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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Another MONTH? Grr!

I don't understand... Why would TPTB spend money taping scenes, and then scrap them? They know how much air time they have, and how much material will fill it. Why waste what's already done?

As for today, Dillon DID go to Georgie's funeral, didn't he? I'm almost certain I recall him being in those clips.

Yeah, I'll probably warm to Paul, in time. Helps that he's a different actor,. :)


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^^^ The same thing happens in prime time. They film too much, and then end up having to cut scenes. At least prime time DVD's usually feature some of these cut scenes... I can only imagine how many of Jane's scenes have been cut throughout the years. We deserve to see that goodness!


There was a daily spoiler years ago during the monkey virus story when Dillon almost died, and Mac was supposed to comfort Tracy. That got cut too. I wasn't rooting for a Tracy and Mac romance or anything, but I love when Jane gets to play vulnerable, and she would have gotten to do so in that scene. We still got the really good stuff with Tracy at Dillon's bedside, but I think Mac comforting her would have been good as well. 


hooked, as you know, I was able to see the Periscope that WUBS retweeted, but it didn't have Jane... It's expired now 'cause like you said they only last 24 hours, but there wasn't anything with Jane in the one I saw. :( 


And yes, truenorth, he was at the funeral. 

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hi everyone  I've pretty much given up on GH's future and now I only enjoy watching old clips.  Does anyone have any good Jane clips posted  anywhere other than you tube? I think I've watched all those several times!  What about fanfic? I need something new!     :(

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Hi LuAnn. Welcome back to the thread. :)

I wish there was a site with a bunch of Tracy clips, other than YouTube. 


If you do a search of "Tracy" and then any of the following YouTuber's, you may be able to find clips you haven't seen over and over:



teresagonzalez (some of hers have been removed by Disney, unfortunately)


Quartermaine Endgame




GHCentral01 (not as much as the others)


If you like fan videos, some of my favorite are from helenaTRACYclaudia: https://www.youtube.com/user/helenaTRACYdorian

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Sorry I haven't been posting, especially since I'm posting my own fanfic link! A little sad and self promotion :/

LuAnn if you want fanfic I have some. Also go under the GH category and go under Tracy in the character filters and a few should come up. Ms.Q also has a few fics :)


Its my profile and it consists of GH (obviously, Tracy+Tracy/Luke centric) and american horror story

I'll stop in again to make a longer post soon!

Edited by partyperson25
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Thanks Partyperson25!  I actually just read some of yours yesterday when I was on my search and the one that held me captive was 30 chapters long - but you left her in the nuthouse!!!  Maybe there is another chapter that I didn't see or that is posted somewhere else??? Please??   It was really good!! And you should really finish it if she's still in the nuthouse - she can't stay there with Laura! :-(   (LOL)  Thanks for writing and sharing your talent with me.

I've been lurking Ms. Quartermaine - I check in on ya'll all of the time to see what Jane is up to - especially since General Hospital is so stupid now.  If I see that ya'll say she was on one day - I go look for that day somewhere and watch it.  I'm actually subscribed to all the channels you listed from youtube - including yours (I guess it's yours) and I love the fan videos. 

We should make a site where we could just put some clips up for us to watch like you tube - they get away with it on that site - couldn't we do that on our own site?    Just a thought....

Back to lurking now.....

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I believe you. I was just confused because the Periscope that WUBS retweeted didn't have Jane. But I guess WUBS was just retweeting the most recent Periscope since the other one had expired. Wish I saw the one with Jane. Can't believe she consented to being filmed, lol. 


partyperson, I completely forgot about your Life Without You series!!! Poor Tracy!!! 


LuAnn, don't go back to lurking!!! Stay and post!!! And helenaTRACYclaudia isn't me. I can't take credit for her awesome videos. I do have a channel with videos, but they are from the earlier days of LuNacy.



Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hi, Luann. Glad you're here! How long have you been watching GH?

I'm almost to that point--I haven't watched a full ep in over a month, since TG left. Luke and Tracy were the draw, for me, and I only have a passing interest in other characters and storylines, although I'm hopeful that may change, with input from new writers. I enjoy Franco and Dr. O. and sometimes Ava, quite a lot, but don't think I'd tune in, just for them. But yeah, I'll ALWAYS watch JE's scenes.

Actually, I've been thinking the same thing, that we should have some central place to find clips and maybe fanfic. I've never created a website, and didn't want to put anyone to trouble, and such a job. But maybe just organizing what we already have, and putting it on Sendspace, permanently (I pay for it), or Dropbox, would be a good idea. It would be helpful to have it, both for any new fan, and any of us trying to work on writing fanfics, with sketchy memories of the show! LOL Youtube is a treasure, but overwhelming, since not everyone is dilligent about labeling clips with dates, and such, so that makes it tough to watch SLs, in order.

As for fan fiction, I was going to compile links, but I realized that would take ages!

So for now, for anyone who wants it, here's a large collection of stories about or including Tracy. This is perhaps 100+ stories, or more, I'm not sure. These are my personal favorites, and just what I've saved, for the moment...

If you don't wish to get that, my suggestions are to seek out stories by DebbieB, Ivy Kendall, RegencyG, Laineybev714, and MS. Quartermaine, just to start with--there are certainly more, beyond that. Browse  fanfiction.net, livejournal and archiveofourown.org. (and be aware that you may see the same stories on multiple sites, but all sites don't necessarily have the most updated versions of those stories.)

And thank you, this reminder is just the kick in the tail I needed, to get working on my own Tracy story, again! LOL It's on ff.net, but not included in that folder... Seems a bit presumptuous, to put it in. LOL


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There used to be a site called Jane Elliot Online run by the same person who ran (runs?) WallyKurth.net... I really liked the magazine article section of that site. It was a collection of scans featuring anything and everything Jane. Wish I had saved them. Those of us who were regular posters on the site were made aware that it was going to be taken down and that we should save what we want, but I still didn't!!! Clearly, I wasn't thinking... :(


truenorth, love that you have your favorites saved in one place. What a good idea. 


It really stinks to be a Tracy fan right now. One appearance in May. One appearance in August. Not very much at all in July. At least June was a fabulous month. No Tracy (or Paul) in Soaps In Depth fall previews. Those previews are usually misleading, but I still feel like some mention of her is better than none at all.


hooked, you cracked me up on Twitter the other day when Frank was like Gold Star for Jane Elliot, and you responded with something like, "Would be nice to see her onscreen and not have Tracy be MIA for more than a month."  :lol: :(



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