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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey, nex4ever, great idea, i'd lurve to see it in a fic. One problem, lets just hope tiic don't make her DIE and stay dead! I'd give anything for a good tracy near-death scene but it seems like that would be the only push they need to, well, push tracy out. Besdies, that makes sense (ur scenerio) so it'll prolly never happen :) we are deling with GaP here.

I can't WAIT until fourth period to read the next chapters of Second Chances (which, incidentally, is the name of another one of my fav fics, this one about my beloved Emily Gilmore) and the next chapter of the half have'nt been told. I'm so excited :D:D ( i really need a life, like, seriously)

Oh, minerva i meant to tell you before but i 4got how much i LURVE the song "History Repeating'. I love the vid too. simple but nice!

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Yeah....it's pretty much a waste for me to watch live.

If I don't know Tracy's on,I don't bother.

I honestly,no joke,cringe at the thought of sitting through the show waiting to see who's on.

Just give me live recaps.

If TQ is on,I tape off SN later that night,or the next day/weekend,and then I watch my tape.

But watching live?

I can't do it.


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So sorry MsQ, I love your video :) And I love the song!

MinervFan go ahead and use the idea of a Helena-Tracy-Luke-Lulu storyling. If I had the talent I would do it but I tend to over-analyze everything, I can see it in my head but I just can't put it on paper! :rolleyes: I also liked you mvid History Repeating!

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I'm loving everyone's fanfic's! They're all wonderful! *hoping for TQ tomorrow*. It's terrible that she can't get her own storyline....but who knows maybe the whole Luke/Robert/Tracy thing will play out....but I doubt it. I agree with ILoveTracyQ, Jane needs something like that to give her some recognition, and then maybe they'll give her better things to work with. MinervaFan, I can't wait to read your story! *hoping for TQ,again*.

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nex4eva, you KILL me! Ever since I read that plot bunny about Helena shooting Tracy, it's all I've been thinking about. I've got two stories in the hopper, and I'm basically pushing them to the side to obsess on what would happen if Helena shot Tracy Q! (Oh, I WILL get that Tracy & Ned Trapped Together story finished. I will, I tells ya!) You guys do realize that Tracy has taken over my fannish life completely, don't you? Check my personal masterlist--I used to write in a variety of fandoms. Now? Tracy, Tracy, Tracy. I don't even *watch* other stuff. I have no time anymore.) Oh, the agonies of obsession.

...and I'm telling you, when I write Tracy near-death, I'm gonna make her LOOK like she's near death, unlike the Idiots in Charge who let Kelly Monaco go out and get a freakin' tan! (Oh, and dudes? Brain surgery? They shave your head. Maybe not completely, but judging from where the bandages were, Sam should have had a nice little buzz cut, instead of that glorious movie star mane!) But i totally digress...

Is there *any* Tracy on today? I mean, it's her son's birthday. She doesn't remember it, but maybe they might invite her to his party (an SL they apparently dropped yesterday completely.) So, she's an Aries and he's a Gemini. That explains...SOOOOOO...much, astrologically, about their relationship. I'm willing to bet Ned is a Capricorn or a Taurus, which would also explain a lot. Anybody out there happen to know a character birthday for Ned?

Toddles off to go back to work, now that I've had my break.

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*sigh* I hate when I accidentally erase my whole post.

I'm not a big fan of Tracy getting shot over IT.

Yeah,I went there.

I despise Lulu THAT much.

I'd make it Tracy getting shot over Edward,Dillon,Ned,Alan,heck even Skye and her baby over LOO-LOO.


Although,I did have a plot bunny in my head that Tracy steps in (this was back when I didn't totally hate Lulu and thought she and Tracy would rock as friends) when Helena tried to kidnap Lulu,only to have Tracy help Lulu escape and get kidnapped herself.

Not shot over the little heifer.

Just temporarily detained. LOL

If she were going to get shot protecting someone,yeah I'd rather it were her sons or husband.

Now her protecting LUKE I'd love that.

I soooo want JE to have those Emmy scenes.

She was on FIVE minutes last week. None so far this week.

She's being wasted,and it's a crying shame.


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nex4evr, thanks for the feedback, and I'd love to see your video. And great idea for a SL. MinervaFan, can't wait to see where you go with it. Also...greatly anticipating the Ned/Tracy fanfic. From recaps: No TQ today, and I didn't even remember Dillon's birthday.

tracyluver, I agree. We need near death TQ scenes. And as you mentioned, no actual death of course. Well, in soaps, most characters aren't dead forever. Psst, AJ. This means you. Any time you want to come back to life and wreak havoc would be great. And can you bring Faith with you?

MarlandRulez, I love the combined title, Life in General. It amuses me. :lol:

ILoveTracyQ, oh, I hate that too, especially long posts. I'm like "Nooooooooo!" LOL. Emmy nom, huh? I'm thinking the Feb. Sweeps scenes are as close as we're going to get. And while I'm on the subject of the Emmys, the process is so ridiculous...In a cast FULL of supporting actresses, let's choose 2. Riiiiiight. I'm guessing KMc and NL, unless KMo goes for supporting, instead of lead. *thinks* Is GH really full of supporting actresses though? LC and JZ are wall-paper. RC counts, but she hasn't been given much to do. There's BH...Who am I missing?...And you know what ticks me off? JE is TG's leading actress, at least for the time being, yet she's not a lead. Figure that one out. *sigh*

A little DYK thingambob: Came across this yesterday. Apparently, when RC joined GH, TIIC sat her down and had her watch endless edits tapes of JE as Tracy (how lucky is RC? I could watch Tracy forever, LOL) in order to refine the character of Skye. Skye was so much more fun before she turned sickenly sweet (all right, so she's not sickenly sweet when it comes to Tracy). Don't hate me ILoveTracyQ, but if we get the old Skye back, I want her and Tracy to team up and cause some trouble...this of course right after she finds out that Tracy is her mother. :P *runs away*






The giant pics aren't up, but here are the teeny ones of Luke/Coleman and Luke/Tracy. And yay for the fun spring colors JE has on...And other than the colors, I have nothing nice to post about that wardrobe. These scenes air this week, by the way.

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Who wants to guess at JE's airtime this week?

More than five minutes?

Less than five?

Or five.right.on.the.dot.



S'anyway Ms.Q,are we going to get any outside views of people NOT in the elevator?

I'd love to see Luke and Sam waiting on Jason and Tracy,having their own little conversation.

Lovin' the story though.

It's sooo...don't take this the wrong way,but CUTE.



I'm outta here.

I've been at work 12 hours.

Time to go home.

Me tired.

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Less than 5 minutes. ;) I hope not, though.

ILoveTracyQ, I thought about that, but I want to focus on the "Jason/Tracy are trapped together" aspect since that's what the challenge is about (although I'm sure going beyond wouldn't be a problem, LOL). I just don't want it to get very long, and if I start Sam/Luke scenes, that might happen. Either that or I'll have no idea what to write for them, and then I'll get frustrated and won't be able to finish in a reasonable amount of time, and that would be bad, LOL. "Cute" sounds good to me, by the way. And 12 HOURS?!? I hope you don't have to do that again tomorrow. Get some rest. :)

ENLARGED SPOILER PHOTOS (Speculation included...)





Luke/Coleman at the Haunted Star I wonder if Coleman is the person Luke hires to rob the Haunted Star.

Luke/Tracy at the Q's Looks like Luke doesn't want to hand over the $20 bill; and I can't believe our Lacy has been reduced to this crap. Maybe it'll play out better than I think.

Luke/Tracy at the Q's again Is Luke talking to Robert?

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ILoveTracyQ Knowing TIIC we will be lucky to get 5 mins :( I want her to have a story on her on and not have be with Luke to have a scene. I would think that TIIC would at least have Tracy help Dillion with his divorce, she's had her share of them. ;)B)
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Hey, MsQ, thanks for the pics! I love TQ's new outfit--she looks sooooo good in lighter things (rather than those gawdawful winter getups Tawny, I mean the wardrobe drones put her in. (Watched "Soapdish" this weekend, and every time Kathy Najimi put Sally Field in some hideous concoction, I thought about Jane Elliot and the fur collar from hell.)

Got a compression program today, and am having one more go at "For Good" before giving up completely. Trouble is--now, it looks horrible to me. So, anyway, wish me luck...

So much for luck - abandoing the video... for now.

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*waves to everyone*

Gonna try something new with this post…

Tracy Quartermaine: 2 Years Ago Today: May 31, 2004

In the episode before, Tracy has a run in with Courtney. She has proof that Courtney's foundation isn't legal. Tracy will ruin the foundation UNLESS Courtney gives up Jax.


Tracy: Look, sweets, you're playing way out of your league with me and with Jax. He needs a woman of substance, not a piece of trash who used to ride a pole in a strip club for dollar tips.

Courtney goes Kung-Fu Barbie on Tracy.


And Tracy ends up on the ground. :o


Look at her fight back! Go, Tracy, go! Oh, Jax...Why'd you have to stop her?


Afterwards, Tracy informs Courtney she'll hear from her lawyers.

Tracy Quartermaine: 1 Year Ago Today: May 31, 2005

In a prior episode, Tracy snapped a photo of Luke/Skye kissing. The photo proves adultery, and Tracy is going to use it to divorce Luke.

Tracy informs Luke that she called the judge:


Tracy: I've called the judge. He's on his way. And by morning, this ridiculous marriage will be on the garbage heap where it belongs. No more crass insults, no more ridiculous pet names.

Luke: Spunky-Wunky, you can't possibly mean that.

The judge arrives, and Tracy shows him the photo. Uh oh! It's not Luke/Skye kissing. It's Lorenzo/Skye. It's been photo-shopped:


Luke/Skye give our poor girl a hard time:


Tracy: They are both liars, Judge Lawrence. This is Luke's body. I would know it anywhere.

Luke: Well, of course you would because it belongs only to you.

Skye: There's a teeny, tiny bit of paranoid schizophrenia going on here. It comes, it goes.

Tracy: I am not mentally ill.

Luke: My dear, you know I've asked you to take your medication, but you won't listen. Now, if I have to call the doctor, you know how that sets you off...

Time to call Lorenzo Alcazar. Skye tells Luke Lorenzo is on business and won't be able to be contacted, but lo and behold...Tracy is awesome and gets the job done. Unfortunately, Lorenzo doesn't help matters:


Lorenzo: How dare you invade my privacy this way, sneaking around, take pictures of my most private moments!

Tracy: It isn't you!

Lorenzo: Skye, as a gentleman, I apologize. This -- this is mortifying.

After the judge leaves, Tracy wants a word with her husband. She decides to turn the tables on him. She wants a night to remember:


Tracy: Take me. I'm yours.

And, I so need sleep, LOL. Good night everyone!

Edit: Photos have been removed to free up space in my PhotoBucket account.

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MsQ, you absolutely SLAY me! Thanks for the pictorial walk down Memory Lane.

Here is a link to the Tracy-Ned Trapped story. Edit: Woke up a little early and got the proof-reading done. Any flaws or typos can now be blamed on my incompetence, rather than lack of time. I give you for your consideration, Cellar, starring TracyQ, Ned Ashton, a jammed door handle, and several bottles of expensive wine.

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