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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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nope. she is on Wed. Ms. Q, then only once more in October I think the last week. Bummer. She got more airtime when Tony was on vacation.

No Tracy after that yet that I know of and no more tracy/az coming up besides Wed. show. Seriously the pacing is awful.

Luckily crazy ass lisa is back to cause some rukkus!!

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Is wed when Luke rescues Tracy from big, bad Anthony Z?

Don't like the whole 'Tracy as a Damsel' thing.. but the idea of Tracy needing something from Luke.. and Luke actually delivering.. makes me weak in the knees and shiver with delight (which means it probably won't happen the way I want. grrr)

Seriously -- if I was writing this hotel scene -- Luke would drop in on T & A just as Tracy was trying to convince herself to grin and bear it. He'd have some great juicy piece of info on AZ to counter balance the blackmail against Tracy. AZ would slink away with his tail between his legs. And Tracy would be so grateful and turned on by a strong, sober, in control Luke that she melts beneath his touch and makes mad, hot, passionate love with him in the metro court room booked by the wacko AZ.

yep -- that's how I would do it. Yes I would.

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Ah, Lainey, that would be like heaven to me. wub.png It's a shame that we'll probably only get scraps instead.

TG is making me feel sorry for Luke. Today he talked to Lucky at his apartment and gave him an AA pamphlet. He wants both of them to work on their sobriety together. Lucky dismissed the idea, but he showed up at the hospital for the meeting anyway. Then, he saw Luke and walked away. Luke turned and looked at Lucky, getting ready to talk to him when he saw him; then, his face dropped as he watched Lucky walk away. It was heartbreaking. I was so pissed that he had cheated with Lupe, but it goes to show how wonderful TG is as an actor that he can make me feel pity for this character just months later.

I am interested in how Lulu will react to seeing him. Is she going to be thrilled that he is back or will she give him the cold shoulder like the rest of the family? I can imagine her hugging him and crying. He could use a hug right about now. sad.png

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So, NLG just tweeted a link of the Top 10 Smart and Sexy Soap Supercouples of course Mason and Julia were #1 but Luke and Tracyere #9, here is what they had to say:

9.) Tracy Quartermaine and Luke Spencer, General Hospital

Laura Vining Webber Baldwin (Genie Francis) may have been Luke Spencer's (Tony Geary) "angel," but devilish Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot) is without a doubt his whip smart, sexy soulmate and equal on ABC Daytime's General Hospital. Every bit as nefarious, black-hearted and self-interested as the spouse who first tricked her into marriage for her millions, Tracy managed to do the unthinkable — she provided Luke with a post-Laura love interest fans not only accepted, but came to root for. Oh and did I mention they're both over 50? Someone should alert Madison Avenue that smart is sexy, no matter the demo!

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so was just following on twitter but didn't watch the show. apparently tracy told az she couldn't sleep with him cause she loves her husband and then luke came in and he and az started trading remarks about women having needs and luke wouldn't be surprised if tracy was cheating or whatever....

Then she was telling az to shut up and luke said that means she likes you. He was egging tracy on about being in denial she likes Anthony. Apparently Tracy told AZ to leave and luke gave Tracy divorce papers and said nobody wants him they have all made that clear and told her he set her free and to have a nice life.

Kind of role reversal from the normal tracy threatening divorce. I haven't watched, but being that LUke had a big ole smile on his face when he heard AZ blackmailing tracy about the night of passion, I think Luke is playing her with reverse psychology here and thinking if he pushes her away she is going to want to come back. JMO though from reading it.

I know GW said his big catch phrase is Don't assume. And remember that poster said that GW has more twists than chubby checker when it came to luke/tracy/az

Ravenbeauty has today that laura is ocming back, the story is being set up on screen now and Luke and Laura will reunite and tracy/az will be the new zany offereing on the show.

She is still saying two males leaving. And it is sounding like JJ still.

If Laura returns, they should have her usher luke and lucky away and then Lucky should come back in the form of hot greg vaughn instead of cry baby scraggle hair lucky now.

New pediatrician has been cast. It is the girl who everyone assumed was lady in white.

Still no word on Gina.

I believe tracy/luke will have one more appearance in Oct. Luke will have more though

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Oh, ye gods. Luke and Laura again?? DULLSVILLE.

And Tracy with Anthony Zacchara? I don't think so.

Don't get me wrong - I LOVE Bruce Weitz and think AZ is an absolutely fabulous character, a pot-stirrer extraordinaire. But it would be so fantastically out of character for Tracy to willingly fall into something with a stone-cold murderer that I can't stomach it. A wacky blackmail scheme? I MAY could take that. But a love match? That's a long stretch I don't think they can sell me, even with actors as amazing as BW and JE.

So if TG and JJ leave, and then JMB takes a hike as is rumored, that's really going to leave NP at loose ends. I never thought I would have said this two years ago, but I hope he doesn't leave GH. He's really impressed me in the last week or two, and never so much as when Ethan was bonding with Lucky and telling off Luke. It was really good stuff. Hopefully there'd be some Tracy and Ethan connection to keep him tied into the canvas in some meaningful way outside of recasted Ethina.

Feh. All speculation at this point, anyway. But it bothers me if it's coming from Ravenbeauty because she's typically spot-on.

Edited by stargazercmc
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After watching today's show, I must say that Luke seemed to me to be frustrated with the rejection he received from Tracy and his kids. I think this is driving his choice to serve Tracy with divorce papers. He is overwhelmed and hurt. He is now seeing how hard it is going to be to make things be the way they were before Jake's death. He said, "I don't want to do this anymore." I don't think it was a reference to the marriage, but more a reference to him not wanting to stay in town and fight with his family. He wants them to welcome him home with open arms, and it is proving to be impossible. So, I think Tracy is right. He is trying to divorce her, so he can skip town and continue to not deal with this horrible aftermath. And, he sees AZ interested in her. He must think, "oh, she has someone who can take my place." Maybe in his own twisted way he thinks he is doing her a favor. He has so much more healing to do before he can be the Luke that existed before the accident. This whole divorce thing will become a moot point once he sees how crazy AZ is and that Tracy needs to be protected, however.

The dialogue was hilarious when AZ was in the room with them. laugh.png JE looked so pretty today, too.

As for these rumors, there is a different one every day. I just try not to get caught up in the rumor mill too much. I have found myself getting worked up over drops in the past that turned out to be nothing. It is a waste of my time, really.

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<p>We should go back and find the time GF WASN'T rumoured to be returning when there was marital difficulty between Luke and Tracy. That would be different. It's past its humour when it comes to this rumour. Move along people - there's nothing to see here.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Tracy and AZ are a non-starter for all the reason we know and understand, and it amazes me how short-sighted fans are to suggest they would be a great couple. They seem to want anyone to get Luke out of her life, with very little memory that Zacrazy has killed just about every woman he's been involved with AND Tracy is not into murderers. Nefarious beings perhaps, but not the insane.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>I haven't had time to see yesterday's show yet, but I read a comment on some board that Tracy and Helena are the best dressed women in daytime. Wow, what a change that is. A few years ago Tracy was the moumou Queen.</p>

<div id="myEventWatcherDiv" style="display:none;"> </div>

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Honestly, I haven't paid real attention to spoilers in years, but from passing glances, I don't see how Raven B gets anything right more than others. As far as I can tell, RB is on the level of the lady that does Wubs, or the GH2 site, or just about any spoiler site as it seems most sites copy from one another in some form or other, except for maybe any insiders on SD.

I say that because people on SOC post RB's stuff all the time..and a lot of it turns out to be crap that never comes close to happening. If she's really an insider with good info, she should name a date when Genie will be coming back. But she won't yet, because right now all she's doing (I'm assuming RB is a she) is guessing, just like everyone else is guessing.

Anyone who has ever watched the show could make an educated guess that if the show is about to end, Laura/GF might come back before the end. That isn't insider information, that's speculation.

Add up that GF has been, from what I've read, a total bomb on Y&R, and I can also say every day for the next few months that GF is coming back to GH soon, and eventually one day I might be right.

I've already laid out how I feel about Bora coming back, and/or LnL reuniting.

People kill me with the constant Lunacy is boring comments...as if LnL aren't boring/wouldn't be boring?

As long as Tracy isn't thrown under the bus for them, in any way, I no longer care. If they do reunite LnL, they should reunite them long enough before the show ends, that I can giggle at all the "lnL are boring" threads that are going to pop up. Because ya know, it's kind of a case of be careful what you wish for.

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