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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Welcome to ChanelTalbot!

Regency, here is the olive scene. Credit to Shaurice.

knh, I'll see what I can do about the ZIP files. I have some of the clips you requested. Will try and upload them later.

ClinkBoom! Good to see you posting again. LOL about the curtains.

MinervaFan, thanks for your input.

Anyone think GH might have set up Skye/Luke the other day? Yeah, I know Laura's around for 4 weeks, but what about after that? Skye apparently told Robert to tell Luke her location if he asked. Hmm...I don't know. I could Skye being around to lend Luke emotional support. All this is assuming Tracy is completely out of the picture. :(

Per SZ...No Tracy. Lulu's on though. With Maxie. *sigh*

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Hey everyone!!! Sorry I didn't get the chance to post yesterday, plane rides really suck when you don't wanna go home! Anyways I don't have a lot of time just want to pop in and say hey and of course Tracy rrreeeeaaaaaalllllyyyyyy needs to be onscreen soon!!!

Be Back Later!!

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Yeah yeah I know I'm on my vacation but I lurked online to see if TQ was on today and saw the wubs stuff:


Lulu IS pregnant.

Or at least she takes a home pregnancy test that comes out positive.

She supposedly tells someone...Luke? By phone...and Georgie overhears.

*hugs all around because this is JUST what we all wanted.*


Hey if it gets Jane/Tracy airtime I don't mind so much.

But I just don't like Lulu.

I can tolerate her around Tracy but beyond that I want her to take a long walk off a short pier. Maybe it's the fact that she's Laura's spawn.

Minority opinion here but there it is.

spoiler talk over

No TQ today,which mean no need to tape.

Love you all and see you later. :)

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Hey to further answer MF- I'd like to see her in a variety of different roles, but usually I need dialogue and then I can say "oh yeah, i can see so-and-so in this". I would have loved to see her on West Wing. I am dying for her to guest on House (I love Hugh Laurie and they'd be histerically funny together, not to mention adorable and probably sexy too.) I'd like her on probably anything. I don't watch a lot of tv since I've been at school. Now that I'm home I get to watch a bit more, but since I have summer classes, I can still watch very little, so right now it's House and GH, so I don't really know what many more of the options are, though I'd like to see her on Law and Order again, a more regular role.

waves and a big hello to MF and Ms. Q

ps- I saw something in SD that said she is suppposed t be getting cozy with Robert, which will make for an interesting return from TG. paraphrasing, but still, that's what it said and it just came out, so maybe they just pushed some of the stories back. It's not like they are writing for a movie, they know it has to be 1 hour and they can't go over, so I don't know how they'd have scenes to cut. Maybe they are just changing the order of some to make them flow better and give others a break for a bit. Forever the optimist.

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Popping in really quickly...






SON has Lulu finding out she's pregnant next week, and Georgie accidentally finding out the following week. Nothing on Tracy. Hmm...She might not be onscreen 'til the end of August. :(

knh, can you link me to the newest SoapDish rumor? I went there, and the only recent Robert thing I can find is TIIC might be killing him off. :o As for the cutting scenes thing, Guza once said that he writes GH as a movie (or Pratt said it), so there's our answer to that. GaP are truly clueless.

Edit: Brace yourselves, my friends. Cindy R. spoiled that Lulu goes to SONNY for advice after she finds out she's pregnant. No words. Just no words.

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sorry, it wasn't in Soapdish, it was in Soap Opera Digest (which can still very well be wrong, but I'm crossing my fingers, I tend to see most of what they say is going to happen happen). I don't have the link, but here is the quote. it is under the REMOTE PATROL section:

"On the plus side, we can't get enough of Robert and Tracy, which means her marriage should get even more interesting when Luke come home. Throw in the news that Genie Francis' Laura (boo) will be returning in Octorber, and you've got the definition of must see tv!"

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hey, I was looking at old pages here, I don't really know why, and I saw this...

"A new family comes to town, the Thardners.

Mac Thardner is a powerful business man that comes to town and takes over ELQ. Watch for Tracy to fight head to head in a huge way with Mac. Now that Luke and Laura have reunited, Tracy does a nice thing for a change and accepts that. Tracy and Mac will get involve in a huge story. Mac's daughter, Nikki will become involve with Jax and his new baby. Nikki is a business woman, smart, strong, independent and real about who she is. Watch for Nikki and Jax to get a huge story. Helena has a past with the Thardners and she will be involve in their story in a big way. David Thardner is the black sheep of the family. David is an alcholic and he blames himself for his mother's death, watch for him to get involve with Liz as she wants to help him. This is a love story for Lucky and Liz."

now obviously the Jax and his new baby thing won't be happening as ... he has no baby!, so I'm wondering about the rest. this was from a while back so I don't know when these are supposed to play out, but as much as I don't want to break up Tracy and Luke, this seems like she'd get a huge story, and maybe a little romance. She deserves it and we deserve the scenes, we've been to devoted to watching for way to long to not get anything back from them.

does anyone have scenes from 2/17/04, 5/17/05, 6/9/05, 6/23/05, 6/27/05, 7/18/05, 7/19/05, 10/19/05

I think that's all, oh yeah, and the ones I asked a few posts back, but otherwise, I'm good for now.

sorry guys, I know i tend to ask for a lot of scenes. Thanks so much for always supplying them!!

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Thanks knh. I'm not expecting much *, but good for SOD for recognizing the Robert/Tracy goodness!

I am currently uploading 11/30/05, 4/6/06, and 4/12/06. Will edit them in when they're done. I don't have 5/17/04, 6/9/05, the last scene from 6/23/05, 6/27/05, 7/18/05 or 7/19/05. :(smirks might though.

And those spoilers? False. *sigh* It'd mean kind of decent material for JE. Can't have that...Yeah, I'm bitter.

* SOD (or SID?) once had a blurb about Tracy using Robert to make Luke jealous, and that hardly happened. That's why I'm not expecting much. ;)


11/30/05: Part 1, 11/30/05: Part 2, 11/30/05: Part 3, 4/6/06, and 4/12/06. Credit to Shazzer.

I also don't have 11/04/04.

*waves to knh, tracyluver, Regency*

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sorry, one more... 11/04/04

yeah, I didn't think there'd be much in that story line, it just seemed strange that they'd say there is a whole new family coming into the ipcture and have that be made up. Oh well

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Since we're asking for clips--could someone please post the recent scenes with Lulu and Tracy, where Tracy figures out what Lulu's done? Somehow, I rewound my tape incorrectly and taped over most of that last scene with Lulu. (Gawd, that's the last we've seen of Tracy. I'm so depressed.)

My boo-boo baby did the dishes for me tonight! (Yay!) So I have a little time to write. Let's see if I can get Young!Hawt!Tracy to cause some trouble at poor Ned's boarding school before I go to bed....

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Thanks so much, MsQ. Really inspiring. Oh my god, she is so angry in this scene, and yet really sexy. Extremely. There was a lot of hair flipping. I am a hair-flipping maniac. It is sex to me. It is sex on TracyQ. *melts* Wait, what was that...I hazard to call it music in the background. That was slow sex music.

Edit: Dude, page 114!

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I'm telling you--all those stupid pseudo-sex scenes in Boys' Night Out/Girls' Night Out did nothing at all. Tracy flicking those olives, one by one, had me stammering like a 13-year-old boy meeting a supermodel. She is the hawtness.

Dying from the lack of inspiration, boys and girls. Trying to write Hawt!Young!Bitter!Tracy and it feels forced. I'm having FicDrop--that letdown you get after you finish a particularly long and difficult story. Everything I write seems trite and artificial. Anyone willing to give me some beta work here? I could email you what I've got, because I have no perspective at all anymore. PM me if you're interested in helping.

I'm so depressed--I hate writers block.

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hey, I've got to work today and I have a paper to write later, but I'd love to help you out when I'm done. What do you need me to do? (new to this, I don't know what PM is or how I get you my email without it being posted)

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Still trudging around the Maarkham Islands, looking for Luke, Holly and Robert????

*kicks stupid GH*

ETA: Read the latest spoilers on GHSPOILZONE (LiveJournal). Pages of s**t with Maurice Bernard, a looooong interview with Scott Clifton and Julie Berman (no mention of Tracy, although they apparently mention everybody else! :(), but noooooo Tracy.

Hate them, and their a$$ faces. (Such a Guffman moment I'm having....)

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