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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Or, we could just invent our own fake spoilers. Somebody's gotta come up with these things...why not us? As for showing Tracy in a positive light, heck yeah. She's a complex enough character that she can be shown in a positive light without ever having to break pure-form. She's a decent, damaged person who sometimes does horrible things. That's my take on her. I think the problem a lot of fans have is thinking that decent people never do horrible things....of course they do. The challenge for a fanfic writer (or soap writer, fwiw) is make the person's rationale strong enough that the reader/viewer understands, accepts and eventually forgives the character their flaws. People forgive Tracy a lot, partly due to JE's splendid acting, and partly because everybody has been there--even when they do the right thing, people ignore it and harp on every bad thing they've done. I don't blame Tracy for being bad.

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Good comments and ICAM.

Hmm...I'll look at the fake spoilers and see if anything inspires me.

If not,I may make up one of my own.

It may take me a while to pick a spoiler,but hopefully not too long to write the story.

Are we talking "one shot" fics,or just whatever we feel like?

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*waves to everyone*

ILoveTracyQ, thanks for telling us about the video! And good observations, MinervaFan. As for the fanfiction, I'd love to participate. I need to stop using so much dialogue though. It's just so hard not to, LOL. I was never a descriptive one when it came to writing.












I did a little search on SoapDish. Wizard's "Dillon/Titanic" spoiler aired two weeks after he spilled it...meaning (if the timeline is significant), his "Luke/Tracy/What Could Have Been" spoiler should air next week. Am I grasping at straws here or what? LOL.

About the triangle...I'm also frustrated...and sad. And yes, it's just a stupid soap opera, LOL, but at least ES's return doesn't appear to be long-term. I forgot about that until I came here, so thanks ILoveTracyQ for pointing that out; it sort of help me feel better. :) I just wish it could be a quad or something. There's no need to limit JE/Tracy to ruining teen marriages.

NEW SPOILER (from Wizard): Luke throws a big party when he reopens the Haunted Star.

His wife better be co-hosting that party. Just sayin'. ;)

NEW SPUMOR (from Anonymous): Edward vows to take control of his family once more when he realizes the mansion's population is dropping.

This better not be about trying to get Emily away from Sonny's and back to the Q's.

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MinervaFan what is involved in setting up the results on a LJ community?

I am clueless when it comes to that stuff...I guess that would be okay,I mean we have to post the results somewhere...unless ya'll just want to post them in here,it doesn't really matter I don't guess.

Ms.Q I think you should go with whatever you feel your strength is.

Some people aren't good at,or naturals at,description.

Some people should stay away from first person narratives,and so on....I don't think there's anything wrong with making dialogue the meat of your stories.

Dialogue is what soaps are mostly comprised of,it's what tells the relationships more than anything IMO.

I once read one of the "Fletch" series, and the whole book was mostly all dialogue.

Unusual,but I loved it.

Like I said,go with your strength.

About the spoilers...I'm frustrated and sad,too.

About the new ones...so many things get cut,I'm just not going to get too overjoyed about anything until it comes to pass.

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LJ is pretty easy. I can set up a community in about ten minutes, and post the link here. If it's set up to allow "anonymous" posting, participants wouldn't even have to get an LJ account, although if I had my druthers, every TracyQ fan in the world would be on LiveJournal so we could take over the GeneralHospital community....I mean, participate more fully in the GH community.

I am completely in agreement with ILoveTracyQ here. Go with your strengths. I have to FORCE myself to write narrative and description; dialogue is my love. Eventually, you can develop your other skills, but don't hold back just because you think you are limited by your preference for dialogue.

It was so sad--I squeed when I saw Georgie on the show today because she was merely connected to Tracy. (My GF is reading over my shoulder, laughing, agreeing with me that this is a sad, sad day when just a Sixth Degree connection with Tracy is having me squee like a blithering schoolgirl.)

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Thanks ILoveTracyQ and MinervaFan for the advice. I still need a choose a spoiler to write about, so we'll see what happens. :)

Still no JE/Tracy...I bet Friday is the only day she'll be on, and for what? To b-tch about GQ? Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. It's like Jan. thru April 2005 all over again. I fear she'll average 4 episodes/month until her contract runs out. :(

ETA: At the bottom of the page, it says ILoveTracyQ, kenna, and MinervaFan are all on. And of course I'm also on. Party in the TQ thread! :lol:

ETA again: That's true about TG's vacations. TIIC couldn't have Tracy be there for her son/granddaughter, now could they? Nope. She spends most of the summer in Europe and weeks shows up one day bound and gagged in a Miami warehouse. *sigh* It's even worse now, though, because TG is onscreen, and JE isn't.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Ms.Q don't forget that when TG went on his loonnngg break from the end of July to the first week in October...ten long weeks...JE was on what,twice,for about fifteen total minutes of airtime.

I have my spoiler....just trying to work out the story in my mind.

I am going to try and remain positive that TIIC will wake up about JE...and soon. I'm just grateful I even get to see her at all,and I'm trying my best to just focus on that.

It could be a whole lot worse,maybe with JI coming back,there will be more Tracy/Edward scenes,which is always a blessing.

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I edited my other post enough, LOL. I'm going to make another one.

I don't even think it was 15 minutes of airtime. She had 1 scene total, I believe, with Skye/Lorenzo/Diego. It lasted for maybe 2 minutes. :angry:

And yay! ILoveTracyQ is going to write a fanfic. I can't wait to read it. :)












From SZ (source unidentified): After Tracy kicks GQ out of the mansion, she uses Diego to break them up.

Who couldn't see this coming? It's Georgie/Dillon/Sage all over again. *sigh* WHY can't Tracy do something else? When Edward returns, can the two of them team up to get ELQ away from Carly? Please? Or can Monica/Tracy get trapped together somewhere? Yes, that was random, LOL. Seriously, though, anything but the teens. What's Coleman up to?

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Okay does LJ require that you pay to post,or open an account?

If so...I don't have a problem with it,as long as I can afford it...LOL,but in the interest of some others who maybe don't want to pay to post,maybe we should just do it anonymously.

People will know we're Tracy fans by the subject of our stories.

Whatever the consensus here is,I'll probably go for it..I'm not picky.

Anonymous,or join LJ,whichever.

*waves to everyone*

I hope to see lots more posts when I check in in the morning.

Here's to TQ on tomorrow.

Yeah !!

*crosses fingers and toes*

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I just created a community on LiveJournal. It's called The Tracy Quartermaine Fake Spoiler Ficathon. I've set it up that members and non-members can post, and will get the whole thing together asap. LJ accounts cost nothing to set up (although you can have a paid account with extra features if you want.) I'm going to try to set it up that you don't absolutely have to be on LJ to participate.

What I'd like to do is gather together a list of all the Tracy spoilers we can find and post it to the community, so people can pick the ones they like. Personally, I think if more than one person wants to write about a specific spoiler, it should be allowed, because no two people can write the same story.

Any suggestions?

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Hmm.... I'll look for some spoilers. There's one spoiler in particular that I've been thinking of writing a short fic for... that spoiler about Tracy telling Luke she loves him then later blaming it on the alcohol which was water.

Love the idea!!

The most recent spoilers that we never saw played out (but i'd love to see or read)...

*Tracy breaks down (over Dillon)

* Mac and Tracy scene at hospital

off to find more!

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