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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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if what I heard is right she is. I don't remember where I heard it but i read something where she said she was working like crazy to make a story that did the show and the character and the history justice and then they scrapped it when the new team came on.

I was liking how this may play out more in the first day or 2 waiting to see how they brought it all together btu I am not happy with that story or how they did it. I do think anna and patrick were very good but i don't like how it was done at all.

and someone please tell me she's wrong- but my mom heard a rumor somewhere that GH may be going off soon. say it isn't so!!! on the other hand if these dumbies keep screwing up what the say they are going to fix I won't be surprised. how is there not one person working in the industry that can figure out what the fans like or how to fix the show but the fans can rattle off 100 ways without even thinking about it

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monica's reaction was totally bizarre

the fact that anna/patrick are crying in the hub and nobody is around and there is no staff around and nobody is blinking an eye that an explosion happened etc...no cops around, etc

Then patrick's snot hanging under his nose when he was blubbering was very distracting then he wiped it with his sleeve which was gross.

i will say JJY was the only person who got to me.

I think patrick telling emma will be very sad

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The show has been so exciting lately. It is the first time I have ever wanted to tune in to see the whole show instead of simply watching for Tracy/LuNacy/Luke scenes. It feels like a traditional soap opera now. I am thrilled with the turnaround the show has taken under the new team's leadership.

I wonder if we are going to see any follow-up on the scene where Johnny told Tracy he was going to go after the Soleito money. It has seemingly been dropped. I suppose we will find out her marriage to AZ is illegal when Luke returns. He was too sure of himself when he told Tracy that everything was going to be all right. I could be wrong, of course, but I am holding out hope that there will be a resolution to the mess Tracy currently finds herself in with AZ.

I can't wait for tomorrow's scenes with Sonny at the mansion!

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I'm just about to call it a day regardless. The things that interest me in a show are disappearing and I am starting to see that no matter how many think a writer is good or not good (no one can please everyone all the time), there just isn't enough reason to spend my time looking for the nuggets. Days destroyed itself for me and I haven't seen anything that tells me GH will be any better. Moments of great performances don't change an overarching problem.

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super late but checking in

Sorry I missed you TL

Remos I have been loving DOOL lately. I love the will/marlena dynamic and chandler massey has come a long way acting. Love the gay storyline and how they are handling it. Love Ian cause his super creepy and it is giving Kate a story who is my fav

but..that's what makes the world go round!

The sonny/tracy/az stuff today was good I hear

This OLTL insider person who supposeldy has access to RC says that tracy's story was cut basically with the new writers as it was supposedly months of z vs sonny mob wars. so tht is why she hasn't been working much at all

Luke is going to be busy with ethan and robert and holly for a bit and then with robin's funeral.

Here is kimberly's interview with john ingle she posted. He says he filmed scenes with jane talking about robin. maybe they give a reason why they are not at the funeral nor is monica which I find very odd.


so sad this was end of jan before his wife died

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Hey, does anyone use twitter? I'm @somuchwhatever over there, if anyone wants to follow me or vice-versa.

I know that some of the decisions lately about the show aren't popular over here, but I have to say I'm loving them. Just turning on the freakin' lights in the studio was a positive change, and the pace picking up is wonderful. I couldn't stand having to listen to 40 out of 43 minutes of show being the exact same dialogue 4 days a week. I'm not wild about the OLTL invasion, but I would rather have GH with a handful of OLTL folks than no GH because it was canceled due to poor ratings. And if the characters start holding Sonny responsible for his douchiness, it'll all be worth it.

I have to say I'm completely flummoxed by TG. I get not wanting to tread the same ground over and over with Laura. Been there, done that. But why must he insist that everyone just absolutely loathe Luke, who must be this whiny selfish bastard that he's become? Is this him taking the characters' self-loathing to new depths? One of the things I loved best about Luke and Tracy as a couple was that they both have a VERY questionable past, but they knew each other's flaws and loved each other in spite of them. Ever since that Jake storyline, I can't see anything in Luke that makes me want to like him again. And it seems that TG is just fine with that - he was so proud of that Jake s/l and it just made my skin crawl watching Luke during that time frame.

I don't get it. I want my gray-shades Luke back. He doesn't have to be squeaky clean. And I don't think he would be, in RC's hands (if Todd was any indication on OLTL). But now it looks like we won't even get that, if TG walks.

The Robin scenes just have not impacted me as much as they should. I will say I think JT has killed it and JJY had me in tears the other day. FH hasn't really done much for me, surprisingly, but my theory is she's holding it back until TR hits the canvas.

Edited by stargazercmc
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I highly doubt Tony is walking anywhere. If they are wrapping up by september I think he will be sticking around. he is about to get this big ice princess revisit type deal supposedly and has been working lots of with Finola.

I do think the show will for sure be ending with luke and laura

I will be happy at least to see if Tracy is restored to be the kick ass diva she once was. Tracy is a character to me who doesn't need a pairing. A scheming partner maybe like scott or marco was always great.

I love the fact that the two characters who have worked the most days under RC scripts are Mac and Carly (not caring about carly) but am so glad JJY is getting some story.

I think we will see Nancy more too

I just hope Jane gets in some good stuff coming up.

Did I tell you guys she taped scenes with John McBain? must be questioning her about AZ or something.

I'm looking forward to seeing holly and luke and robert and how they wrap up this ethan story. LIW dies monday thank god. what a horrible actress and story.

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i'm with you sa far on the TQ/AZ thing. i think the res will come when luke gets back on screen, which should be coming snce they showed him friday. But some of my biggest issue with this story isn't the whole fact of the story at all, it's that they are kind of echoing the LnT marriage to begin with. I don't rememebr if I said it earlier and I don't want to bother going back to check. So far it is a marriage that she is tricked/ forced into, she is being blackmailed or somehow kept in the marriage against her will or at least against her wishes... and they are starting to do that whole crap they did with Luke (which I loved then but not so much with AZ) where she is having empathy for his situationa dn they are starting to get along, whether she actually likes him or not is another story, but they can't echo the last marriage she was in, especially right after she was in it. It's not even like they are reserecting an older story, it just ended within the year and its the same freakin thing!!!

now that I type it I think I did say it, or at least start to. oh well- it can stand to be said twice.

I'm off to watch her on Knots Landing instead- ps for anyone who hasn't seen it or doesn't remember her on it.... hot momma! she stole gary ewing from Val, at least for a time LOVE IT. I know my mom watched it when I was little and I feel like I've seen it while I'm watching it again, but definately getting into it more now that I actaully know what's going on and am not 4 years old (I guess that part helps especially)

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From the OLTL insider person on DD...for what it is worth--their explanation for why Tracy has no airtime coming up barely because RC gutted/cut her Z mob story

Speaking of Tracy, I was wondering if HNY answered by any chance about

1) whether or not tracy/az marriage (story) would be ending sooner rather than later or would it be wrapped up at least since AZ is going to be gone

2) If HNY could comment or add to ESI drop that we should keep alan on our minds in the coming months

3) If there has been any more talk or plans for a ned or dillon return recast etc?

Thanks! I can't scroll back right now that many pages on this stupid phone

1) So much of Tracy/Zs was gutted, I honestly do not know how much was kept. I do know RC plans on revealing it was a sham marriage.

2) SD is on RC's wishlist. However, I do not have anything yet on a Alan resurrection.

3) Nothing new yet on Ned or Dillon.

-Happy New Years

http://s10.zetaboards.com/Daytime_Dish/single/?p=9469671&t=7386948 33a6rvd.pngddkl1d.png 68xabn.png t0rgqe.png 2dt91js.png Silvia Yesterday, 9:52 PM

I do know for a fact that JE/TG have not taped together since before the xmas holidays. Luke will be wiht holly/ethan (lit he leaves) and robert, then mostly anna and the funeral stuff. he recently taped stuff with anna at jakes.

It doesn't make senst to me at all that if they reveal that the z marriage is a scam that luke wouldn't somehow be involved but perhaps that has yet to tape. There is the possiblity they taped a scene on TH

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so far (it's a big SO FAR) i don't have any problems with any of that... the only thing I find a little perplexing is the fact that they keep mentioning that TG and JE haven't taped together since the holidays. IS that supposed to be pointing out that their story is done? God I hope not, it seems to me that if the story is done there would be no point what so ever in having them point out over and over again that Tracy is still in love with Luke. She and Lulu talk about it, others point it out to her, Sonny even hints at it. can't imagine that that would be useful if their wasn't a pint to it, especially since things involving her get cut left and right so there is no reason they couldn't cut the one line that is peppered in all over the place if they don't want it there. I'm holding out hope and no one can change my mind. this, the stork and santa claus... three stories I choose never to let go of!!

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