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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Squeeing with much happiness over the feedback from Ms.Q! Speaking of fanfic, I just finished part one of the Tracy/Alice femslash story. It's 18 pages long, completely from Alice's POV, and ends with them in bed together. Part Two will start up from "the morning after," completely from Tracy's POV. I'm hoping that, after reading this story, even some of the folks on this thread will like Alice. I know that, 18 pages later, I'm totally falling in love with her..... :)

ETA: Page 85!!!!! (singing) I'm getting the breadmaker, I'm getting the breadmaker!! (/singing) Oh, wait...that's not till page 100.....

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Well, aren't I Little Miss Productivity today? Two short fics, finished Chapter One of Here's to You, Sister Suffragette, and made an Ickle LuNacy Vid! Yup, finally got around to doing a vid to Billie Holiday's "Them There Eyes." It's tiny--only about 5 megs--so the download time should be fairly quick. Feedback, as always, is met with utter adoration and gratitude!

ETA: Did another prompt.

Prompt #6: Hot Chili Diablo: Luke tries to sell Tracy on a money-making scheme for the Haunted Star. Pure LuNacy Fluff ™.

ETA: Spoilers for this week



look pretty gruesome on the LuNacy front. The only remotely close thing is "Luke warns Lulu to stay away from Helena." (Wow. That was a spoiler? What's the spoiler for next week? Tracy warns Dillon to stay away from poisonous gas leaks?) Of course, there is also the death tomorrow for Justus. Please, gods, amidst the angst, let TQ be TQ and make at least a cursory stab at regaining her position at ELQ! It's horrible, callous, and opportunistic, but it would be SUCH a Tracy thing to do....

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MinervaFan I liked your stories.

The Tracy/Alan one....more,please. I love them.

How I love my Tracy. *sigh*

And no....I'll never be a convert. There's no way I'll ever like Alice,she just annoys me to no end and I don't find her funny.

Sorry. :(

Maybe she'll be on today,isn't today the day the Q's find out about Justus?

Question: spoiler related:

If the "Motherhood" spoiler is Lulu related,you think the plot bunny about Tracy sacrificing herself for Lulu,either deliberately or accidentally,will come to pass?

What if anything would you like the spoiler to be about?

I'd rather the motherhood thing be Helena getting mad because Tracy steps in to defend Lulu from Helena,but Helena hurts or tries to hurt Ned or Dillon instead.

I want it to be about her OWN children.

But hey I'll take what I can get,especially since the chance of it being about Ned are slim to none.

spoiler talk over

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*sigh* It's so dead in here.

According to SZ recaps...No TQ so far, but surprise! Bobbie is apparently throwing a party for the kid her daughter kidnapped! And Lesley Webber is still alive. ;) Err...Topic? I guess the Q's might find out at the end of the episode.

MinervaFan, the latest fanfic is so much fun! I loved it.

An observation, LOL: Watched some TQ scenes last night, and GH soooo needs to give Luke and co. fresh dialogue. The phrase "What is that I hear? Oh, sour grapes," came up 3 times. And I lost track of the "You're doing this to make so and so jealous." All right. I guess both phrases haven't been mentioned that recently, but still...






Re: The Motherhood Spoiler: Yeah, I can't see it being about Ned/Dillon. It has to be Lulu, and if our girl sacrifices herself and ends up in a coma (offscreen) all summer and into fall, oohhhhhhhhh... I don't see that happening though, so that's good. :) I'm just hoping JE gets decent material. *crosses fingers and toes*

MinervaFan, Justus doesn't have control of ELQ, but after things settle, she might go after his assets. I'd rather she acknowledge him as a true Quartermaine. *laughs at self* Yeah, like we're going to get scenes of the Q's during all of this. You know, it has to be all about Jason and Sonny.

Re: Emma Samms's return: So...Luke leaves with Holly, eh? Any speculation? Love my Lacy (sans the humilation), but perhaps it's time Tracy divorces his useless, drunken butt. She has grounds for abandoment, does she not?

Rumor that floated around SoapDish for a night: Someone "heard" that Skye delivers the eulogy at Justus's memorial. He/she wondered if Skye was the designated Q eulogy giver or what, LOL. I don't expect Tracy to get up and say anything, but I think Edward is a better choice than Skye. There's also a rumor that Luke expresses his condolences to Edward (despite the whole Justus/Laura trial fiasco).

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Thank you very much, MsQ, for depressing the heck out of me.

As for Tracy acknowleging Justus, I hope it doesn't happen. Why? Because Edward would smack her for it, emotionally. She'd do the right thing, and get slapped for it by her cruel and bitter father. *misses Lila so much, even though she was dead long before I started watching*

I'm starting to agree with you on Tracy dumping Luke's drunken butt, even if I do have a tendency to get them horizontal in my fanfic. He's pulled so much on her, and because this is a humorous storyline, and not a dramatic one, she puts up with it. I mean, really--Mitch Williams and Paul Hornsby treated her like dirt, but at least she got mad, got hurt, got even! Because this is "comedy," TIIC have TQ just roll over and take it, which is not like her at all.

Oh, btw, watching the clip of TQ asking Sonny for a loan back in 1996 just about broke my heart--I want our girl to come out on top, REALLY on top, just once before the character is killed off, written off, married off, sloughed off--just once!!

BTW, thanks for the lovely feedback you guys have been giving me on 100 Situations. Chili Diablo was pure goof-off on my part--I just didn't want to go the "hot = sex" route, and I didn't want to work hard enough to do "hot = stolen" or "hot = popular." So chili entered the mix, and My Inner Luke (drunken butt head) *STILL* made it about trying to get laid....that pervy horndog....

Next prompt is "Friend," and I'm thinking Monica and Tracy.....

Maybe TQ tomorrow? No boom. Tracy!

ETA: *WAVES TO ILoveTracyQ!!!!!

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I miss my girl.

Um yeah you know Justus's death will be all about Sonny/Jason,and maybe Lorenzo/Diego.


spoiler talk

I hadn't thought about the coma thing.


They may do it.

I can see nothing physically happening to our girl at first,..but Helena being very mad that Tracy is thwarting yet another plot of hers,and THEN going after Ned/Dillon/Lulu or Tracy herself.

I can see Luke offering condolences to the Q's...he and Justus were friends once.

I can also see the old "Edward goes off on Tracy in front of Luke" thing happening because I can see Edward taking his grief out on her first and foremost.

I can see Edward saying something to her like," Justus was worth ten of you."

BUT that would mean the writers give the Q's actual real angst and drama....very iffy indeed.

Bah humbug on Holly.



I just don't get it....all I see is,one more reason NOT to progress Lacy in any way,shape or form.


And the eulogy thing....I doubt it's Skye.

She'll probably be on her way out of town,and I think Edward is going to be sufficiently mad enough to give a good ranting at the memorial service.

spoiler talk over

*waves back to MinervaFan*

So peeps...yes Luke is a dog,but I'll probably hope until the very end (of JE's or TG's or both's contracts)that Lacy will be given a fighting chance.

Yeah he's awful,but in a way that just proves she's his match,LOL.

But the ***** thing at the end of June....not making me happy.

Not at all.

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*pops in*

I doubt TPTB intend on moving Lacy forward. It should've happened months ago.






This is too strange. I thought the exact thing on the car ride to work this morning, LOL, but that spoiler came out 3 months ago, didn't it? So if true, I bet someone just got lucky. :lol: Anyone see the made-up spoilers at SoapDish? On Friday, June 23rd, Luke and Tracy argue. Heh. You know, if Luke and Tracy are actually on, that spoiler might actually be accurate. ;)

*pops out*

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I couldn't figure out for the life of me who you meant by Bobbie's daughter, knowing full well that Carly is her daughter. Don't ask me how. :rolleyes:

Hmm. I think Tracys too busy in fics these days to be on the show? -bad joke-

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Edit: Getting all sentimental again, but you guys are great. Just spent some time on another board and had to "agree to disagree" about JE's ability when it comes to drama.







From TVGuide


Hmmmm, looks like someone's been watching "Cruel Intentions." The teen set gets nasty on General Hospital when Lulu and Diego decide to destroy Georgie and Dillon's new marriage. "Lulu lies and says she saw Diego having sex with Georgie, and Dillon is so hurt he sleeps with Lulu," says a GH rep. "He ends up having real feelings for her." All hell breaks loose in mid-July, when Lulu admits it's all been a game. But that's nothing compared to the explosion due this fall when Luke Spencer returns to Port Charles and finds that his little Lulu ain't a virgin no more!

Oy. Wonder if this deals with the motherhood spoiler...

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spoiler talk

First Ms.Q I forgot to say earlier,your comment about the coma....I have also thought the same thing. It would be a cheap easy way to "write her off" until TG gets back,but I'm starting to wonder if TG being around even makes a difference in JE's airtime.

Let's face it,JE's airtime all last year and even this year when he's been around,has been sporadic.

About the baby,I honestly doubt they'd have Nik with a baby AND Lulu,within months of each other.

I can't see Tracy taking care of the baby even if she had it,it'd take nine months for it to get here,and Guza's comment was "slammed"(to me this means something dramatic but IMMEDIATE) back into "motherhood"(how is being a GRANDMA motherhood?) in a BIG way.

SID also said(I lurked at the counter at WalMart) that those left behind would have a big story while TG is gone.

Now of course the "big" adventure last fall lasted three days,so who knows?

I doubt Lulu gets pregnant,but I bet it causes some friction at the Q's,(between all of the four...Dillon,Lulu,Tracy,Luke).

TG is supposed to be on air until early July,come back for two weeks,(the SID blurb said he'd be needed,my guess is Lulu is kidnapped by Helena), and then leave again and come back late September(not sure if late September is his return airdate or return to tape).

spoiler talk over

And WOO ! this was a long post.

I hate that it might be all about the teens, but if it gets JE airtime,I'm all for it. I guess. :) LOL

And what board were you debating on,Ms.Q?


SOC? Nah,couldn't be,right? LOL

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