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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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4XCrazy, first let me say that that was quite possibly one of the most hideous reviews I've ever seen, and I've been writing/publishing since 1987. The writer of that review was obviously biased, and obviously very emotinoally engaged with hating Tracy.

Leaving that--the reviewer did not do his/her homework. Why do I know this? Because I've researched Tracy's backstory extensively--I only started watching the show in January 2005, so I'd better have done my research if I wanted to write Tracy competently. i read the source material you quoted, along with several other bios of Tracy. While the tone of the bios range from sympathetic to neutral to down-right anti-Tracy, the facts involving Jenny, the hit and run, Paul, and Tracy's subsequent flight to Europe with baby Dillon remain basically the same. According to every source I've seen, Tracy did call the police, she did try to cover it up, Jenny did use it to blackmail her, and Tracy did leave for Europe because she was kicked out of the family.

Your extrapolation, that Jenny's warnings to Tracy might have included forcing her to leave Shannon with Paul, might be stretching it for the character of Tracy (although I can see her biding her time to regain her advantage, and trying to reclaim Shannon at a later time). However, it's perfectly acceptable for the story, which is HELLO? a work of fiction.

That aside, my biggest complaint is the tone of the review. I think everybody here has read stories they've disliked or disagreed with. It's the nature of the beast. But this reviewer's words cannot in any fashion be construed as anything but a personal attack on you and your story. There was no attempt at constructive criticism--the reviewer was unnecessarily rude, cutting, and derogatory of you and your story.

I'm proud of you for bringing this up here. If I had received a review like this at 17, I might have just curled into a ball and never written again. But you were brave enough and had the precense of mind to say, Hey, I did my *%#% research. Somebody back me up here....z

Huzzah to you, young fanficcer. You show promise, so do NOT let this psycho get you down, okay?

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Well reading what that lady wrote to you made me so mad that I posted my own "rebuttal" in a review.

I'm kinda "in your face" like that.

You are right in your research.I watched it then and was old enough to have solid memories of everything that happened.

You also need to ignore people like this who obviously have poor memories,and poor manners.

I watched it all,and the SOC bio for the most part, is correct,at least when it comes to the Cartel,Paul and Jenny.

Man that makes me mad,how rude.

But enough about that.

About the spoilers

Whatever happens,it should be good drama. :)

I don't want a reason to diss Luke,but I will if he hurts my girl.

spoiler talk over.

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*enters quietly*

Good morning everyone. Thanks tracyluver, ILoveTracyQ, and angel for the reviews on Oh, Baby. :)

4XCrazy, I'm so sorry that someone left you a review like that. :( You're right. That's not even constructive criticism. Let us know how she responds. Oh, and something else that might be helpful for reasearch purposes, in addition to the SOC character bio., (and this isn't directed at you, just anyone who writes Tracy fanfiction in general): old transcripts. The hit-and-run one is included. We should send it to that lady. ;)












According to Wizard, Luke receives a call from Holly and goes to track her down right before he's supposed to re-marry Tracy. :angry: And Robert will be a bit tied up with the Q's, mainly Alice, Lulu, Dillon, and Tracy.

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You hate Jenny and Paul and you didn't even watch then??

LOL If you would have watched you would have really popped a vein.

I do have to agree,after a while Tracy was NOT a victim.

The Paul working with the Cartel(and he DID at first do it voluntarily,until they made his daughter sick to control him) was bad,and him duping Tracy was worse,but after that Tracy kind of made her own misery,know what I mean?

I love my girl,but you bet your butt I am gonna call her on her crap.

Still love her no matter what,but yeah she caused a lot of her own problems.

But the accident was an accident,and she did NOT blackmail Paul.

Too bad the WK site doesn't have ALL the old Tracy transcripts as well....good Lord some of the best work JE ever did as Tracy was her falling for Paul,and the aftermath of finding out it was all a lie.

Awesome,awesome stuff.


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Bumping 'cause ILoveTracyQ 's on!!

Okay, yeah, that review was just rude. I was about 2 or 3 at the time as well but from what i do know, just as Minervafan and i think ILoveTracyQ stated, i think the info is pretty accurate. I dunno. That was just rude.

Okay, i dunno if this was posted before but im gonna post it here anyway:

Skye and Lorenzo make lovey-dovey, just as Luke enters the room.

In retaliation, Luke proposes a re-marriage to Tracy in earnest—for Skye’s benefit.

Luke and Tracy go about putting the finishing touches on the ceremony to renew their vows.

Robert prepares to pounce on Luke, as a fugitive set for extradition.

Luke fields a call that sends him off on his way, gone from Port Charles for a few weeks.

It comes as a bit of a shock to Lulu that Tracy does care for Luke. That’s no act.

Luke bolts, but suffers from a boo-boo in his haste. More like a window drop.

Okay, getting more pissed by the minute. It really seems that luke is only doing this to make skye jealsous and that's not cool.

But then I read:

Luke hears from Holly that she’s in trouble, so he takes off again. Look for none other than Anna to be returning to Port Charles as well as well as Robert making a return visit! He wants, in fact, to extradite Luke! Yeah, like that’ll happen. Tracy pleads for time, explaining that the happy couple is about to renew their vows. Yes! And Luke proposes in front of Skye. Can anyone say agenda?

Is Tracy in on it or isn't she? I guess only time will tell.

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Did you get those from SZ,tracyluver?

She tends to add her own comments when she posts what's already been spoiled,so it may not go down exactly that way.

At any rate,the events will probably happen at warp speed.

Tomorrow through Friday is when the first part of it,if not all of it,is supposed to take place?

My question is:

What is Robert going to be doing hanging with the Q's,and when is this?

Before he takes off after Luke/Holly?

Maybe he's there to get a clue to their location?

And why would Tracy pay Robert to make sure Luke comes back home?

If he truly leaves her at the altar...oh,nevermind.


What happens to make Lulu think Tracy has real feelings for him?

That should be interesting as well.

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Hey, ILoveTracyQ, I am totally with you when it comes to realizing Tracy is no saint. There are times when she says or does things and I'm like, whoa, did she just go there? But (1), she often seems to regret her actions and (2) she often TRIES to do right and still gets treated like a monster.

I'm surprised she hasn't just turned into a brunette Helena Cassadine by now.

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psychofan, you can take a spoiler/rumor that never happened or use one of MinervaFan's suggestions on the previous page. :)











We got spoiler pics!!! (These air the week of April 24th.) Click me! Those are some strange facial expressions going on there. Any thoughts? Don't forget me! Tracy and Robert! Robert and Tracy! Our girl has a NEW outfit! And are her hands tied behind her back? :o

ILoveTracyQ, I'm assuming Lulu realizes that Tracy has feelings for Luke after he leaves her at the altar. Not cool, Luke, not cool. *shakes head*

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Go for it, Psychofan. And if you need to brainstorm, just post an entry to TQ-Ficathon and ask for feedback.

Sorry--forgot the spoiler space...





And Ms. Q--what is with that second picture??? Tracy looks very much messed up, and yeah, I'm wondering about the hands....think Robert is shaking her down for info? Kinky. :D

I'm so thinking that mabye Robert should give Luke a run for his money and maybe remind him what he has....and what he's taking for granted.

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LOL Okaayyyy.....

ABout the spoiler pics,my guess:

I have no idea what the first one could be about.

Obviously Luke is gone.

Maybe they're waiting for Tracy to crack?Dillon looks a little concerned.

The second one...Tracy looks drugged or catatonic or both,LOL...so she's probably neither.

It looks as though she is wearing a white suit underneath a very light billowy green thingy. LOL

So maybe the white suit is her wedding attire?

My guess.

But as far as where she and Robert are....some type of kitchen or washroom,maybe at the


Because it looks like a big sink in the background,the kind you find where dishes/supplies are washed,or people wash up at.

I'm probably totally wrong.

A big awwww....to your banner Ms.Q

It's adorable.

ETA I can't quite see Robert and Tracy.

Maybe a few mind games with Luke,but Robert would tire of Tracy's issues in short order.

It could be fun to watch but wouldn't last long.

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Hehe It looks like our girl is getting some new clothing. And maybe TIIC have spent some money on a new Q set. ;) I'm thinking the kitchen.

I love Tracy Q you might be right I cant see Tracy going for that whole white gown and big wedding party idea. ;)

I had the most interesting experience over the weekend, My niece (whose a few years older) whom walked in on me watching my GH tapes said hey "You know that she used to live not far from me" I could have died I got so mad at her that she knew that I watched GH but her not being such a soap fan she didn't even know that JE was even on TV :lol: but after an hour she promised to take me shopping. So The two of us were looking around and She spotted a dress that she liked and so we went Into White house Black market which has some kind of connection to ABC. As soon as i went into the store I looked around, and standing right in front of the cashier was a woman who looked just like Jane Elliot. ^_^ I almost had a fit but I said that If I ever met her I would ask for her autograph and tell her about us. And so I headed towards her and then I saw the woman who was surrounded by a bunch of women and she was Pregnant. I thought back to when Tracy went up towards Skye pretending to be pregnant. I almost passed out when I realized that wasn't Jane. ;)

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I have been caught lurking!!!!!! I was given this link yesterday and spent most of my entire work day reading it I have been a Tracy fan for a long time, I started watching while she was on it the early 90's I think it was around 92'! I was really young and I was forced to watch GH by my father, when it was on nobody was allowed to watch anything else!!! So it was either watch GH with him or play outside with my brother Needless to say I watched GH and 14 years later I am still hooked. I do go through periods of not watching and this past year was one of them. I thought I was finally able to kick my addiction but I was wrong!! One night I caught an episode on Soapnet, and my favorite people were all on Alexis, Tracy and Luke! So I decided to start watching again.

I was wondering where I could get links to all things Tracy since there are plenty on Alexis and Luke, but Tracy seems to be the most difficult! Thanks!


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