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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Sporting the heat miser hair do!

The Qs are not at the funeral. That stuff is at the Q mansion when tracy and monica fight. I'm sure it makes edward have chest pains or something and they stay home with him

The Q actors were not tapign the three days they taped the funeral

I wonder if they make edward hae a health issue since that was john ingle's last day taping befoer his surgery and then his wife died.

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I'll try to go in order for these.... while I ordinarily HATE the heatmiser do, she can rock it in that pick. somehow it always look sbetter in her pics from the mags that on the show, it's like they do it on purpose on GH, I odn't know what she did to them. I think she looks great anyway but it is definately one of my least faves

i didn't think they were but I was hoping maybe they rearanged some stuff and put them in. I know, CRAZINESS, right?!

I wonder if that is why too, hooked

now as for this rediculous new opening sequence- the only time i will not be annoyed with this is if somehow someone there got clever enough to piece together an opening sequence that shows which characters ar on the particular day... not likely though. I know it's been said that it looks llike they MAY be going off at some point I am confused as to why they would bring over the OLTL characters if they know that's going to happen. It's one thing if they didn't know they'll be going off or if they brought them on to go out with a bang or something, but they brought them on with 3 year contracts.... and yet they are dwindling down on the characters that have been there for years- to the point that they don't even get opening credits?!


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I must pop in say that I despise her hair in the magazine. ph34r.png

Now that I'm here...

I enjoyed Tracy and Edward's scenes the other day re: Robin.

Am not happy about Tracy's story with the Z's being cut, but it wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened.

Am looking forward to Monica and Tracy clashing though I am fonder of their more emotional scenes, like when Monica found out about Jake.

Finally, I miss Tracy and Lulu. I was just thinking of Tracy and Lulu's scene in September when they were talking about Dante and Luke and love. I really loved this exchange:

Tracy: People who are madly in love sometimes fight about silly things; things that are about unresolved issues.

Lulu: Like honesty?

Tracy: No. Like self-worth and fear of abandonment. You fight until it's over and then you go on.

Lulu: Or you leave because it's too broken to be fixed.

Tracy: Here's the bottom line--to be in a rich, rewarding relationship means being willing to put in the work. It means trying when you don't want to try, forgiving when it's the last thing in the world you want to do.

Lulu: Then what if I can't do that?

Tracy: Okay. Then you end up alone. I've done alone. I've carved a nice life for myself. I don't ever have to put up with being hurt by another person. I don't have to deal with the flaws of another person. I don't go through the rollercoaster ride of emotions that comes with a committed relationship. You make your life about work and money and stuff, and you need more and more as the hole gets deeper and deeper. What happens if someday...the forces conspire against you, and all this stuff goes away? You know what you have? Nothing.

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<p>I was a beautiful scene between Tracy and Lulu, and there should be more. However what I'm reading points directly to what I knew would happen - much like things happened on Days. The new writer has a narrow view that is even narrower than the past regime and believes bringing back old characters is the way to go. There is no forward story telling and certainly no use of the women who have been &quot;holding down the fort&quot; for the past many years.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Soaps are dead - not because they can't find an audience, but because they can't find the writers.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>And I agree with you <strong>Lainey</strong>, the hair was great. The entire picture and article were great. Even though the best thing to happen to her character is being destroyed around her, at least her real life is working well. I can't even imagine an Empty Nest at this point in my life, but I can certainly fantasize about it. <img alt=":P" class="bbc_emoticon" src="http://boards.soapoperanetwork.com//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png" title=":P" /></p>

<div id="myEventWatcherDiv" style="display:none;"> </div>

Edited by remos
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I LOVED that scene. it's a great one. When there are scenes that I can't figure out if it is so good JUST because of the acting or if I actually loved the writing too than it was a great scene and I wonder why the writers can't do that all the time if they can do it at all.

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Tracy is on Tuesday this week:

A shot rings out. Olivia finds a way to help Steve after overhearing a conversation between Tracy and Anthony on Tuesday, March 13.

Tracy is on Wednesday this week

Tracy fights with Monica over Robin's death and funeral and it has adverse effect on Edward (this was the last day john taped before his surgery--same day as the scenes with Tracy about Robin's death and tracy/dante)

JE has been working one day a week except this week two days

Tracy has some stuff with McBain coming up (witness questioning I think about Sonny) with Alice

Some stuff with luke/anna I think

Some stuff with the Qs BW/TG and starr

Some stuff with I think sonny's trial today

and possible with luke/anna and maybe heather and bw/tg

I think we will see her on screen once a week probably for a while

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Perhaps more than once a week. Insiders are quite adamant that one day's taping could be for 1-4 days of viewing, so we won't know until we actually see them. I just hope the blinders come off the current writers and they start to see the power of the TG/JE pairing. Unfortunately most of these writers are so caught up in their own fanfic drama that they rarely look up to see what many viewers get a chance to see, and that's powerful chemistry from unexpected sources. (It would also help if they realized all this ground swell of Tracy/AZ support is actually primarily LnLers who think with Tracy removed Luke has no other options…. which is true, but it's still not about Tracy, isn't about breaking up LuNacy.)

At least she's working - that's good to hear. I'll wait to see if the content makes me interested in watching.

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I dont think so

I think eventually crazy psycho kate is gonna whack AZ cause he knows she is the one who shot dante and shot out sonny's tires

I just hope those drops about her with heather and scott mixing it up wtih the Qs and Tracy being a secret keeper pan out

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