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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I enjoyed yesterday's Dillon/Maxie/Paul/Tracy stuff. Fun, and light-and boy, doesn't this show need that right now?

Not sure what Paul is up to. Would they do a repeat of him being forced into something?

I am just glad Jane is on, and again Monday and Tuesday. I hope she gets things to do while Paul is mixing it up with the rest of the cast.

There's a spoiler that Paul and Dillon get closer. I am looking forward to this as well.

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I hate being so negative. I just don't think Tracy is going to have a lot to do with Paul out of the picture. It also irritates me that Tracy hasn't been out of that living room in however many weeks. Why isn't she trying to get ELQ back? Why aren't she and Lulu interacting anymore? Why can't she visit Dillon on the Haunted Star?


Hell, if she and Sabrina are BFF now, why isn't she at the hospital checking in? Sabrina is clearly the supportive one in that friendship. Also, as far as Tracy knows, Michael still views himself as a Quartermaine, so why not be at the hospital for him? Then, she can find out how he is a Corinthos again and turn her back on him. She just basically sits in that living room all day with a newspaper and a drink.


On the upside - she looked really lovely Friday. I still wish we could have seen more of their relationship. Even now, you can see them clearly falling for each other, but the moment in the spoiler pic below was interrupted by Dillon and Maxie. :mad: Did love Tracy's face though at Maxie and Dillon going on and on. :lol:


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Hey! HNY was not the original Riddle Me This -- it was just some moniker he was using in his commentary for a while when he was trying to be creative about drops. BTW he told me via PM that tracy is involved in two upcoming winter arcs along with Monica so the good news is she is still in plans and even though she might not be Pauls first or second focus with the mob and sonny and blackmailing Ava, I think we will still see them "paired" in some fashion.

Maxie and Dillon are supposed to hook up as well as Lulu and Dillon at some point

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I really enjoyed Maxie, Tracy, Dillon today. I love Robert and Jane together-he's getting so much better, gotta feel she's been giving him pointers. Maxie is fun with them, I like it ! :) I LOVE how Maxie notices that Tracy smiles around Paul.

So, they are keeping in history that Paul was forced into the cartel. Hmmm.

Still holding out hope for Paul and Tracy. We'll see.

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Oops, I thought they were the same person. Thanks hooked for clarifying. 


Just realized that spoiler pic of Tracy and Paul didn't play out from the same angle. It was sort of a blink and you miss it kind of thing, but I like the angle of the pic better.


They are really pretty together. Wish he wasn't a mobbie. I HATE the Corinthos focus. Hoping the winter stuff with Monica and Tracy goes beyond the Jason reveal 'cause as far as I'm concerned he's another mobbed up character. 


Don't know if I buy Tracy sharing so much with Maxie, but those were some fun scenes. Loved the reminder about Tracy and Paul's one night in bed, and Dillon "bouncing" when mentioning Felicia and Mac "doing it." :lol:


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GH cut Tracy/Olivia. <_< Both the National Enquirer and Cable Guide Spoilers had them on today. Olivia wanted Tracy's help to bring Leo home. It was speculated she was going to ask Tracy to keep the baby at the mansion. We have had so many Sonny bedside scenes lately when he clearly isn't going to die, but Tracy's stuff keeps getting cut. Unfair.  

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No one is posting. :(


When Richard Burgi first came on GH, there was a magazine article about him. It sounded like Paul would be involved with Tracy. I think GH started with cutting a lot of their scenes and eventually decided to cut their story. Burgi ended up with Maura, and Jane ended up with nothing. 


Not sure what happened with ELQ. Tracy wasn't involved, then she was, then she wasn't. Seems like much of that story was dropped once Nik gained control. Wish GH could have dropped Sonny getting shot. He obviously wasn't going to die. There is no drama there IMO. Just a lot of pointless scenes. Avery being cute is the only good thing about that story. I miss her with the Quartermaines. 

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Some scenes with Michael and Sabrina are due... I'm not too thrilled with her treatment lately.  I would much prefer to see Tracey in scenes with Paul than the genuflection to Sonny we're stuck with.  Unfortunately, I'd rather see Sonny than constantly smirking Franko, Ninny Clay and Kiki.   I think Officer Woodpile may be on his last legs as Maxie and Dillon share scenes and actually have chemistry.  His recent social media did not help the actor.  Tracey, Anna, and Laura(whenever she returns) should be the backbone of the show, with their families in the forefront.  It's a shame they only pay attention to short term viewers on FB, rather than those of us that have watched for years.  The viewers that continue to tune in, even when the show is in the state it's in...:(.


I've still got my fingers crossed for Tracey to start getting some story...and Ms.Q, I know you and the others are too!


Keep up the positive thoughts, guys, Tracey will be a force... one of these days!

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Thanks for posting slick jones. :) I think Tracy/Michael are supposed to be on Friday next week (or Monday 10/5). That's if GH doesn't cut her scenes again. <_<


I don't know how optimistic I feel about an upcoming story. If the new writers have already had input, it seems like they have no use for her. I am wondering if Hayden being tied to a core family will come to play. I would like Tracy to get that long lost daughter. Not a lot of soapy things have happened to her when you think about it, but I guess Tracy wasn't around from from the rest of 1980-1988 or the rest of 1993-2003 (the short GH stint followed by The City in 1996-1997 wasn't much). And when 2003 rolled around, she was already considered too old for TPTB to care that much about her. 


Soapy things that did happen: Trying to prove that your sister-in-law's baby was not her brothers, withholding Edward's medicine, falling in love with a man who loved your son's girlfriend (later wife), premature birth, running over your daughter-in-law with your car, step-daughter pregnant with your son's child, being stuck in a burning building, husband's first love waking up, husband's heart attacks and surgery, blackmailed into marriage, falling for mobster you thought was a good guy, parts of Fluke (some of these stories of course better than others).


Soapy things that didn't happen: Miscarriage, children on canvas dying (but of course coming back to life), amnesia, nervous breakdown (Tracy being involuntarily committed in 2007 could've been really good - Tracy in a therapy would have been a gold mine, but TPTB messed that up), being presumed dead for more than 2 episodes, an illness where she really thought she was going to die (not just looking like death for week), being held hostage without it being played for laughs (Vinnie the mobster, anyone?), being held by gun point (I guess Helena did hold her at gun point twice), her sons being sick more than once (Dillon and the monkey virus was good), getting hit by a car, long lost child showing up... 


I know some will argue that some of the soapy things wouldn't have worked for Tracy because even Jane herself has said Tracy's not that kind of character who experiences things like that (she said something like that mentioning how Kelly Monaco always used to have to cry and cry and go home exhausted and she didn't have to do that), but anyway, Tracy is still human, and a lot of that stuff could have happened. And Jane would have rocked it. And I am sure I am missing examples from things that did and didn't happen, but hopefully, I still got my point across. 


Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hi, everyone.

I'm sorry there's so little to say. JE's had so little air time!

I'm not crazy about Olivia, but I regret that those scenes were cut; it would have been something different.

Maxie and Tracy?--utterly ridiculous that Tracy would talk to her about personal matters.

I'm sick of hearing about Dillon's movie, and am disgusted that Michael's gone back to the dark side. I truly hate mob SLs, I love the soapier stuff that is often missing, so there's just nothing in GH at the moment to tune in for. *grump* (I joked about taking up a British soap, some time back, and now I have. :) Thank goodness for DailyMotion and Youtube! But it all just makes me think about how much better GH COULD be...)

I'm so disappointed they've chosen this path for Paul. So, has he been in the background, for the last two years? His scenes with Ava on Tuesday could have been just a continuation of Fluke, the next chapter! (I'd prefer Fluke, to this.)

Dillon's comment, his certainty that Luke still loves Tracy made me cry. I'm glad it was acknowledged, and it was powerful, because really, I keep expecting never to hear his name--out of sight, out of mind. I'd be happy also if they'd make it known that she's still in touch with Luke. We don't have to see or hear him, for that.

It's tough to move on, when they give us so little to fill the Luke void. And now that we know Paul's motivation for being in PC, I am not interested in seeing Tracy get involved with him, any further.


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