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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Girl, go ahead--repost at your leisure. I just have very little patience for that "Luke & Laura--Greatest Love Story of the Century" crap. He was her rapist, for crying out loud. She was not as nice as he thinks she is, and he was not as heroic as people make him out to be.

At least Tracy can match him, evil for evil--the Former Rapist and the Queen of Attempted Patricide.

MinervaFan, Queen of Pie in the Sky Shipper Optimism.

BTW, will you PM me the text of your letter? I'd love to read it.

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Thanks for letting me borrow that MF. It WAS funny.

I also wanted to tell you...thanks for including Marco Dane and Alex Masters in your stories.

YOU,unlike TIIC...remember and respect character's histories,even if it's something you'd rather forget.

The "cellar" story,with Tracy and the lock pick set? Sooooo totally something Marco would have given her/taught her to do.

And you didn't even watch them,LOL.

Keith you are a riot. Just knowing you're hanging in with the rest of us Tracy lovers makes me smile.

tracyluver thanks for the positive words.

And we do need to think positive ya'll...cause there's no reason not to.

coolkid as soon as I can,I'll read your update. :)

And to anyone else I forgot or didn't mention.... :D *SMOOCHES* !

ETA I hate when I mess up the bold option. I meant to bold MinervaFan's name..not the whole post !

And I'll post a short recap of the letter later....it's nothing spectacular. Trust me. :)

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When I first started watching the show in January 2005, I was very aware of two things--I needed to write Tracy fanfic and I had better darned well learn the history, because the people reading my stories would know it. So I went on a rampage, finding every article, every bio, everything I could online about TracyQ. I asked my girlfriend, who has been a fan for years, and anybody who would answer questions. I don't feel right writing a character unless I know them, and TQ/JE had a 25 year head start on me.... I also know fans, and I knew that if I got things wrong, there would be some life-timer out there waiting to nail me to the cross for getting the canon wrong.

Fey often teases me about my level of obsessiveness when it comes to my fanfic--I trust you, if you check my hard drive, you'll find files on the FAA safety guidelines, tourist guides for Cork County, Ireland, detailed descriptions of riding togs, top 100 movies of 1955, 100 greatest disco hits--you name it, all gathered in the name of fanfic research. I wish, just for a while, that the people who get paid to do what I do for love would take even half the time I've taken with the characters, to learn their histories, to get them right. And they have an added benefit I will never have--the actors themselves, who have lived with these characters for years. Personally, I don't expect every fanfic writer to do the kind of research I do--it's something I do because of my perfectionism and natural curiosity about the world.

But I would HOPE that people getting paid to be professional writers would at least *pretend* to care.

BTW, I'm almost afraid to ask--any Tracy today?

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MinervaFan? Still brilliant! *claps*

ILoveTracyQ, I knew you'd like that. :D BTW, I see you changed your name on SoapZone. I'm assuming it's a reference to DAYS. I don't watch, but that's what I gathered from other posts. And LOL to your comment there about one of the magazines picking it up. That'd be great.

Edit: *waves to MinervaFan* According to SZ recaps...No TQ. *sigh* But Dillon mentioned AJ, and that's kind of neat. Work with me. I'm trying to lighten the mood here. LOL.







Regarding SOD: Gotta love how the Q's are all clumped together and at the bottom of the previews. [/sarcasm] You know what, though? It's okay. Because in SID, Guza mentioned our girl by name, so maybe that means something.

From SoapDish: JE will finish filming in October. GH asked her to remain on the show in a recurring capacity, but she turned them down. (Probably more so speculation than anything since her contract's up and GF is returning, but if true? I'm SO glad she walked away completely. I'd rather that happen that see her even less than we see her now.) How am I doing with the whole "being positive" thing? ;)

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*waves to all*

of course no Tracy today you silly silly people.

No one to prop,no Tracy.

Yes my new SZ moniker refers to DOOL.

Kinda thinking about writing Ken Corday to see if he has room for Jane.

The SD thing?

Doubt any major decision like that has been made yet,I think they're all waiting with baited breath to see how GF's return pans out.

Thing is,even if JE doesn't re-sign,I think they'll ask her to extend her contract until they can play out her exit story,like she did back in 93.

Because there's too much going on,what with Skye probably giving birth,Laura coming back....there won't be room for a Tracy exit story.

My guess is almost all of November sweeps will be all 90% about the Spencers. At least,those that count. Our girl apparently isn't a SPencer,according to most L/L fans.


See....I'm smiling.


And now I'm not.

Question: how do you think GF's return(and I'm sure they already knew she'd be back,when they wrote this week's shows(including tomorrow's) will affect the spoilers,especially those relating to Tracy?

Will they change?

Stay the same?

Increase,or decrease,in importance?

No change at all?

Whatchoo think,people?? :P

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*waves to Kenna*

Keith would that just be the awesomest?

I'd love JE back on DOOL,as a new character,she played Jack's step mom Anjelica back in the day.

They might not give her front burner stuff very often if at all,but I think they'd use her,and they'd more importantly,RESPECT HER.

I'm writing Corday....just gotta think of a strong letter.

Hey everyone list what you like best about Jane.

I'll add that in !

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ILoveTracyQ, what kind of exit SL do you have in mind? I'm unfortunately convinced that GH is going to ruin Tracy with this one. *waits to see recap of your, I'm sure, fabulous letter*

You just had to bring this up, didn't you? :P







The Luke/Tracy conversation: Yeah, bet this scene was written because of GF's return.

Motherhood spoiler: Eh...With Mama Laura returning, Evil Step Mama Tracy is going to have take a back seat. Yes, Laura's not returning until after the summer, but I'm sure Tracy's role won't be as important as planned (and really, it couldn't have been that important to begin with, LOL).

Lorenzo/Tracy: I'm intrigued, but I can't see this being for than a couple scenes in the first place. My guess? No change.

Week of July 3rd: Could GH have know about GF? If yes, I vote "no change." If not, decline in importance with a large possiblity of cut scenes. *cries*

Tossing this out there: Anyone think the plan was Robert/Tracy this summer until FH decided to return


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:wub:**Hugs to Everyone** :wub:

Let's all take a deep breath and calm down.

All this negativity is not good :(

We need to think positive, Jane isn't gone yet so we need to stop acting like she is. We still have a good five months until her contract is up!! So until we get factual evidence that she is leaving the show come this November we should be happy that she is on. :D I know it is hard to do but things could turn around for her this summer. Guza did mention her (by name) in the summer spoilers and thats good news since he could have easily left her name out.

I think we also need to start a letter writing campaign to all the soap magazines!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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nex is here! You know what? We should write the magazines. I remember she got a mention in the "Speak Out" section in Soaps In Depth before: "Fans praised Jane Elliot's ability to effortlessly segue between comedy and drama" (had to go find the mag to get the exact quote, LOL). Now, I while agree, I certainly didn't take the time out to write that, and no one here ever confessed, LOL, so there are other people are out there. ;)

Also...In another issue, once again in the "Speak Out" section, there's a bit about the unexpected Luke/Tracy marriage and how it turned out to be a pleasant surprise that's keeping viewers in stitches. *reflects* Aww...I loved my Lacy.

Edit: Sorry this took so long to post. My Internet decided to die (for the 4th time this afternoon/evening). *cries for a moment* Eh, it only went out for 5 minutes this time, so it's all good.

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Hehehe tracyluver I do that all the time when I get bored. Its long but I like it!

::takes deep breath, places pillow in face, screams loudly and then wines:: I don't waaaant Laura to come back even for a little while! I don't don't don't (no offense to those who are fans of hers)! I reeeaaalllyy don't want JE to leave either! I'm on my monthly (which was due next week), I'm babysitting an 8 yr old a 4 yr old and a 1 yr old, I'm having writer's block, and Jane/Tracy coming tomorrow is the only thing keeping me from killing someone!

Now how's that for positive!?!?

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ok fine i will fold. i was going to wait until i could be at the top off the 100th page to win that appiance lol. but you guys are to convincing. i love how you are such a close knit group. now ur tracy love is uberly more grande than mine. but i still love her and think she is by far the best actress on the show, so at least i can get brownie points form you guys lol. i don't watch GH anymore because the people who shan't be named are ruining the show. on that note i plan to post more regularly and

long live QUEEN TRACY

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