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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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The spoilers right now are like a buffet table - pick the ones you like best and pass over the others. Everything is up for grabs with little consistency dictating what is real and what isn't.

But this morning's I particularly like…. "Luke tries to save Tracy, but she doesn't make it easy on him". Nothing new in that thought, but still nice to see in print.

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It was really hard to gage Tracy's face when she realized it was Luke's hands on her. We rarely see her astonished in that way. She truly believed she would never see him again.

Eww… Zacrazy propositioning her - sleezy all the way. There is NO way GW is doing anything serious with these two.

It will be interesting to see how the interaction changes between the two, but on any level, who was happy that Tracy was the first person Luke contacted eh? Not Lucky or Ethan (Lulu wasn't really a contender IMO).

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I've got to say of the two Luke massage-return scenes, the original was better from a LuNacy POV, but this one was great watching JE/Tracy's expression. I'm sure the harpy will deal with him today, but the utter disbelief in her face yesterday was priceless.

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who the hell gets a massage in a big fat terry robe? as if you could feel anything! LOL

Tracy threw hot rocks at luke and was an ice queen telling him the marraige was over and he ruined all his connections and don't he dare disrupt the kids lives again. He said he hadn't drank in a month and she was like WTF is this scotch? He said it is a reminder not to drink and it was full. She said the marraige was over, papers or no papters. Then she threw him out and then almost started to cry...az came in and touched her and she thought it was luke and said pls don't. Tracy told him now luke was back and that changes everything as she still loves him and can't be unfaithful and az was like it changes nothing--sex for silence...Luke was outside overhearing hte whole thing so that is how he shows up at the hotel next Wed.

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Liked the scenes today. I LOVE that they didn't play them for laughs. I like GW's more subtle style of writing. The slapstick thing between Tracy and Luke got old once they were seriously together.

JE played some really great beats today. We know what's coming now - Tracy's gonna use AZ to try to keep Luke at arm's length and it's probably gonna backfire. I do like that this is a blackmail scenario because I couldn't see how she could realistically hang around AZ without it being completely out of character.

Incidentally, TG is 100 zillion times better playing subtle serious scenes as opposed to the mugging that Guza had him doing so often. That said, the look on Luke's face at the end of today? It seriously made my heart pitter-patter there for a second. It's like when MB goes out with a full-on smile: it's hard not to find him attractive when he grins like that.

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Dear GH,

I am a 40something middle class woman. I'm the sort of viewer you actually want to WATCH. I haven't watched your damn show since Luke slipped out of rehab. Want me back? Continue what you started today -- and do it often (not just once every other month. Us older viewers want more than a bone). And oh -- now that there is a change in head writers could you actually show us some of the passion that Luke and Tracy allude to all the time, please?



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I have to agree with you on the robe, hooked. laugh.png Were there sheets on the bed? I wasn't really paying attention. I was more interested in the acting. I just loved the line about Luke's 'magic fingers' knowing where to go and what to do on her body. wub.png

JE's acting today was wonderful. I love how subtle she is. Tracy's love for Luke is undeniable and it shows even when she is haranguing him. It comes across in her face and eyes.

I am actually glad that she is so hesitant to take him back. He needs to repair the damage he has wrought first.

The AZ aspect of the storyline is starting to bore me. He is amusing, and not in a good way. I just find myself laughing at this guy. He is such a joke.

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Agreed, Lain.

I thought the scene with AZ at the end was more revealing than anything, and so glad Luke heard her. Tracy wasn't pretending with Anthony, she did love her husband and she's not the type to be unfaithful. It will be interesting to see now that Luke is back, where they take all of this.

I'm amused to no end for those calling for a Tracy/AZ pairing. First they obviously don't understand the role AZ is supposed to play - which is not that of a husband/lover/romantic partner. Secondly it's mostly the LnLhardliners who I guess now figure if they can get Tracy off somewhere then that will surely pave the way for their desired reunion. And finally they truly don't know the character of Tracy. She is perhaps the most deeply feeling, passionate and loyal character on the whole entire canvas. Luckily the Spencer know that one in spades. It will be nice to see how this family rallies around each other to bring them all out of the muck over the next number of months.

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So Lexi Ainsworth just tweeted about an hour ago that the rumors are true: yesterday was her last shooting day on GH. sad.png

I think she's a talented actress. I guess they decided that if they're going through with Ethina that they need someone a bit older, but I thought her chemistry with Nathan Parsons was pretty good. It's a shame they couldn't wait out things until she aged on her own - the friendship base could have led to an amazing romance.

Speaking of NP, he had some fantastic scenes today with TG. I see why TG is such a cheerleader for him now. Between his scenes today and those with JJ yesterday, the boy is definitely pulling his weight in the acting department. It's SO WONDERFUL to see some actual character moments with non-repetitive dialogue going on.

I don't need clink-boom if I can have characterization.

ETA: Dig it! I'm not a Dayplayer anymore! Only took me three years. biggrin.png

Edited by stargazercmc
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So tracee at soapzone who is pretty legit said the new mob chick (gina) is for ethan now and that kristina will be recast down the road for johnny.

Ethan Gina is more intersting than michael/gina....if gina comes to town by way of az to mess with tracy, then ethan paired with her would be good material to work with and tie in tracy/az/luke/ethan/gina

Of course Jane might have to be taping for that to happen!

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Poor Ethina - they never had a chance. It looked so good so often, but nada. Chemistry like that isn't something that comes along every day. They tried this BS with Maya a bit ago, ignoring Ethina's chemistry to force another pairing with Ethan and it fell flat. Unless they truly get lucky with "Gina", TPTB might kick themselves for this decision one of these days.

Now on the upside, without Kristina or Michael in the mix, a story about Tracy/Ethan/Luke/etc won't be overrun by Sonny and that's about the best part of this from my POV. None of Sonny's "offspring" seem capable of being the centre of their own story - it always ultimately has to be about Sonny. I would hate to be excited about a story for my character and know in the end s/he wouldn't be the focus anyway. Lulu seems to be the one Spencer sacrificed to Sonny's side of the canvas now.

This is a blow to the Davises though. That family worked without a man in sight. Why couldn't it be allowed to continue?

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