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CBS soaps - a day back in 1965

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After collecting some scripts, I can give you an idea of what CBS soaps looked like in May 1965. 5 soaps out of 6 is the best I could do ("The Edge of Night" scripts are nowhere to be found...). Hope with time and money, I will be able to do that for many many days

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TUESDAY, MAY 11th 1965

LOVE OF LIFE – #3557

Vivian was writing a letter when she heard Hank crying. Scheff entered, she felt that Barbara didn’t show the proper patience in dealing with the litte boy. Scheff added that, as Vivian had probably noticed, Barbara’s nerves seemed to get the better of her.

Later, Vivian admitted Bruce, who had arranged to meet Henry but Henry wasn’t home yet. Vivian told Bruce he shouldn’t try to see Barbara, who was antagonist to him since their last meeting when he upset her so badly abour Dr. Wannberg. Henry arrived and told he arranged for Dr. Corbet to fly in on Thursday for Link’s surgery. Bruce wasn’t aware of the surgery and said he had to call Van, who was in Tolo, to tell her.

After Vivian left, Bruce told Henry that Dr. Russo was sure Barbara was administered medications, probably from Wannberg. Henry said he would try to talk Barbara and Vivian into letting Barbara having a check-up. Bruce told Henry that a sentence Wannberg told him – « you condemn me unjustly » - just rang weird to him.

After dinner, Vivian admitted that Barbara had been under the weather and didn’t care properly for Hank. Henry seized the opportunity to convince Vivian that Barbara should have have a check-up as if it was Vivian’s idea.

Vivian interrupted Barbara as she was leaving for Wannberg’s. She gently suggested the check-up but Barbara indicated she would move out if her grandmother insisted. Vivian was left hurt and dismayed.


At the Bergmans’, Stu and Marge talked about Sam Reynolds being in the hospital with bad gall blader. Stu was surprised as Sam seemed to be very careful about his health. Marge was aghast that Stu was reading a book about university. She reminded him that Junior was not born yet. With Stu’s reading and Janet’s constant advice, she would be very ready.

Dr. Rogers visited Sam in his hospital room. Rogers said that Dr. Jaeger would do the surgery as soon as the X-rays confirmed it was needed. If the surgery was postponed, Sam could have a more intense attack he already had. Sam said he had some affairs he had to put order in before the surgery.

Len came upon Dr. Rogers in the corridor and said he hoped he didn’t offend Dr. Rogers when he asked to be taken off Sam’s case. He asked Dr. Rogers how Sam was.

In his room, Sam was on the phone with Eric and told him he should come to Henderson right away. He wanted his lawyer near him because some changes had to be made in his will before the surgery.


Alex was asleep when the doorbell rang. He answered and found George in his doorstep. He wondered why he came so early. George told Alex that he would marry Jane soon. Alex showed little enthusiasm since George came before 7 am. George asked Alex to be the best man. Alex accepted.

It was breakfast time at the Fletchers’. Jane arrived and announced Robin and Paul her upcoming wedding to George in June. Robin offered the wedding could take place at the Fletchers’. Jane noticed Paul’s lack of enthusiasm.

When Paul left, Jane told Robin she knew what her brother thought of her and was right to do so. She was sure Paul still resented her for the time, a year ago, when she told Johnny about Paul and Robin’s wedding. Robin assured Jane she had changed but Jane noticed Johnny hadn’t and was still estranged with his father. Robin told Jane that Johnny would come back home from his grandparents as soon as school was out. Robin added that Jane should stop worrying. The situation with Johnny would turn out just fine and he would be delighted to have George as an uncle.


After dinner, Chris was reading the newspaper in the living room when Tom joined. He asked his grandfather if he had won the case he had defended but Chris didn’t know yet. Tom said he was fed up with his dad or his aunt Penny thinking he knew where Lisa went. He assured he didn’t. Bob dismissed Tom. Chris told his son he was convinced Tom didn’t know where his mother left. The little boy was sure she was coming back soon. Bob hoped Tom would get news from Lisa soon.

The following morning, Nancy was cooking breakfast. It was Tom’s day back to school and Nancy teased him about his girlfriend at school, Gwen Meyers. Bob said he was going away for a medical convention for 10 days. Tom was afraid he was left alone. Nancy assured she, Chris, Pa and Penny were there for him but Tom cried that he would be with no parents left.

Nancy worried that Pa hadn’t come to breakfast yet but Penny told Chris that Pa was having his breakfast in town with Mrs. Kopecki.

Later, Penny answered a phone call at the Wade Bookshop from Dr. Davis’ receptionist, Ms. Richards. She wanted to reschedule Neil’s appointment with Dr. Davis. After he hung up, Neil said Penny he would be the eye specialist this week. Neil said how grateful he was with Penny being his eyes.

THE EDGE OF NIGHT – not available


Susan was housekeeping when Grace rang the door. She tried to hide the glass of cherry she was drinking but her grandmother saw it. Grace remembered Susan was drinking the other day when she visited her. Susan answered she was alone and only Petey didn’ t turn his back on her – her husband was chasing after a career on another woman’s advice and Amy didn’t want Susan around. Grace said Susan had to focus on her own life – having an illegitimate child from a married man and a wrecked marriage especially since Paul Britton was back in Woodbridge.

Grace later visited at her apartment. She told her granddaughter about her visit to Susan and Grace wished Susan would be more like Amy – not blaming anyone else than herself for the mistakes in her life. Amy told Grace she had a job interview but didn’t get the job. Connie arrived. Amy introduced her neighbour to her grandmother. Connie said David could give Amy a job but Amy didn’t want her to ask him.

After Grace left, Connie asked Amy if she still harbored feelings for Paul. Amy said he had changed a lot but didn’t want to tell Connie more about Paul nor Kit. Connie left and Paul visited Amy. He wanted to see Lisa but she was sleeping. Paul said he might be reinstated. Amy said she was glad because he was treated unfairly but she assured she loved Kit but she would let Paul build a relationship with Lisa. Paul was grateful as he could never have much of a relation with his son.

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fantastic idea  @FrenchFan 

Some context and extra info

Love of Life 12-12.30

Written by John Pickars and Frank Provo

Dr Wennburg was revealed as an ex Nazi! He pushes pills on Barbara as a part of a diabolical plan.

Search for Tomorrow 12.30-12.45

Written by David Lesan and Julian Funt

I didn't realize that Marge was pregnant in 65-always thought it was a couple of years later.

Sam had recently come to Henderson and taken over Tate Industries, leaving Arthur unemployed. Of course he was Len's estranged father and it would take along time for the two to be close.

Guiding Light 12,45-1.00

Written by agnes Nixon

Johnny Fletcher and his father Paul continued to have a difficult relationship, George and Jane married and had a daughter Amy.

As the World Turns 1.30-2.00

Written by Irna Philips

Lisa had suddenly left for Chicago and the primetime 'Our Private World' after Bob had rejected her. Mrs Kopecki was mentioned and would never be seen, eventually marrying Pa offscreen a decade later. Neil discovered he might go blind and not wanting to be a burden demanded a divorce from a confused Penny.

Secret Storm 4.00-4.30

Written by Jane and Ira Avery

Amy would eventually marry Paul, after Kip fell for Janet,Valerie's daughter. Jed Allan was playing Paul at this time.

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MONDAY, MARCH 29th 1965

LOVE OF LIFE - #3527

Tammy arrived home and found Link slightly drunk. She told him she had been to Van’s and that Barbara had left the Sterlings. Tammy commented on his drinking and his destruction of Sandy. He countered by citing Dr. Wannberg which angered Tammy. She blurted out Wannberg was a maddler who seemed to enjoy the misery around him. Link mentioned Sandy’s scar but Sandy came downstairs shouting for them to stop. Sandy told Tammy she didn’t like what it was like to be disfigured but Tammy saw Sandy as a self-indulgent fool and that a guilt-ridden Link had taken the coward’s way out – drink. Link told Tammy she ought to leave if she was unhappy in the house.

In his office, Rick was going through receipts with Fred, the bartender and talked about his son Hank and Barbara’s move to the Carlsons’. Rick wondered how to remain close to his son. Tammy arrived and poured her heart out to Rick. He tried to comfort her but turned to his own confusion. Tammy told Rick it was not Vivian who was to be feared but the man who influenced her, Dr. Wannberg. Rick realized Barbara had no legal right to Hank as the child was legally in Vanessa and Bruce’s custody. Tammy thought legal proceedings would create more drama.


Alison told Fred she had noticed how lonely Sam Reynolds was. Fred decided to call him to check on him as he looked bad when he left. On the phone, Sam assured he had some indigestion but was better. He appreciated Fred’s calling.

Alone in his room, Sam remembered how he saw hatred for him in Len’s eyes. He said Len wasn’t born like that but « she » taught him. He wished he could relieve some of Len’s pain but wondered if he was right seeing him in the hospital. Just as Sam was reaching for alcohol, Len appeared and said it wasn’t good for what he had. He came to check on Sam but didn’t want to give him morphine as he had alcohol. Sam admitted he probably had had around five gall bladder attacks for a couple of years but the latest one had been more intense. Sam joked that Dr. Rogers told him to relax. Len made a point he only came as a favor for Dr. Rogers, he didn’t have any interest in Sam.


Alex visited George in his office and George told him he received green light to come back to work full-time. Alex told George he was supposed to have lunch with Bill but he cancelled because of Julie being in the hospital. Alex was afraid something was very wrong with Julie.

In Julie’s hospital room, Julie was standing  still at the window and told Jane not to approach. Jane assured Julie she needed help, that Michael cared about her but Julie dismissed her, that Michael wanted to take Hope away from her. Jane tried to make Julie listen.

Outside, Mike told Paul he had talked with Dr. Walters who thought Julie had an emotional reaction. Mike added Julie had no reaction at all when he saw her and Dr. Walters was sure Julie had taken more pills than her prescrption allowed her to. A nurse interrupted saying the light was on in Julie’s room despite Jane being inside. Paul tried to call in the room but nobody answered. Mike suggested they go.

When Paul entered the room, he found Julie at the window. Paul rushed to her and grabbed her before she could jump.

AS THE WORLD TURNS – not available

THE EDGE OF NIGHT – not available


Valerie was with Janet in her hospital room after her surgery. She was happy her daughter seemed to feel better. Kip was supposed to visit that day but Valerie wondered how he would react as Janet kept pushing him away and didn’t want him to know what was happening to her. Janet was surprised Valerie seemed to care about her relationship with Kip and she assured she would make up with him. Valerie said Janet shouldn’t think of herself as only a body which could have been disfigured. She wouldn’t find love if she would think so low of herself.

Kip replaced Valerie in Janet’s hospital room. She apologized for keeping her illness from Kip who couldn’t understand why she thought he would stop loving her because of a mammectomy. Janet asked for Kip to stay in New York for a few days but he insisted he couldn’t because of school. She was very upset and asked to rest.

In her hotel room, Valerie phoned Peter and told him Janet was alright. She suggested Peter joined her in New York and he agreed.

In Dr. Pierce’s office, Kip and the doctor talked about a eye patch Lisa could use. Dr. Pierce was impressed at Kip’s knowledge in medicine. He told him he shouldn’t major in English but choose a science field. Dr. Pierce thought too many people chose medicine studies for money but Kip seemed very geniunely interested. When Kip came back to Janet’s room and told her about Dr. Pierce, she was offended and told him she thought he had come for her, not to talk about Amy and Lisa.

TUESDAY, MARCH 30th 1965

LOVE OF LIFE - #3528

Link was in a saloon with Wannberg. He said Link was right to quit. Link also said Barbara’s move to the Carltons’ was a right idea but the matter wouldn’t end. He said Tammy was with Van the previous night. Link wouldn’t be surprised if Van, who was crazy about Hank, exerciced her right as custodian of Hank to get his back.

At the Bannings’, Van clearly missed Hank. She was sure Vivian could hurt Barbara and Hank. Rick arrived and spoke to the Bannings’ as Hank’s legal custodians. They shouldn’t have let Barbara and Hank move out. Bruce said he had to speak to Barbara about transferring custody of Hank to her.

After Rick left, Bruce let Van get her frustrations out of her system – Hank’s empty room, thousand of memories. Bruce embraced his wife. He said they needed a vacation, even only a weekend in New York.


In his hotel room, Sam assured Len he could leave as the pain was less present. Sam finally asked Len if he thought he was the reason Sam came to Henderson. Len assured he didn’t think much of it and if Sam really needed to be in Henderson, they could both stick to their own business. After Sam fell asleep, Len called Brad Campbell and asked him to take over his service on the morning because he was taking care of one of Dr. Rogers’ patient. Brad pushed Len to tell him the patient was Sam Reynolds.

In the early morning, Sam found Len still in his room. Len assured he did it for Dr. Rogers who would be back the following week and would take care of Sam then. Sam insisted he should pay Len but Len only asked a few dollars for the hospital. Sam asked Len if he would always call him « Mr. Reynolds » and not « Dad ». Len answered it would stick in his throat and he left.


In her office, Maggie agreed to have dinner with Jason but an early one as her daughter, Peggy, was supposed to call her. Jason would like Maggie and Peggy to join him in Palm Springs for the holiday but it was too much for Maggie. Bill arrived. Jason asked how Julie was as he learned about her from Alex. Bill said they were very worried. Jason left and Maggie told Bill Jason was a widower with no children. Maggie noticed Bill wasn’t in a mood for work because of Julie.

Julie had fainted at the window. Jane and Mike lifted her to the bed. Mike was distressed Julie had nearly committed suicide. Jane assured she couldn’t have done anything as Julie threatened to jump if she had come closer but she had managed to ring the bell. Jane couldn’t give Mike a reason for Julie’s actions. She repeated that Julie said she had failed everybody.

Later, Dr. Walters examined Julie and said she wasn’t worse physically speaking. He told Paul and Jane that Julie shouldn’t be left alone for a minute and she was given a sedative. Dr. Walters left the room to talk to Mike and he said Julie would be seen by a psychiatrist right away.


At Sylvia’s, Bob defended Lisa to Sylvia. She was not the one who pushed Neil to ask for a divorce from Penny. Sylvia was sure Lisa still harbored feelings for Bob even if Bob told her that Lisa was dating Ken Bryant and might marry him someday.

When he came back home late, Bob found Penny awake. She had taken tranquilizers David left her. They talked about Neil and Bob asked Penny if she would have married Neil had he not wanted to be a doctor. Penny compared how Jeff was never very successful and didn’t want the same thing to happen to Neil. She assured she and Dr. Cassen really thought Neil wanted to be a doctor.

The following afternoon, Doug remembered what Chris told him – if the divorce went to court, Neil would learn that Doug was his biological father. Mrs. Lake arrived and told Doug he seemed tired and should join his wife and Judge Lowell in Florida for a few days. They talked about children – Mrs. Lake never had one as her husband didn’t want. Doug admitted he always wanted a son.

Doug went to Neil’s quarters. Neil assured Lisa wasn’t responsible for his decision to divorce Penny and Lisa was afraid the Hughes family would think she was the cause. Doug tried to say he was more responsible than Penny for pushing Neil into a medicine career but Neil assured he wouldn’t change his mind and would divorce Penny as he didn’t love her anymore.

THE EDGE OF NIGHT – not available

THE SECRET STORM – not available


LOVE OF LIFE - #3529

Wannberg visited the Carlsons and asked if the Sterlings could really force Barbara to move back to their home with Hank. Barbara was flabbergasted. Wannberg assured he didn’t want to frighten her but as her friend, he wanted her to think about the situation. Vivian came back home and listened aghast to Barbara. Vivian was ready to phone Vanessa when Rick arrived.

Vivian lit into Rick who didn’t understand what was going on. Barbara was slightly hysterical. She told Rick what Van « was planning to do ». Rick denied it but admitted the subject had been discussed. Rick couldn’t calm Barbara but learned that Dr. Wannberg was the one who told Barbara about the legal aspect of the Sterlings’ guardianship. Rick grew angry and left.

Rick saw Wannberg who convincingly told Rick that he learned about Vanessa being inclined to force Hank’s return through Link. Wannberg told Rick that Mrs. Carlson didn’t really have a good influence on Barbara. Bewildered, Rick left.


At the nurses’ station, Brad told Patti that Len called him during the night as he was attending Sam Reynolds who had a gall bladder attack at the Henderson House. Patti remembered seeing Len and Sam arguing a few weeks ago.  Brad told Patti that Sam gave Len a contribution to his research but Len refused it when he learned it was coming from Sam. Patti couldn’t understand why Sam would call Len as a doctor.

Len arrived and realized Brad and Patti were talking about he and Sam. Len asked Brad to mind his own business if he really was Len’s friend. After Len left, Patti told Brad she felt touched and thought she and Brad should stop being curious.

In his hotel room, Sam was on the phone with Bill White. Sam told he would go back to New York when he was allowed by the doctor. After he hung up, Sam wondered if he was right staying in Henderson trying to mend with a son who didn’t want to hear from him. Len called Sam. He told him Dr. Rogers was back and he gave him a total report on Sam’s health.


Penny visited Pa in his workshop. She told her grandfather how worried she was Neil would get a divorce. She thought Pa should talk to Neil as Neil saved Pa’s life. Penny was still convinced Lisa was somehow involved.

Lisa arrived at the Hughes’ and told Nancy she would like to see Penny. Nancy asked Penny upstairs but didn’t tell her it was Lisa who wanted to see her. Penny was upset to see Lisa but Lisa told her she was no longer working at the bookstore. Lisa said Penny should talk to Dr. Cassen as he often visited the bookstore and kind of looked upon Neil as a father world.

At the hospital, Penny went to see Doug and Mrs Lake – who told Penny she replaced Miss Saunders as Doug’s secretary after she got married – said Doug didn’t have much time. Penny entered Doug’s office and told him she needed his help to understand Neil. She had first thought Lisa was another woman in Neil’s life but Lisa advised her to come and speak to him as he was acting fatherly with Neil.

After Penny had left, David arrived in Doug’s office. He asked Doug if he didn’t feel too lonely as Claire, Ellen and Judge Lowell were in Florida but Doug assured it was not his problem at the moment but Chris threatented to reveal Doug was Neil’s father. David asked Doug if he thought Neil still cared for Penny. Doug admitted he didn’t know and was lost about what to do.

THE GUIDING LIGHT – Not available

THE EDGE OF NIGHT – Not available

THE SECRET STORM – Not available

Edited by FrenchFan
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LOVE OF LIFE - #3533

Rick visited Bruce and Van and said Bruce could be in trouble for having violated his legal responsibility as Hank’s guardian. Van assured she couldn’t force Barbara and Hank to return but Rick was so frustrated he could declare war and threatened the Bannings. He stormed out.

Rick then arrived at the Carlsons’ to see Barbara but he could only find Henry whom he explained his dilemma to. Henry was shocked when Rick said he could force Barbara to go back to the Sterlings as Bruce was guardian. Henry didn’t know and was left disturbed.

Henry went to the Sterlings’ and could only find Tammy. She told Henry she left Link and then she called Van. When Van arrived, she assured Henry that Rick was correct. Bruce could be in danger ob being in contempt of court because he allowed Barbara and Hank to leave. Van said she loved Hank but wanted Barbara to bring him up. Van said she and Bruce wanted to transfer custody of Hank to Barbara if she was qualified for the responsibility.

Bruce came back and Van had gone to bed. He told Tammy he was going to speak to Barbara. Tammy said she would be off to New York with Lynn on Friday. Bruce thought Van should get away and Tammy agreed to persuade Van to go with her.


Sam visited Alison to talk business. He told her they had to sell the Murcheson oil lease to convert more company holdings into cash. Alison was surprised but assured Sam she trusted him. Fred arrived and offered to toast but he said he didn’t have alcohol in his house. Alison mentioned Dr. Rogers, whom Sam said he liked a lot, had helped Fred to go to the A.A. Alison offered to have Sam for dinner but when Fred questioned him about his private life – wife and kids – Sam said he couldn’t stay.

In the Tate kitchen, Arthur greeted Patti who spent the day shopping with Alison. He told her Jo was with Marge trying to redecorate her nursery. Patti was afraid she upset Alison when she suggested she buy a lovely maternity dress because she would get pregnant someday. Patti also told her father she decided to give Len another chance and she invited him to have dinner the following Tuesday. Arthur worried that Patti might get interested in Len but Patti denied it and assured she wasn’t.


Nancy was worried as Chris didn’t tell her where he left. Penny said her mother she was sorry Chris got angry but she assured her choice to hire the best divorce lawyer was what she had to idea. She was ready to contest the divorce.

Downstairs, Pa was on the phone with his son John and told him that Chris wasn’t home. When Chris arrived, Pa had just hung up and he told Chris that his brother was in jail and that he should go to Gilman.

Doug remembered when he finally told Neil he was his biological father. He worried about the effect it could have on Neil. Doug called Chris and asked him to come over to his office. Chris asked Pa not to say a word to Nancy about John until he was back.

When Nancy came downstairs, Pa told her Chris had come back but had to leave again. She adked Pa if he thought Penny was right to get a divorce lawyer. Pa said he didn’t know. Right and wrong were difficult concepts.

Doug told Chris he revealed Neil the truth about his parentage and Chris assured Doug that even if he destroyed his relationship to Neil, he might have saved Penny and Neil’s marriage. By telling Neil he pushed him into medicine because he was his father, Doug would make Neil realize Penny was not to blame.

Chris came back home and Nancy told him she couldn’t change Penny’s mind about getting a divorce lawyer even if she tried to tell her daughter that if Chris didn’t want to, he had a good reason. Chris thanked his wife and told her he had to leave town the following day because of his brother.


Jason was in Maggie’s office asking her for dinner. She said she needed a few minutes to clean up her desk and would be ready. Bill arrived. He told Maggie that Julie was far worse and suffering from serious mental issues. She would be hospitalized for a while for pscyhiatric care. Bill said he was worried about his son Michael who was blaming himself for Julie’s condition. Maggie commiserated and talked about her 16yo daughter she had to raise alone. Bill thanked Maggie for her kindness when Jason came back to pick her up. Maggie told Jason she was surprised how human Bill could be as she didn’t notice it when she first worked with him.

At the Bauers’, Bert told Papa how worried she was because she had no news of Julie. Bill arrived and was fed up with Bert’s anxiety as he had an horrible day. Bert was sure Bill was still blaming her for spreading the false word that Julie was pregnant by Alex. Bill said he resented Bert because that’s was because of her Michael was feeling so guilty. He then told Bert and Papa that Julie tried to commit suicide. He added Julie would be institutionalized. Bert asked where Michael was but Bill didn’t know.

THE EDGE OF NIGHT – Not available


In his office, Arthur was angry at Pauline for having encouraged Kip to pursue a medical career. Pauline noticed Arthur was only angry because Kip was not following the plans he had made for his son. Furious, Arthur cancelled their lunch plans. He asked his secretary to find Kip and Janet. He was sure Janet would be on his side. Arthur also told Pauline that Janet’s estranged husband, Tor, would be in Woodbridge the following week to discus the divorce proceedings.

Valerie was surprised when Janet told her about Tor’s upcoming visit. Valerie suggested her daughter should see a psychiatrist to help with her depression. Janet got angry at everybody wanted her to see a psychiatrist. She said even Kip was thinking about studying medicine and psychiatry. Janet thought that was ridiculous but Valerie didn’t share her views. Janet said it meant years of difficulty while Arthur was offering Kip a steady job at Stardex.

Pauline called Kip at the garage and asked him not to let Arthur change his mind but he assured he hadn’t made a decision yet.

Valerie told Peter about her upsetting talk with Janet. Peter wondered if Kip would really ask a divorce from Amy too and what he would do about his future career. Peter told Valerie he would like to talk with Tor when he arrived.

At the cocktail, Arthur gave all his reasons to Kip not to pursue medical career. When Arthur asked how Janet felt about it, Kip said she was opposed and he wished a woman would encourage the man she loved.


LOVE OF LIFE - #3534

Henry tried to explain the situation to Vivian. She said Dr. Wannberg warned Barbara about what might happen. Henry tried to explain the legalities of the situation but Vivian dismissed them as nonsense. She announced that she and Barbara were off to New York for the weekend.

Vivian went to Bruce and raised hell. He explained he was in contempt of court if he didn’t keep Hank until custody was transferred to Barbara. Vivian shouted it was Van. Bruce forbade Vivian to go to New York with Barbara or he would have to restore Hank to his home. Vivian defied him and left.

Bruce then tried to explain the situation to Barbara. He pleaded to have Hank back until custody had been changed but his daughter grew hysterical. Barbara only could talk about Dr. Wannberg said and it made Bruce angry.

Vivian later tried to console Barbara. She threatened to take Scheff and Hank to New York with her nad Barbara. Henry put down his foot and said his wife she should go to New York as he would take care of Hank.


At the Bergmans’, Marge was frustrated with the furniture she and Jo had chosen for the nursery. She felt it wasn’t right. She admitted to Jo she was afraid of taking care of a newborn baby so late in her life. The women talked about Arthur’s job coming to an end soon but Jo said Arthur was in a great state of mind.

Stu arrived home. He told Jo he saw Patti shopping with Alison. Marge asked Jo if Patti was still seeing Brad Campbell but Jo said she wasn’t, after her frightening experience with Ev Moore, Patti enjoyed her freedom.

Back home, Jo told Arthur of Marge’s fears. Arthur said it was difficult to plan the past for the future. Jo then talked about Patti and she was happy with how she led her life at the moment. Arthur told his wife that Patti made an announcement and that they would have a dinner guest on Tuesday. Jo wondered if it could be Brad.


Nancy was shocked that Chris would leave to help his brother as she insisted Penny needed him in Oakdale. He assured it wouldn’t change anything at the time. He felt responsibility for his brother who didn’t have the same opportunities he had in his life.

Pa went by Penny’s room. She lamented about her situation and asked her grandfather if she would be happy again. He assured her there were different kind of loves. Chris came and Pa went to bed. Chris questioned Penny about the time she was in New York. She said Judith and Jerry didn’t give Neil money to buy his bookstore because they probably didn’t want him to settle there. Chris asked Penny to have faith in her father. She assured she wouldn’t change her mind about the divorce lawyer but Chris insisted she had to trust him. He told Penny he did what he could and ask her to wait until he was back because he had to leave town for a while. Penny ended up saying she would wait.

Later, Bob came back home and Penny wasn’t asleep. She told him she realized that if Neil really didn’t love her anymore she should accept it. She asked Bob if he would marry Sylvia and if he would talk to Lisa about Sylvia. Bob said he would, someday.

In his quarters, Neil received a phone call from Doug. Doug assked Neil if he could and see him. Neil agreed but he was still angry at his mother who kept from him his true parentage. Doug assured he didn’t change who he was. He told his son his story : how he grew for an orphanage and become who he was because he wanted to be someone, not because of his background.


At the hospital, George tried to stop Mike from blaming himself. Alex said he was as responsible as Mike : he should have insisted Julie tell Mike the baby was his. Paul arrived and Alex and George would wait for Mike downstairs. Paul said Julie would be well treated in Oceanview and assured Mike he shouldn’t blame himself. Julie should have told him about the pregnancy and she shouldn’t have taken more pills than prescribed.

Paul later joined Alex and George and told them thant Mike wanted privacy before going back home to Robin. George told Alex about guilt. He said Jane felt guilt too for the rift between Johnny and Paul but he assured Paul and Robin were also responsible when they married knowing how opposite Johnny was to the wedding.

An exhausted Jane came back home. She remembered George playing the piano for her. She felt like a fool and said she couldn’t stay there any longer. She left the apartment. After she left, phone rang. It was George.

THE EDGE OF NIGHT – Not available

THE SECRET STORM – Not available

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This is a very neat project. I love that you are doing this. 

I definitely need to dive deeper into these, but something that is standing out right away is a reference to Oceanview on "The Guiding Light." That sounds like the show was still set in Selby Flats/Los Angeles. Oceanview isn't really a name typically associated with the Midwest, but maybe I'm over reading the reference.

The "Love of Life" material seems to be very dry and with the focus on Wannberg some of it seems like reheated spy stories that Pickard and Provo were cooking up (with a more campy flair) on "Wendy Warren and the News." 

"Secret Storm" would be in the midst of the Averys. This seems all very dramatic. The Paul-Amy-Kip-Janet scenario seems very ripe for ongoing conflict. 

It's amazing how much story, and the number of characters, "Search for Tomorrow" and "Guiding Light" are packing in a fifteen minute episode. 


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