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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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It's a secret. ;) I actually have the next couple of chapters written. I just keep revising everything, so we'll see what happens.

And nex4evr, you're welcome. Those were some of the best scenes in the last year. I'll try to get some other clips up later.

Random comments on today's show:

Skye as Tracy's maid of honor? LOL. The scene was played for laughs, and I laughed, so it's all good.

I LOVED Tracy trying to buy Luke extra time. Luke to Tracy: "Why are you helping me?" Tracy to Luke: "Why am I helping you?" But Tracy fawning all over Luke? Eh...I know it was part of the plan, but it reminded me too much of Skye fawning over Lorenzo.

Ned is on! Ned is on! But how much did I hate the Q's refusing to be a part of Tracy's wedding? And Lulu of all people gets them to change their minds. Nice scene with Lulu/Tracy at the end. I think she actually thanked Tracy for helping out her dad, and then she realized Tracy had feelings for him, although that part wasn't supposed to happen 'til tomorrow.

Tracy entering the den/living room area, looking all sad (I'd be sad too if they put me in an outfit like that; see below), and then looking at the photo of Lila? Aww... JE rocks. We all know it.

Who did JE piss off in Wardrobe? J/K. In all seriousness though, WTH was she wearing? Tracy, Tracy, Tracy, I know you have a better sense of fashion than that. She would have been better off keeping the blue jacket on. Trust me, LOL, because that dress, which I can't even begin to describe, was hideous. *sigh* Alice had a better wedding dress (part of Alice's daydream, don't ask). Note to Wardrobe: Next time, let JE dress herself. ;)

Luke/Lulu ending their conversation by mentioning one of Tracy's good qualities? Me likey.

It looks like Holly's call to Luke is part of Robert's plan. (He overheard Luke/Lulu discussing the plan to out wit him.) But then judging by the previews (who our girl is noticeably missing from), I don't know.

Other happenings...

SoapDish has the rumor of JE going to recurring again. As well as RC and TK. MM is once again rumored to be out the door. I'm not leaving spoiler face since these were first "spilled" months ago, and there has yet to be confirmation. Just thought I'd pass it along anyway.

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No thoughts about today's show? :o

ETA: nex4evr, I've uploaded some more clips.

Credit to Shaurice.

10-11-05: Luke & Tracy share breakfast (part 1).

10-11-05: Luke & Tracy share breakfast (part 2).

Credit to Shazzer.

10-28-05: Tracy insults Courtney.

Credit to Shazzer.

11-30-05: Luke wants Tracy to loosen up; she suspects he's up to something.

11-30-05: Tracy wants Lulu to find out what Luke is up to.

11-30-05: Lulu is willing to help Tracy out...for a price.

Credit to Shazzer.

1-5-06: Luke & Tracy discuss parenting.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Ms.Q thank you for doing all the clippage.

You are a doll. :)

Well I can't comment yet as I haven't watched, I'm glad to see most "spoiled" viewers who know what's coming tomorrow are outraged at Lucas Lorenzo.

Good. LOL

I will watch my tape here shortly and comment in the morning.


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MsQ--Wow the clips! I've wanted to see that breakfast scene for ages, and as soon as my sloooowww computer downloads it? Whee!

Also, whoever said JE has ticked off the wardrobe people? You are so right. That wedding dress was atrocious. Seriously, guys? I know you were playing it for chuckles, but did you have to put her in Bjork's swan dress?????

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The breakfast scene is a fun one MinervaFan.

My thoughts on yesterday:

Tracy's always been a funky dresser,and if the character had ever once talked about or shown an interest in drawing,I would have said she'd be a perfect designer.

Think about it: most things we see on the fashion runway are downright bizarre/ugly.

Back in 89 when JE came back the second time,there was a cast photo of the Q actors in character in the Q living room,and JE has a black and white number on,with ruffles near the throat,sort of like that one yesterday.The ruffles part,not the rest of it.

Someone on another board suggested the dress was played for laughs.

I don't know,but I'll be brave and go on record as saying that knowing Tracy's fashion sense like I do,I don't think it was all that bad.

I could see someone on a runway modeling a wedding dress very much like that one.

Pretty or ugly,my main issue with it is that it looked like a dress a much younger person would wear. Again not out of character for Tracy,even as dowdy as she dresses most of the time now, I've seen her in things too "young" for her and IMO that dress was one of them.

I guess considering that was probably the only solid white outfit she had in her closet though,that we have to cut her slack. It's not every day you have ten minutes to find something in your closet to wear to renew your wedding vows.

The makeup was way harsh,and I think JE needs to go back to a softer hair color.

Remember when GM and I were discussing her coal black hair from 89-93? How it would be too harsh for her skin tone now? Well so is that red. I liked the color of the jaw length bob when she first brought Dillon back in 93,and the color when she and Jax were engaged,it was probably the best cut(the swingy chin length bob) and the best color so far since her return.

I adore TG more and more,I never paid much attention to him or Luke until he hooked up with Tracy/JE.

Luke however, I think we're supposed to give him a free pass because he doesn't suspect Tracy might really care about him,and he does think Holly's life is in mortal danger.

BUT he shouldn't do what I think he's going to do,and that means leaving Tracy standing at the altar without a word.

ETA I could have done without the things Luke called Tracy. :) Kind of harsh talking about someone like that who just saved your butt,but that's Luke.

OF course we don't know how it will play out,they didn't write Tracy as being dumb enough to be sucked in by Luke's power play in front of Skye/LO,and for that I'm glad.

So maybe Tracy will be aware that Luke is going to slip out before the ceremony,but I doubt she knows about Holly.

I thought that the scene where TG was fiddling with his boutenniere(I know I probably spelled it wrong) was kind of cute and sweet in an odd way.

I mean,why be so worried about wearing one,when LUke knows Robert probably suspects the whole thing is a stalling tactic?

Maybe because he wanted to look nice for Tracy?

I prefer to think that,I realize that the line to Lulu about asking for help putting it on,was already in the dialogue,but I loved the way TG fussed with it,as if it had to be just right.

Lulu/Luke....lots of people online love them,but I just find her boring,and their scene was flat and boring IMO.

Skye....I just wish they'd give Lacy a story away from them. RC's smirking and eye rolling got on my last nerve yesterday.


I liked Tracy picking up Lila's picture, I thought the Lulu/Tracy scene was rushed and it's kind of a leap for Lulu to make,considering she doesn't really know Tracy,to assume that she "really cares" for Luke just because she's helping him.

And yeah Lulu is still boring,even with Tracy.


Today should be interesting.

The medianet pics with Robert and Tracy though....she's wearing white.What happens between today and those pics,because it looks like a whole different outfit,and her hair is down,etc. I assumed it was her wedding outfit,but something obviously takes place between now and then.

And wow this was a long post. :)

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nex4evr and MinervaFan, you're welcome. :)

I’m sorry, but I cannot defend that outfit. (coolkid, what do you think about it? At least it’s new, right?) Yes, it was short notice, but surely Tracy has a white suit in her closet somewhere. She could have worn that (or whatever she’s wearing in the ABC Media Net pics), or she could have gone into Monica’s closet, LOL. Almost anything but what she had on. About the makeup, yes, very harsh. JE could have gotten away with it too, if she weren’t wearing white as in this photo. Oh well. I still love my girl, although I am jealous that Alice got a better wedding dress.

More comments on wardrobe/hair/make-up…

ILoveTracyQ, is this the photo you are referring to? It’s hard to see the outfit, but I like it better than yesterday’s.

JE’s hair right before leaving Dillon with the Q’s. The lighter color is nice, but I prefer it a bit longer.

JE’s hair during the hotel fire. Is this the swingy chin length bob you mentioned?

JE’s hair during the Trax engagement. The color is fine, but it’s too flat IMO. It needs more “oomph” or something, LOL.

This is one of my favorites since her return, I think. Some other ones...Click me. Click me too. And me! And I like the make-up in this one. And that’s enough about that, LOL.

The renewal of the vows scene played out better than I thought it would. Interesting speculation, ILoveTracyQ, about her expecting him to leave/make his escape. Don't know why she'd subject herself to the humiliation though. Err, I guess if it were to save Luke, but still...

Oh, and I agree about Luke. She is an unmitigated !@#$%^&*], a backstabber? She can’t be trusted for a second? Oh, the things she could say about Luke.

Lulu/Tracy were rushed, and while I would prefer Dillon/Tracy or Ned/Tracy, I can’t complain much. The conversation was civil. No name calling. No scheming. Almost sentimental. *runs away from ILoveTracyQ* ;)

BTW, angel, tracyluver, smirks, Keith, kenna, and anyone I may have forgotten. Come out, come out wherever you are. ;)

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MsQ, you are the Picture/Clip Gawdess. I'm thinking Tracy during the Jax engagement looked the yummiest. Perfect cut, perfect color, perfect clothes. They are playing her dowdier now, which I think is sad, because JE has aged beautifully and deserves to look as nice as she can.

To whoever made the comment about RC's smirks and eyerolls--I like Skye in theory, but sometimes the execution makes me want to barf. Like yesterday. And Luke? Are you a frackin' psycho, suggesting her as maid of honor? *smacks Luke on the head*

Major Request for Clips: Can somebody please post links to all the Tracy scenes from yesterday's ep (and the Luke-Lulu discussing Tracy scene)? As usual, great Tracy episode, and my tape gets fracked. I got to watch it on Fey's mom's tape, but I would love to be able to see it without the teaser cut off and without the fuzzy lines. I'd really appreciate it.

Speculation on what COULD happen, if the writers have a brain:




I have no faith that they will handle this correctly, but here's how I think they should play out the "leaving at the altar."

Under the guise of having a private romantic moment (I see nuzzling and smooching for Robert's benefit), Luke informs Tracy that he's gotten a call from Holly and smells a rat. There's no way Holly should have had his cell number, and he suspects Robert is working with her to double-cross him.

Tracy insists he NOT go with Robert, but they can't wait for the lawyer to block the extradition. They agree (still kissing and nuzzling for the fans' Robert's benefit) that right after the ceremony, Luke will "leave Tracy at the altar" and make a break for it. Luke asks if Tracy can stall Robert to give him lead time, and Tracy says something like, "You make a show of dumping me at the altar, I will throw a fit that will stall him for hours."

In my fantasy scene, after they've made this plan and realize (1) they're working as a team and (2) they're going to be separated, they actually realize they're going to miss each other. All that fake kissing and nuzzling turns into a real, if poignant, kiss between the two before he leaves.

But that's what would happen if I were writing GH. Oh, and that train hitting Sonny and Emily.

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MarlandRulez, I'm gonna let ILoveTracyQ handle the history. She has the best memory.

MinervaFan, ask and you shall receive. ;) Credit to Shazzer. Clips include other scenes as well. Oh, and I LOVE your scenario.

Scene 1: Robert arrives at the Q's.

Scene 2: Tracy plays along to keep Luke from being extradited.

Scene 3: Robert as the best man; Skye as the maid honor; Lulu finds out that Luke/Tracy are renewing their vows.

Scene 4: Luke/Tracy invites the Q's to the wedding.

Scene 5: Alice informs Tracy that she was ordained by an online ministry; Luke/Lulu discuss Laura/Tracy.

Scene 6: Tracy looks at a photo of her mother; Lulu realizes that Tracy cares for Luke.

Question: Am I the only one who didn't like Tracy's hair during the Trax engagement? LOL.

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I agree I think the color/cut during the Trax engagement is one of the best,if not the best looks...that's the color I think is almost blonde,or at least a very light brown with reddish gold highlights.

Nice length on the hair...JE should never do a harsh short cut again.

It just doesn't work on her anymore,and makes her look years older IMO.

Same with the dark color,she and Deidre Hall (for those who don't already know DH does JE's hair color) need to sit down and decide on something lighter, or put lighter highlights in what she's already got going on,because right now it's just too dark.

Yes MarlandRulez Tracy and Anna were sort of friends,not close but casually.

I made the comment about the smirks and eyerolls.

If she weren't doing it in every Skye/Lo/Luke/Tracy scene,I wouldn't care...but it seems she does it a lot these days.

It irritates me.


You know MinervaFan I like your scenario,and I can almost see it happening except for the Holly factor,I can't see Tracy doing that if Luke mentions Holly.

The rest of it is actually plausible...but remember the spoiler about Luke that is supposed to happen today?

You forgot to add that in.

I smell a fanfic if it doesn't happen your way. :)

I just hate even the thought that he might leave her standing there without a word,but this IS Luke we're talking about. He'll go through the bedroom window with nary a word to anyone.

But then there's that spoiler....I have a feeling he may get caught trying to flee,which is more humiliating IMO for Tracy,than if he just left her standing there,in that case at least she might think he HAD to leave for some other reason.

She won't be happy when she finds out about Holly,though.

ETA Ms.Q I think the color more than the cut,and makeup,are what I liked best about the Tracy style during the Trax engagement.

The hair literally shined with color and healthiness. It BOUNCED. I love that,it just fits Tracy LOL.

ETA yes Ms.Q that pic of the Q's with Larry in it and Lila is the one I was talking about.

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Deirdre Hall does Jane's hair color???


That is so...surreal.

Like they're normal chick friends, coloring each other's hair in the kitchen and !@#$%^&*]ing about men on a Thursday night after work...

Oh, and Ms.Q, still doing that "Wind Beneath My Wings" thang with the clips! Much thanks to you.....

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No problem, MinervaFan. Any other requests you have, just post them here. As I mentioned, smirks and I both have a lot of clips. smirks, by any chance, have you run across the 7/04/05 Charitable Endowment scenes? I'm still interested in those if you can find them. :)

MinervaFan, yes, she and DH are best friends. They wrote about their friendship in SOD sometime last year. Really nice read. I've scanned the article if you or anyone else who hasn't read it is interested: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

I'll comment more on today's episode tomorrow. Luke Spencer isn't worth the energy right now. <_<

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