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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Yesterday was the first time I sat through a whole GH show in years. I watched every single bit of it. I'm loving what I'm seeing. Tracy I love her! I'm so glad that she is back on. The whole Q family was a riot yesterday. It appears like the show has moved away from it's teenybopper stories which is why I shut it off a few years ago. Tracy married to Luke and the with kids looks like a good time. I'll need to check it out today. I am a big Tracy fan and hope she's here to stay, like I said I haven't watched in a long time. Tracy is one of the reason's that I fell I love Paul Satterfield who played Tracy's ex husband. I love the way she womanhandled him. You go Tracy!

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Welcome Pilar. It's always nice to have another Tracy fan on board. :)

For MinervaFan...Full of Grace and Won't U Please B Nice? And have you seen smirk's wonderful Quartermaine video? Click me. Also...GQ Daily has the Dillon/Georgie/Luke/Tracy Vegas clips among others. It's under May 18, 2005 in the archives. The rest of the episode is here. Credit to Misty. And of course the morning after. I'll get some more up later. Just a note, but my superhero name might have to be changed to SendSpace Girl, LOL, because YouSendIt is being evil. <_<













From SoapDish: Edward's got a plan and an eye for power. Tracy better watch her back. Any thoughts? I wonder if the "After Edward lets her have, Tracy breaks down and admits her flaws to Luke" spoiler is still happening?

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LOL I keep forgetting to log out when I leave here.....



Yes,I am just mumbling to fill space since there's no new Tracy goodness to fill the void.

Ms.Q you're still the Queen. :)


Okay I know we've done this before but let's name our fave Tracy moments,shall we?

If you've watched many many years of her as have I,you can list fave moments from each time she was on.


I really only have one clear memory of the first time she was on,and that's the episode where she was kicked out of the Q house.

The second time, I have many.

Probably though,when she was falling in love with Paul,and the whole aftermath.

I will never,ever forget when she and Paul were on their honeymoon and he still hestitated about making love to her and Tracy came unglued and was sobbing and crying in their room.

"Why don't you want me? What's wrong with me?" Ooohhh....still gets me,I get teary just remembering it,and then "I want to go home,take me home,I want to be with my family !"

Then I'm undone. :(

The funny stuff,Jane was always funny with Hugo Napier (Larry) and both Neds,Kurt McKinney and WK.

I loved when they were forced by Monica due to finances,to move into the gatehouse(although I never understood how that saved money).

They were fighting over space...just like a real family,only it was ten times more entertaining.

I still remember Jane running and jumping on a trunk or something to claim it,with a toothbrush in her mouth,and the two guys right behind her.


The Marco Dane stuff....all priceless.

The time on The City...the Zoey/Tracy friendship and the Jacob/Tracy friendship,Tracy/Alex,Tracy/Dillon.

The fake engagement was a great moment.

This time: the marriage to Luke,hands down,most of the stuff that has went with it,minus some of the more humiliating moments.

The Ned/Tracy/Dillon reunion after the fire...do we have fire clips, CLIP QUEEN? :)

The Tracy/Edward stuff after the fire and after he had his heart attack and Tracy was there.

Anyone else?

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Hello, all. I'm just killing time until the Wont u Be Nice is downloaded on my computer at school. I have about 20% to go so, uh....yeah. TRACY ROCKS OUT!!!! Ummmmmm........yeah im totally just killing time.

Oh, wait. I just watched it. Number one, Ms. Q is AWESOME!! You are so talented, girl. Number two, that was Full of Grace, not Wont U Be Nice, sry. I think Tracy's hair was best during the hotel fire. my hair is cut sorta like that now (it totally looks waay better onher tho, of course. :) ) Since i haven't been wacthing GH for long, especially not looking for Tracy (Helena used to be my ultimate) and considering the small fact that i am only 17 and that i don't have as many older tracy goodness as some of you, id have to say the best is Lacy. i really like the chemisrty the Luke/Tracy and/or JE/TG have on screen. They are awesome! :) okay, time for another download!

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I totally haven't been watching as long as many of you, so my list is short:

>TQ brainstorming with Coleman to see how they can counter Luke's adultery charges. Coleman asks "what's in it for me," and when Tracy starts talking money, he pulls her down on the bed. :) Yeah, that was fun.

>The Chapel Scenes. Just utterly beautiful and touching--perfectly played by JE and TG.

>Luke and Tracy having breakfast, discussing Vinnie.

>Tracy and Dillon outside Edward's hospital room, discussing the watch Tracy bought for Edward in Paris.

>JE on Soaptalk, ratting out Deirdre Hall for frying her hair. (Not a TQ moment, but made me laugh.)

>Tracy and Alan comforting each other after Lila's death. "We had the best mother in the world..." *SNIFF*

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>The Chapel Scenes. Just utterly beautiful and touching--perfectly played by JE and TG.

>Luke and Tracy having breakfast, discussing Vinnie.

>Tracy and Dillon outside Edward's hospital room, discussing the watch Tracy bought for Edward in Paris.

>JE on Soaptalk, ratting out Deirdre Hall for frying her hair. (Not a TQ moment, but made me laugh.)

>Tracy and Alan comforting each other after Lila's death. "We had the best mother in the world..." *SNIFF*

All of the aboue mentioned scenes were great but unfortunately I didn't see them when the actually happened because I was going through my "i'm done watching GH phase"

I wish I had seen the scenes that ILoveTracyQ mentioned but I haven't been watching GH as long but I do remember when she came back briefly in 96' I think? When she saw Ned perform as Eddie Maine for the first time, that was funny! Also, when Tracy grabbed Luke's "you know what" and threatened to twist it off if he didn't tell her exactly what he was up to! I almost fell off my chair when I saw that! :lol:

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I haven't been watching quite as long as most of you all but here's my list in no particular order....

*The chapel scenes of course, just beautiful!

*Tracy and Dillon's scene during the epidemic

*Tracy and Edward during christmas at the hospital, talking about Lila and Alan reading the story. then later him comforting her. ::sniff::

*Tracy (as Alice said) "daring" Luke to sleep w/ her, hehe

*when Tracy found out Lila was gone, omg major sniffles lol

I have many more but those stand out.

Today's epi-

Tracy/Robert scenes, kinda cute! It seems everyone is gonna know that Tracy loves Luke by the time he gets back except for Luke!

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'96 is right. For those who haven't seen it, a clip can be found here. Credit to WallyKurth.net. Hmm, what can I say that hasn't already been said? I guess the '93 banishment scenes, but I mention those all the time, LOL.

More clips...

Credit to Arie.

Part 1: I'm going to tell the family who you really are.

Part 2: And by the way, I want 5 million.

Credit to Cheap21. (real player format)

That's grandiose even for an alcoholic.

Credit to GQ Daily.

It's gonna take more than a fire to keep me away from my boys.

Credit to NancyFan.com.

The people call Tracy Quartermaine to the stand...

Credit to ?.

The Q's during Xmas 2004.

Credit to GQ Daily.

Part 1: I think Uncle Alan almost killed Alexis Davis.

Part 2: We're gonna handle this by getting rid of the evidence.

Part 4 (missing Part 3): I'd like to report an accident.

Credit to GQ Daily. (Side note: Jane Elliot looks really good in these scenes.)

Part 1: Here's the deal...

Part 2: Blackmail is a very ugly word...but everyone benefits.

Credit to Cheap21.

Part 3: You're tiresome Emily. Get to the point.

MinervaFan, some of us were hoping for that when Luke left for the summer. Instead, Tracy disappeared to Europe for 2 months, which is a shame because Dillon could have used her help considering he was being arrested for drugging/kidnapping/stripping/taking nude photos of his niece, who also happened to be Tracy's granddaughter. But TPTB are idiots...Guess that's why we call them TIIC. ;)

Today's Episode: *shakes head* That blouse/short jacket thingambob was outrageous, LOL, but we haven't seen it before, so I guess that's good. Robert/Tracy? I'm not sure I appreciate him having fun at her expense, and I wish their final scene had been continued, but I can't complain much. At least she was on (albeit 10 seconds). It's something, right? :)

ETA: Just realized this now, but congratulations to angel for making the 1000th post in the JE/Tracy Thread! *claps*

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*meep* I actually liked her outfit today. And thanks for all the clips.

I was watching with my girlfriend tonight, and she wants to know what the heck has happened to Robert. From everything she tells me of the Robert Scorpio glory days, he was a hero and a gentleman (for the most part). The way he laughed at her in the last scene was actually cruel. Is it me, or are all these "heros" of the GH glory days really callous, immature louts?

*looks around at what GH has to offer in straight men.*


Still a lesbian.

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Yeah, that's why Anna needs to come back...well, Anna and whoever was writing up until '93. I remember Robert as he was in the late 80's and early 90's...I wasn't techically watching GH at that time, but I would watch 'the spy show with the people with the funny accents' if I saw that it was on. He used to be more...suave? But back then, the good guys were the good guys, the bad guys were the bad guys, and GH wasn't written by a bunch of mysogenistic creeps (really, pick a strong female character on this

show...maybe Tracy, but then she gets humiliated as often as possible and is shown pining for her just run off husband. Ditto Alexis with the humiliation...none of the other females even come close so no need to even mention them.)

But, I am forever a day behind you guys, so I will have to wait until tonight to pass judgement on Mr. Scorpio.

Well, if MinervaFan doesn't want any of the men, and nobody else objects, I'm going to form a very exclusive harem of Ned and Lucky...and Patrick can come too.

Oh and Ms Q, the Christmas 2004 scenes are from wallykurth.net as well, I think. I got that clip from the messageboards.

And I forgot to add...my list of favorite Tracy scenes...

- Any scene where Tracy returns is always just super. My favorite is the '96 scene (or was it '95?), where she confused Justus for the butler and delivered one of my all-time favorite lines to Lois, "Where are you from, dear? I can see that English isn't your first language." LMAO! Get's me every time. She totally cut up Brenda too. Also I really like when she returned with Dillon in '03 and introduced him to each family member complete with snark. Hysterical.

- I'm very fond of the banishment scenes in '93 was it? It was probably the first ever GH scene that stuck with me. The banishment, the scene with Ned where she asks to hug him, and the scene with Monica.

- I love and ADORE the scene with her boys outside the hotel fire.

- I loved her for both Lila's passing and AJ's as well.

I know there are a few more, but I'm...not awake yet.

Edited by smirks
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*waves to everyone*

I haven't posted in forever it seems like....always read what ya'll write but never have time to post.

....Oh where to begin.....I like the fact that Tracy went along with the whole renewing of the vows thing, however, I dont like the fact that Luke bailed on her. I was kinda hoping for a good scene with Dillon or Ned, but of course we didn't get one. I'm also hoping that Tracy/Robert can form some kind of partnership through all this.....making Luke jealous. I loved how John Ingle walked through the door like he had never been gone....it made me relize how much I missed him. They didn't even annouce that he was playing Edward again...that was nice.

Spoiler talk










I wonder were they are going with the whole Dillon sees Tracy and Robert untieing each other and thinks of other things spoiler hmm.....hopefully he will tell Luke and make him jealous:)

Does anyone know when Luke is supposed to be back by the way?

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