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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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coolkid, what Keith said. OTOH, she says naively, they could surprise us. I mean, think back to your worst nightmare of what they could have had Tracy do when she found out about Dillon and Lulu sleeping together--they didn't do that, did they? In fact, Tracy handled it incredibly well, considering. (Much better than I would have handled that situation.....)

Of course, put precious ELQ at risk, and all bets are off (Damn you, Guza, and your total lack of creativity). Tracy's got a history of doing really stupid things where that company is concerned, so who knows? And since Guza seems to see Tracy in only two modes (thank god he's not the only writer on the show): !@#$%^&*] or Comic Relief, we're in for a rough ride if he takes on this SL personally.

I really hate the whole stupid defective ELQ condoms SL...for even more reasons than you guys (and - cross your fingers - probably Guza) might have considered. He's talking about a "rash of unexpected pregnancies" in Port Charles. Well, of course Eddie and TQ are going to fear lawsuits.

But people also use condoms for protection not only against pregnancy, but from the spread of disease, up to and including HIV, as well. Hey, we've got April there--she's our Token HIV/AIDS patient. Let's say she got the disease from using a defective ELQ condom. We know April is toast, she'll be lucky to last through August. Let's say her family gets a really good lawyer, the vicious ambulance-chasing type, went for negligent homicide, and won. These people would OWN ELQ (and the Benleys and the Qmansion....). They could even conceivably push for jail time for the CEO (TQ) or the Chairman of the Board (ELQ).

Do you see how serious this stupid storyline is? Do you see why I hate Guza?

But hopefully, Guza has not thought this through fully. Hopefully Guza & Co will give this storyline the deep thought and the attention to detail they lavished on the Monkey Fever storyline (where the hospital staff never bothered to wear gloves or face masks in the face of an airborne epidemic.......) and we'll just have a bunch of marriages break up and maybe a touching scene between Sonny and "fill_in_the_blank."

Oh, and an Emmy nod for Natalia Livingston, who has absolutely nothing to do with anything, but is still employed for some unfathomable reason....

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Hey guys, I don't really have a lot of time today, I have to start a family portrait for a friend of mine.

I just wanted to drop in and say hi and thanks for the vid Ms. Q. I did see it on you tube but the author had taken it down and I was pretty sure it was on here at some point, so thanks for uploading it again!

ps... not to jump back a few weeks, but has anyone finished my movie by any chance? Not a big deal if you haven't, I was just curious.

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Nooooooo, coolkid, you must not allow yourself to be manipulated by Guza's evil ways. He wants you to luuuuuuuuurve Sonny. Sonny is good. Sonny is mighty. Sonny is all-knowing. *pukes* Heh. And take your time with fic. I don't want to sound as if I'm rushing you. :)

MinervaFan, I thought about that too. Well, I was thinking more in terms of Robin/Patrick, that if they used ELQ condoms, Patrick was exposed to HIV before he cut himself on the patient. But I hope you're right and Guza doesn't think things through. He probably got tired of populating PC via accidental pregnancies, and now he can say, "See! Look! These people were smart and used condoms. Not their fault they happened to be defective." Or something like that. *sigh* Don't why it needs to be blamed on ELQ though. And don't know why all of Port Charles uses ELQ condoms anyway.

You're welcome, knh. And sorry. Still haven't finished your movie.







According to AdBoy of SoapDish (he's usually reliable...had the dates of the blackout wrong, but eh...), Lulu's baby doesn't make it. I guess most of us had that figured out. So...Since ABC Daytime (owned by Disney) will not go through with an abortion SL, I see Quartermaine stairs in Lulu's future. Either that or a drugged up Lucky shoots his sister in the stomach.

There's also a spoiler that says Tracy doesn't want Lulu to get an abortion, although based on Wizard's, "The family wants her to carry the baby to term," we could have guessed that. I hate when spoilers repeat themselves. I just shared because there's not too much else to discuss.

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Hello peoples.

*pin drops*

Don't you just love the weekends!?

Spoiler talk thing






About Lulu losing the baby- Aw, I don't like her all that much but still gotta feel bad for her. But hopefully this'll call for some good scenes with Tracy and Dillon or Tracy and Lulu. Yeah I know, Dare to dream.

eta, pg 125!

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So, I have two queries.

On canvas, do you guys prefer dramatic or comedic Tracy?

In fanfiction, do you prefer angsty or playful Tracy? Better yet, do you prefer her in dramatic struggles for her independence and/or sanity or do you prefer her flirting with a spiky-haired nuisance over coffee?

I'm asking partly out of curiousity, partly out of a need to figure out which of my Tracys will go over better with the bunch of you. I'm not particulary funny, but I am angsty to levels of angstiness that are not healthy. I have made people cry. Everyone okay with that?

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Hey all not much to say right now.....

I hate that I have to get up and go to work in the morning. UGH.

Well I hope everyone had a good weekend.

Maybe we'll hear something this week in the mags about how Luke is supposed to come back?

And yay for TQ this week.

*hopes for really good, LONG scenes*


OOOh EEEKS....question spoiler/spec related that I really hope is true and actually I think it MIGHT BE:

About GH getting Joe Mascolo as Mikkos Cassadine: Yay or Nay to hooking him up with Tracy?

Jane worked with Joe when he played Nicholas VanBuren back in the late eighties and of course he was a bad guy but Mikkos could be brought back as slightly less bad than before if the writing were good enough.

What do you all think?

I mean I like the slightly nicer side of Tracy but I also fear TIIC taking away ALL of Tracy's claws.

Thank God Jane always plays it showing Tracy still has some fire and spit and attitude. But teaming her up with Joe as Mikkos.....*wipes away drool* Of course I'd rather have Thaao Penghlis as Victor( I can't get the "Solace" Victor/Tracy pairing out of my head...EVER) or maybe...drumroll...BOTH of them at the same time.

I hesitate though cause I wouldn't wish GaP's writing on two great actors such as them.

But hey JE turns their crap into gold. So could they I think.

spoiler talk over

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