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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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This is just a test. I repeat, just a test. :lol:

The board's having problems (we've known that), and I just want to see something really quick, LOL.

Oh, and Tracy ROCKS!

Edit: Hmm, okay. Page 133 is showing up now. Keith got the first post on this page, but for some reason, Page 133 wasn't showing up before. I don't know, LOL. Don't mind me. RL is making me crazy. Any chance of TQ today?

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I hope the board doesn't go down....everyone knows where SOC is right?

It's a free site...we could meet over there or somewhere else if the board goes down and *stays* down for more than a few days....but I *hope* it won't.

But seriously....what's going to happen this weekend that can't wait?


Yeah....I'll never understand the wasting of Jane and the rest of the Q's.

I'll never lose hope that it might change though.

And I enjoy Jane when I get to see her.....angst coming up ya'll....ANGST.

Viva La Diva!


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*waves to everyone*

Weekends are usually slow anyway, but if it ever comes down to it, we can "invade" this site. LOL. It's called Jane Elliot Online. Not too fond of the colors/main graphic, but that's not important. There's only 3 members (all of which haven't posted since December of 2004 :(). Also...There's no longer access to the old topics, so I don't know if you have to start a new one or what, but anyway...Just sharing. :)

ILTQ, at SOC, they're talking about Luke dumping Tracy when Laura comes back, and this one poster (who is going to be my new best friend, LOL) said something like, "Tracy is the one who should dump Luke." I was like, "Yeah!" :D






Dillon is shocked to learn that Lulu's considering an abortion and makes it clear he's against that. She tries to explain to him that she doesn't want to bring a child into the world who is unwanted, believing that Luke never wanted her. Dillon opens up to Tracy, who suggests a legal maneuver to could/would stall Lulu from having an abortion. Aww. Dillon is opening up to his Mommy. And legal maneuvers are so much better than "panic room" (think Ric/pregnant Carly) antics. Yay! Maybe this won't be so bad. Could it be Tracy is doing this all for Dillon? Please?

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MsQ, I have to say it again--I drool for your new banner. Really--it rocks the Casbah.

Let me guess--from the complete lack of squeeage on the board, I can safely assume no TQ on today's episode, right? Because, well, she had four or five scenes on Wednesday, which uses up her allotment through 2014. :(

re: the spoiler Luke/Laura somebody posted a page back. GRRR. Don't need spoiler space for that.

Do you guys realize that I've watched every single episode of the show this week--all the way through? I'm sorta freaked by that. Of course, with the exception of ff-ing through NEm, I'm sorta enjoying the show right now. It would be 10 gazillion times better with Tracy on it, but it doesn't suck as much as it has been sucking.

I still don't care about Nikolas, and Emily still makes me want to puke. But the Alexis storyline is great--NLG rules, ya'll. (I know somebody on the board hates her; sorry....love her, have loved her, will always love NLG! She makes the cutest Minbari EVA -- except for Mira Furlan -- but I digress.) The Lulu pregnancy storyline is also kind of interesting, even when TQ is not there. I like that they're being realistic about it, and the scene this week with Lulu telling Laura she didn't want another baby to be born to parents who didn't want it--like her parents didn't want her--ooh, right to the gut.

So. Not enough TQ, but not totally sucking either. I'd say, for GuzaCo, that's a pretty good week.

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*waves* I think I'm the only one who has ever really said I don't like NLG so you must mean me MinervaFan. And it's not that I haven't tried...but if someone doesn't impress me after twenty odd years of off and on seeing her performances...it ain't gonna happen. :)

But we agree on TQ/JE so it's all good.

I also agree once again about MsQ's banner. :)

I will be gone for most of the day tomorrow so unless I check in before I leave I won't be around this weekend anyway...:(

About Tracy dumping Luke or Luke dumping Tracy and the spoilers....

I have to admit I can't wait to see what happens. I doubt I'll be happy with JE's airtime but I know I'll be happy with her performance.

I have a feeling TG/JE are going to surprise even their fans....and I know they are going to BREAK me. Just break me. *sniff*

I also wish the Dillon/Tracy spoilers would be about Dillon opening up to her and I think they'll have a few good moments....but the backlash of "how dare they" has already started and has been going on for about a week now. It's only going to get worse in terms of what the audience says on the boards about them.

In case we forget: Spencers are Justified....Q's are evil.

But I ain't drikin' the KoolAid.

And is it just me.....does anyone else get the vibe that the writers may say Tracy had an abortion too?

Just a thought.

spoiiler talk over.

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You crack me up with the KoolAid comment. As for the vibe--she hasn't been on enough for me to get any vibes. I just think that her "uncharacteristically" open-minded behavior suggests that she's been there, done that. I mean, face it, her decision to have Dillon must have been terribly difficult for her. She was older than "normal" child-bearing age, she was in a disintegrating marriage with a man who hated her, and she had at best a tenuous relationship with her family. No matter what you think of Tracy, even she would think twice about bringing a baby into that situation. Personally, I think she's had an abortion...but that's just my own personal fanon. Tracy has enough of the Dark Goddess in her, the One who knows the time for life, and the time for death, that she could have made such a difficult decision for herself.

As for the How Could They's? Dudes, let me get this straight? An unwed, teenage mother considers the possibility of terminating a pregnancy, and you fly into a fit of righteous indignation? Where was the righteous indignation when everybody and their dog was cheating on his/her spouse this summer? Where was the righteous indignation when Luke was cheating on his wife? Where is the righteous indignation that the most sympathetically-written characters on the show are MURDERING CRIMINAL GANGSTERS? I mean, come on, get off the hypocrisy. Really....

*kicks toes in the dust, tries to calm down*

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MinervaFan, I might be interpreting your post incorrectly, but I think ILoveTracyQ is talking in terms of "How dare Dillon and Tracy try to encourage Lulu to have the baby."

ILoveTracyQ, we'll miss ya this weekend. Also...Anyone know when LaineyBev gets back from vacation/being out of town?






Lulu gets some insightful advice but will it be enough to get her to change her mind and keep her unborn baby? here is our girl, in the same outfit she wore when JI's Edward returned, and the same necklace she wore when she gave Lulu the advice. (Hello? Wardrobe? Need some variety, please.) Anyway, it's probably just me, but this screencap of her reminds me of a portrait of a late 18th/early 19th century woman...Well, maybe not that far back, LOL. Hopefully, you'll see what I mean. :lol:

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Oh. Okay, I did interpret that wrong. I don't know. I just think TQ's being unfairly maligned. Everything *I* saw in her scenes on Wednesday made me think she wanted Edward to back off and give the kids some space to make their own decision. And she basically told him the Q resources were at his disposal. This doesn't sound to me like a woman who's trying to force her will on anyone.

Edward, on the other hand, is being a dog.

Sorry I misinterpreted ILTQs post.

ETA: Shee-bop-a-loo-bop! WOWZA. MsQ, I don't know why, but I'm madly in love with the image you posted. You're right--she looks very English Lady of the Manor in it. I'm loving it for some unknown reason. Dayum, I am sooo glad my coworker's vacation is over and I can get back to a normal schedule. I'm too tired to write fanfic, and right when TQ is creeping back into the storylines.....

ETA2: Because one ETA is never enough--100 Situations has added two more prompt tables to their community. If anyone is interested in REALLY challenging their abilities to write fic, I strongly encourage them to join. Believe me, I'm on Prompt #25, and I'm really glad I joined. It's hard right now with the work/home situation, but I intend to meet this challenge and get my little banner! You don't have to post long stories--they can be very short pieces. Just 100 of them. ;) Anybody gonna join me in the insanity?

ETA3: NEW FIC at the ficathon. "The Monster on the Floor."

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MinervaFan Ms.Q is right...I was talking about the backlash of the

spoiler talk

Dillon/Tracy plot to force Lulu to have her baby.

I think it's just bad writing.

Tracy Q has a mind and she knows her mind and she rarely changes it..so it doesn't make sense that one minute she's basically hinting that the baby needs to be aborted, then saying Dillon and Lulu should make up their own minds....then saying next week that there may be a way to force Lulu to have the baby.

And I hope it's Tracy...NOT Carly...who gives Lulu the insightful advice. Maybe she tells her SHE had an abortion. I wish I could get pass that. LOL

As far as my stance....I'm pro-life..and unapologetic about it. Call it a "zygote" call it a baby..whatever. It's a life. Otherwise there would not be a needed process to stop the growth of that life.

The law is against me. And against people like Dillon who WANT the baby.

Why's he being selfish for wanting the baby..but Lulu's NOT being selfish for NOT wanting it?

I don't get that. And legally he can't "kidnap" her body and force her to get fat. And I understand why it's offensive to people who are pro choice.

I know *I* wouldn't want to be physically forced to do something I didn't want to do.

So even though I don't agree I see both sides.

*steps off soapbox*

And I am leaving later than expected...but I hope to check back in with ya'll Monday morning. Have a good weekend everyone !

Love the fic MinervaFan

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Wednesday~August 30th

Lulu tells Dillon how she feels about her pregnancy;

Dillon opposes the idea of terminating the pregnancy;

Tracy tells Dillon they could force Lulu to have the baby;

Thursday~August 31th

Tracy is worried about Lulu

Friday~September 01st

Edward plans to take legal action

Dudes, looks like we have the potential for a three-day Tracy week! That would be incredible, wouldn't it?


Dillon/Tracy plot to force Lulu to have her baby.

Oy. :rolleyes: Okay, that's just sad, and very contradictory to what they set. Sure, they could play it that "this is what Dillon wants" and Tracy wants to help Dillon do what he feels is right. But forcing someone to have a baby against their will is wrong.....

As for the pro-life/pro-choice issue, ILTQ, I'm completely on the opposite side. But that's okay--this is a LurveFest, and we can all have differing opinions and still co-exist peacefully.

As it applies to the Dillon-Lulu thing, I can see both sides. I think Dillon has a right to want the child he fathered to live, just as much as Lulu has the right to decide what to do with her body. I think it's unfair to say this is about "getting fat." Everything we've seen of Lulu has shown that her fears are not superficial--they're about being too young, about seeing her future dissolve, about not wanting to bring another unwanted child into the world. And I think Lulu is smart enough to realize that, since the baby's father is a Quartermaine, adoption is out of the question. Edward will not let his "heir" be adopted out of his clutches. (And wtf with that, anyway? Hello? Ned has a daughter---oh, wait, daughters aren't worth sh*t in Edward's eyes. A.J. had a son, but he's in the clutches of Carly and Sonny....)

Either way, Lulu knows that if she has the baby, she's either going to be forced to raise it, or it's going to become a Quartermaine with all that entails. Translation--her life is over. If she has an abortion, a tough decision yes, but a legal and viable one, she will lose Dillon forever. She will have to live her decision. But she'll at least have a chance at a life of her own making, whatever that is.

So, yeah, I can see why abortion would look like a plan to her. It would make the whole situation "go away," as she put it. And face it, Lulu is more like her father than she wants to admit. She would rather make things "go away" than deal with them in the long-run.

The writers have painted themselves into a pretty neat corner with this. In more skilled and capable hands, I could envision a very dramatic and complex storyline that examines both sides of a very controversial issue without villainizing either party. Personally, I don't think either side--pro-life or pro-choice--is populated by evil people. I think people have their own opinions and are very passionate about what they feel.

But we're not talking highly skilled writers here. The Qs are going to be the villains, taking the feudal approach and trying to force the poor peasant girl to bear the child the Second Son sired upon her. Her life will be forfeit for the sake of an heir, and Julie Marie Berman will walk home with a Daytime Emmy Award.

*sighing for lost potential*

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All right. Time out. LOL. You're all making me sad. *joins MinervaFan in sighing* Loved the fanfic, by the way. That last line was very powerful.

CABLE GUIDE SPOILERS (I've included all that might be relevant to TQ)





Monday: Lucky confronts Lulu about her pregnancy.

Tuesday: Lucky and Lulu argue.

Wednesday: Lulu tells Dillon how she feels about her pregnancy; Dillon opposes the idea of terminating the pregnancy; Tracy tells Dillon they could force Lulu to have the baby.

Thursday: Tracy is worried about Lulu.

Friday: Edward plans to take legal action.

I HATE the "force" word. HATE it. But...At least there will be 2 (maybe 3) days of TQ! :D

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I used to own pom-poms. I once had a baby-sitter who was a cheerleader, but anyway...LOL.

Interesting topic at SoapZone; kind of mimics the SOC one: "Has Tracy ever been 'the love of' anyone's life?" It's sad, but a good read.

Going off what we've been talking about, but if Ned had to be de-Q'd, so Skye could be Tracy's daughter, this is how it should play out.

And why do weekends have to be slow? :(

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