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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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so today apparently tracy was practicing telling edward about az and luke came in I think.

I heard he gave her a whip for a wedding gift! LOL

OMG is funny1 still checking in!

Today was a "BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Day!

Remember that joke from so long ago in the chatrooms!

Edited by hookedongh
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OMG that was HILARIOUS!!!! I played that exchange over and over. I don't know how TG pulled that off without laughing, and JE almost didn't make it through. I don't think she expected that as his final "comment" on the way out the door. I gotta say, after months of not watching, these past number of days with these two have been must-see TV (just glad I have my FF for all the rest… although BB is killing it with his own story).

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These drops are from poster Happy New Year who has been a long term OLTL insider..he has access to RC/FV and storyboards

People on DD who have followed him for years say he is as legit as they come for storyline direction

These sound almost too good to be true:

RC gutted then rewrote the Z/Sonny mob war GW planned. This did impact Tracy.

It appears Tracy is the keeper of more than a few Port Charles secrets.

-Happy New Years

Alexis will be in for the shock of her life as a result of Helena's "something very wicked this way comes" arc. Ancient ties and feuds come back into major focus this spring.

-Happy New Years

Eeeeek! Jason's 'real' mama is coming, Oh I likes the sound of that!

Please do not twist my drops.

I did not drop RC plans to resurrect Susan Moore.

I do not yet know how Jason's old blood ties impact the story. Tracy, the new PC keeper of old secrets, "may" be tied to RC wanting to revisit the issue of Jason's mother.

-Happy New Years


thanks HNY

I guess being a secret keeper is a good thing

unless it is the keeper of the vet closet! e5019158.gif

I was just speccing a second ago that she did hate Susan Moore so could be some secret there!

My spec for a while now is that under GW if Franco returned, somehow he would be jason's half brother and somehow tied into Alan having another kid somewhere that Edward paid off etc...

any idea if there are still hopes for a ned or dillon return?

Think early Tracy. More of a diva. More of a power player. Edward's true successor.

Good speculation. GW planned for Jason to uncover Franco's unstable mother stole him.

-Happy New Years

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<p> </p>

<p>LOL, this is fabulous! The mind boggles that in this day and age with such uptight &quot;political correctness&quot; those two are so comfortable with their characters and with each other that they flaunt their S&amp;M (probably some B&amp;D too) and have so much fun doing it. I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall when they talk this out. <img alt=":lol:" class="bbc_emoticon" src="http://boards.soapoperanetwork.com//public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.png" title=":lol:" /></p>

<p> </p>

<p><strong>Lainey</strong>, Luke gave Tracy a gift &quot;of love&quot;, and told her &quot;thanks for the memories&quot;. She smiled and turned to open it. It was a riding crop, and when she took it out of the box he swatted her on the behind then left the room. Earlier he also made comments about wondering if AZ knew the real story behind her nickname.</p>

<div id="myEventWatcherDiv" style="display:none;"> </div>

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and luke said said "giddyap!"

Luke called her venus and she said don't call me that and he said well then I have to think of a new pet name cause I don't think your new husband would like me calling you spanky buns--he migth wonder how your earned that monniker

I totally think that tracy knows she is still married to luke somehow and she is playing along with this ruse...especially if you really look at the dialogue

yestserday she was mentioning he was her "supposedly ex-husband" you sure are coming around a lot.

He was calling her his wife--oops I mean ex wife last week with alexis

In the hotel room he was like "you really didn't do the deed right" and she ws like no way and then he said well I doubth e is gonna go for sexless marriage" etc...almost like he was like what are you going to do and then don't worry I think it will all work out and tellnig her to gear up for the bumpy road ahead

I know nobody else thinks they were working together but somehow I think they are

He also rushed the ceremony so Tracy didn't even answer or say I do.

Edited by hookedongh
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Oh, I don't believe that marriage is legal for one second, but AZ thinks it is and that's half the battle. With Luke giving that info on Johnny, he's basically tied AZ up in different knots with Sonny as the focus (thus taking it off himself and the rest of the Spencers). I don't think their divorce is real either, but I'm not completely convinced Tracy knows what Luke is up to - just that he's in her corner and might or might not be helpful in the long run. The way she was saying "how did I get myself into this" the other day belies any sense that she and Luke are in cahoots on this one. I honestly don't think she totally trusts him to rescue her. She hopes he will, but he's let her down so many times that she probably feels she's got to figure this one out by herself.

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Hey, if you're right I'm not going to complain. My bottom line is LuNacy working together, playing together and being TOGETHER. If they are doing an end run on Za-crazy, I am more than happy. He can't be gone soon enough for my liking anyway...

…. and come to think of it, if Tracy is legally (or assumed to be) Mrs. Z when AZ dies, she becomes the Godmother of Port Charles, making it impossible for Sonny to take out the competition because she's Luke's Lady and that's serious No Fly Zone. Could be interesting and shift the dynamic in the Chuckles.

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