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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hate to say it, but it sounds like. I have bilateral CT, and it was a bitch in the early days, but it does get better.

Do these exercises: http://www.eatonhand...ctexercise.htm.

Also, soak your lower arms in warm water, as hot as you can handle. Just fill your kitchen sink, and lean in from fingertips to elbows. Do this regularly and it will help. NEVER ICE IT - EVER, it will make it worse. (This is a concert pianist trick.)

CT isn't only computer related, it's anything repetitive. If it's only in your right arm, it could be something specific to what you do with the right hand - writing with a pen is the worst thing to develop it, but no one seems to think about that. I stopped using a pen regularly, and it's made a huge difference.

Wrist braces help, so use them. It does take years to develop, and also years to heal, but I'm a walking example of how it is possible. And if you do see a doctor, resist surgery with every fibre of your being - sure it might help some in the short term, but if lifestyle doesn't change to fix it, it comes back.

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he isn't...there was just a five week gap in between his debut and him appearing regularly starting today

It could be tendenitis

I had carpal tunnel == the worst kind since I had no pain at all and was asymptomatic other than some numbness and tingling when I woke up. I slept in the wrist things for six months...but I had to have surgery on both wrists cause otherwise the nerve would deteriorate...it was a five minute endoscopic procedure on each side but they have to put you out. I did them both at once which was fun to do some every day tasks! But I wanted to get it overwith.

They had to diagnose mine through an EMG

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I honestly think that if they do get rid of Richard Steinmetz, it will turn out to be a big mistake in terms of a romantic interest/story for JE. I know Joe looks pretty bad at the moment, but....if they can bring back characters from the dead, they can fix him.

I am actually more excited at the idea of Luke and Tracy being besties than ever being a romantic couple again.

Not sure how I feel about anything Duke/Tracy. Will have to see them together and see what pops up. I don't think they have a kid together, there are already too many mommy/kid issues with different characters going on. Too bad if not-I like the idea. we need more Q's, and I don't think they are going to bother recasting/bringing back Ned or Dillon or Brook Lynn. Again too bad, because I think Trey and Brook Lynn would be cool.

My main issue with Duke is that he seems far too stiff for Tracy. I know that sounds funny, but Tracy is the type of character that if you don't pay attention, might seem "stiff" herself. But really, even though she can be snobby at times, she is anything but "stiff". I guess she could liven him up? She needs a guy like Luke or Joe or even Scott Baldwin-the types with a sense of humor, who will enjoy her humor and also make her smile/laugh.

I can't picture Duke doing that.

As for Clint Buchanan or anyone like him, I hope first of all that bringing him over is nothing more than a huge rumor. I find him to be one of the most milquetoast boring men ever on soaps.

Ms.Q: could be carpal tunnel but it honestly sounds more like ulnar nerve entrapment, or cubital tunnel. I have had both carpal tunnel, which I had surgery for, and I have the cubital, but three years ago they said it wasn't bad enough for surgery and I haven't had it checked since. Cubital is generally from bending your arm a lot-the ulnar nerve is just above the crook in your elbow. The nerve can be entraped there, or it can be entraped all the way up your arm to your neck and/or collar bone(I think mine goes up that far, because I have pain from the neck down when I have it.)

It comes and goes, I don't really do anything for it but bear it. I have flare ups, like right now, and then periods where it doesn't bother me at all.

They'll do a nerve test regardless, because there are several nerve conditions that can cause it, and there are several reasons why the nerve can be compressed. My sympathies, nerve pains are the worst. sad.png

I'd recommend seeing someone about it ASAP, though.

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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You are all very knowledgeable on this topic...A little too knowledgeable, lol. I still have problems with my teeth, so I really don't want another chronic problem...

remos, very true about it not just being from the computer. I just assumed that's how most people end up with it... It hurts so much to grade papers, and what am I doing while grading papers - holding a pen!!! I don't think scooping kitty litter daily helped matters...

ILTQ, I don't really feel like seeing anyone yet, just 'cause these doctors always send you to someone else then someone else and then run every test in the book to cover their butts. I thought the wrist brace would be a good place to start. Also - what kind of doctor would I even go to??? Primary care won't do a thing... Orthopedic??? Been to neurologists before - never good experiences with them... I'd prefer orthopedic...

Gotta run. My planning period is almost over...

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Ms.Q-a neurologist would be the main one you'd deal with if it's a nerve problem. If your insurance is like mine, your PCP has to do the referral. My PCP did do a basic nerve test in her office, just to see if that was likely the problem, and when she saw that there was blockage, she sent me to the neurologist who did my surgery. Yeah you are right about going to several different people-it's annoying sometimes.

I have heard some people say chiropractors helped them with their carpal tunnel. I would imagine you'd still need the referral from your PCP. Also, as remos posted the exercises, I would imagine doing some of them would work almost as well as the chiropractor, at least at first. Plus, that's free, LOL.

I agree with halee. We are a broken down bunch. And...also agree that it's going to be a long week until Tracy if we have to wait until Friday. UGH

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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If the rumor about her being arrested is true, I'm hoping for Thursday, as well as Friday. Guess we'll see.

I think my biggest issue with the "possible" Duke/Tracy/Luke/Anna quad is that I'm tired of Tracy playing second fiddle. Luke's WHOLE heart will never belong to Tracy, not without some creative writing(which I don't think we're going to get here). And while Duke and Anna were totally not as popular as LnL, she'll be second fiddle there, too. Never even mind the characters on screen-there's the fans online to deal with, and how Anna belongs with Duke...just like Luke belongs with Laura...and I don't think I have the patience to go through that again.

That, plus the fact that quite simply: Tracy deserves a man who isn't with her just because someone else is for whatever reason, unavailable to him. Joe was into her. Why couldn't they run with them?

I think with the show so close to the possible end, if I had one wish, that would be it. And I don't even care what comes out of the character's mouths at this point. Too much has happened for me to believe Luke will ever cherish her. And we don't even know if Duke and Tracy will have chemistry.

She is like, the biggest loser in love in GH history. :(

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A friend of mine has a great quote. After our mothers died within days of each other, she said "I really hate what I'm an expert in".

A suggestion, if I may. I have a friend who has bad arms/wrist (not CT, but painful anyway) so she does a template for her students and just types what needs to be done. Typing your marks and comments would be a lot easier, and a lot more legible when the pain kicks in effecting your handwriting. You teach highschool right? Putting thing on computer print-out, or online would save you a lot of pain. Others are doing it, so it won't seem that novel.

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Just creating something you use for marking. What are the highlights and points you try to make - mark, suggestions, compliments, critiques, etc. - then create a Word/Pages/PDF which will allow you to skip from section to section typing in what needs to be read.

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