the site: I'm not computer literate so I don't know what all we *could* put on it.

A fic section

A message board section.

A vid section

A clips section

A section where we could share banners and such? I don't know.

A "Personal" section about the goings on in JE's life if we can

I don't know.....other ideas anyone?

spoiler talk

The good thing is in SOW that Guza says Luke "used" to be in love with Skye.

As in "past tense."


And that he has grown to love Tracy. /As in "present."


Of course I don't trust Guza as far as I could throw him.

But it's something. LOL

spoiler talk over.

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TQ/JE Site Discussion:

I emailed Tracey and basically offered to help in whatever way I could. She is definitely looking for content ideas.

A fanart section would be nice--didn't someone paint a really striking picture of young Tracy? It would be a good catch-all for things like banners and icons, too.

I would also LOVE to see old magazine interviews, reviews, chat transcripts, etal. Things that let us see JE as much as we see TQ.

OT Discussion:

Tomorrow and Monday I will be on vacation. Yay. Unfortunately, my dreams of spending all day tomorrow in the computer lab while Fey is in class are dashed--I have to bring my car in for brake work. So I won't be lounging online all day like I planned--I'll save that for Monday. :)

SPOILER Discussion:



Oh, I will hate them and everything they're made of if they try to reinvigorate the Luke/Skye relationship, doubly if they do so without giving us at least a little LuNacy payoff. I will hate them and their stupid ass faces. (What would I do without Christopher Guest there to give me wonderful lines like "I hate them and their ass faces!" ?)

It's bad enough they're bringing back Laura, who imho is the only REAL competition Tracy should have. But losing Luke to Skye, who is just a dime-store version of Tracy anyway (who mentioned they made RC watch HOURS of TQ footage to give her an idea of what they wanted from Skye?).....



No TQ today? <_<

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This fake television commercial keeps playing in my head--endless loop--constant replay--

V.O.: Next week, on General Hospital:

{Image of Luke and Tracy fighting.}

TRACY: I want a divorce!

LUKE: Fine!


V.O.: The Marriage from Hell gets a whole lot hotter....

{Image of Luke and Tracy, passionately kissing, ripping off each other's clothes in a frantic effort to reach a convenient flat surface.}

V.O.: Will their passion be enough....

{Image of Luke and Tracy in bed; Luke is kissing the top of her head.}

LUKE: Don't leave me, Spanky.

V.O.: To survive the ultimate test?

{Image of Laura, coming out of her rutabaga state.}

V.O.: Weekdays, on General Hospital.

{Final image of Edward, looking nauseous.}

EDWARD: That's disgusting.

End of Commercial.

Do I need to get out more?

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I don't think they will. :(

Maybe one short one.

Then he's off again apparently.


THis has just been a REALLY bad day.

I could have used a little Lacy stuff to brighten it.

Anyone up for the breakroom?

ETA I didn't watch yesterday but going by recaps...know what makes me saddest?

That apparently Luke took Tracy's trying to get him back as a sign that she was mad over the pregnancy. Instead of her being concerned.

Sad isn't it? :(

Maybe I'm PMS'ng.

I think I am.


STill.....it's kind of sad that he thinks so little of her.

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