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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I adored the TraLu scenes during the vow renewal episodes. I could go for more of that...

And OT, but yay me! I figured out that EOM means: End of Message. I've seen it at SZ, and it's been bugging me, LOL.

*crosses fingers* I hope the thread doesn't get slooooooow over the weekend. This might sound pathetic, but I so LOVE it here. :wub:

Edit #1: So I'm bored and searching stuff...and came across this: Jane Elliot, who plays Dr. Tracy Quartermine on the show... That'd be fun to see. :lol: And "Quartermaine" is spelled wrong. Who was supposed to edit this?

Edit #2: I'm sure some of us have seen this before, but I'm not sure if MinervaFan has, and I know she'll love it. It's a JE interview from December 1998 (scroll down about three quarters). Very extensive. Includes stuff about GH/The City, being a mom, acting in general, soaps in general, producing...lots of good stuff. :D It's funny...When you read interviews from then and now, it's obvious she's changed her mind about some things (living in LA vs. NYC, recasting on soaps, indulging in fantasy SLs)...7 and a half years is a long time though.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I caught that, too. *scratches head in confusion* So, dude, if you'd go to all those lengths to get her back on the show, why won't you use her now that you've got her?

Prompt #3 - Sunrise for the 100 Situations challenge has been posted at the TQ Ficathon. LuNacy, not smutty at all. ;) Set during the Monkey Fever SL.

ETA: Jenn Billingsley has Vol. 2 of the Luke/Tracy edit tapes for sale. We've bought a few of the edit tapes from her, and she's very reliable. The edit tapes are great except they're created in Palladium, which for some reason kills any attempts to use the clips in WMM. Of course, if you're just looking to watch (and not make vids), these tapes are wonderful.

ETA2: I hope Kenna doesn't mind me posting one of her links, but after watching this clip last night, I had to share. I call it Yet Another Reason to Despise Sonny Corinthos - 1996 (and I used to like him...really...) It pains me, enrages me, to see Our Girl reduced to this.... (Kenna didn't say who to credit the video with, so I'll just credit her for sending it to me.)

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Well, another comment in the interview got me, her saying she'd prefer a smaller role that paid her a lot than a big role. That has me curious if she even cares how much she works, as long as the paycheck is there for her family. Interesting, to say the least. Of course, this is an old interview, so things could easily have changed...

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MinervaFan, loved, loved, loved "Heartless." *claps*

Re: Guza's comment: Heh. I noticed that too. I guess it doesn't matter to him if JE is utilized or not. He still has her. *sigh*

Re: Small role vs. big role: Hmm...Interesting. I didn't give it much thought 'til Keith pointed it out. And then I realized...Upon her return, she gave an interview where she pretty much stated she didn't want to play wallpaper. Something like..."You don't bring a 56 year-old woman and have her play wallpaper. You better give her something to do. Otherwise, why hire her?" Sounds like she meant business. ;) Anyway, from that, I'm assuming she would prefer a bigger role and that things have changed. :)

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JE: smaller role vs. larger role. I think it's probably part the producers and part JE that she works so little. At this point in her career, when she's pretty much reached "venerable" stage, I'm pretty sure she can negotiate a very good salary. (She strikes me as someone who is financially savvy, probably through hard experience.)

I'm also sure that she likes having the freedom to spend time with her daughter (who I guess is in high school around now). She was pretty adamant about raising her kids on the East Coast, so perhaps she maintains homes in both places, and having a flexible schedule allows her to film in SoCal and still keep her kid in school back East. All speculation, of course, from what I've read.

Thanks for the feedback on "Heartless." Prompt #4 (Late) s going to be a Tracy-Dillon story, set between The City and her return to GH.

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Bumping to say liked the story MinervaFan.

Also to say JE has one 23 year old son who is in art school in California I think,and her daughter is still at home,only 16,so she's got a few more years of school.

ETA as far as I know,Annie Rose lives in Ca with her mom and goes to school there.

spoiler talk

Well I guess it wasn't a typo,although I had heard nothing about ES coming back this soon,only that she wanted to again.

I don't see the point. Neither one of those ladies raised ratings,in fact FH's return week the ratings dropped.

Oh,joy. :) And in keeping with the positive theme I'll leave it at that.

I can at least say the ratings went from 3.1 to 3.6 JE's return week in November 2003.




spoiler talk over

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Yay! I didn't expect ILoveTracyQ to be on this weekend! :D (Am I being all positive or what? LOL.) It really is nice to have you posting though. *smiles*

I'm also going to assume all of them are in California. JE's son and Scott Clifton even used to be in the same acting class until he (her son) decided to pursue a career in the arts.

And yep...JE brought the ratings up, up, up. Helloooo...Put TQ in some promos or something. I'm tired of the same old, same old:

[announcer voice]

This week on General Hospital, Sonny's erratic behavior...


(insert clip of Sonny pushing over a table)


[announcer voice]

...shocks Emily.


(insert clip of Emily with hands over her face)


[announcer voice]

And it will ALSO shock you! No, it's not a movie. It's General Hospital. You can't miss it!


I am so done, LOL. I'll be at a wedding tonight, so I won't be on. See ya (err...Post with ya?) tomorrow. :D

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I've updated my 100 Situations table. Prompts 4 & 5 have been posted.

Prompt #4: Late: Whatever the Sacrifice: set between The City and TQ's return in 1996. Dillon is missing, and Tracy fears her mafia connections have a part in it. ETA: Fey thought this story was a bit OOC--that Tracy went a little overboard with worry. I personally think, given how much these guys hate her, that she was perfectly justified in worrying. YMMV.

Prompt #5: Son: Master Plan: Past!fic. Young Tracy and Alan discuss career plans.

Feedback, of course, of the good and not so good variety, is always welcomed.

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MinervaFan, the latest 2 stories? Just incredible. So beautiful...So much goodness. And the fact that these stem from a single word prompt is amazing.


Re: "No Matter the Sacrifice"

Didn't seem OOC to me. Dillon's her son, her baby, and since she thought the mafia had something to do with his disappearance, I see no reason for her not to be consumed with fear.

Other comments: Adding "Eastern Standard Time" after the 4:58pm and the 5:10pm is a neat idea. It adds something to the fanfic...I don't have the right word though, LOL. Loved the line "one of those obvious, stupid things that men said." No offense, Keith. :lol: Also loved the paragraph that begins, "What kind of life was she giving him?"


Re: "Master Plan"

Aww, this starts off too cute..."In other words, her dear brother knew nothing at all about life" and "It didn't hurt that she'd accidentally on purpose brought last year's suit, which was just a little too small, which pushed her in at all the right places and pushed her out at all the better places," and Alan referring to her as "Princess Tracy." Oh, and the talk of "Daddy" disinherting Alan had me laughing out loud.

And, aww...Poor Tracy. Her "Master Plan" all mapped out, but all going to hell. :( And the code line got to me too..That her father loved her, in his own way, which was code she knew for not at all as well as the "I'd better get changed."


I can't wait until ILoveTracyQ reads these. She's going to love them so much.

OT, but while I adore wireless connection, I hate that it just "goes out" for no apparent reason at important times...say like when I'm in the middle of a post, and when I try to Preview or Add Reply, it doesn't work. <_<

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