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B&B June 2024 Spoilers

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I am astonished that Bradley thinks that ANYONE in this world, except him... cares who Luna's father is. This character has now 2 failed storylines from the get go and no development.  Did Bradley forget that you have to be invested in someone to care... and he hasn't done ANYTHING to make us invested or care about Luna. That girl was here for 2 seconds when he had her raped with mints. Then in a matter of 3 episodes we had her a new daddy and a new happy family. Just like that. With the snap of a dusty finger. Everything is so messy and inconsistent, something which @Soapsuds noticed was how Zende is now completely gone.  Bradley used him as a prop for the mints storyline and when he doesn't need him - nowhere to be seen. We didn't have any resolve of this storyline and it was left hanging in the air. Like most storylines in this rotten circus of a show.

If you are going to have new characters, at least write couple of months in advance what you plan to do with them, don't just throw them into the mix and see what bizarre experiment will work or don't.

I still TO this day, after nearly a year, don't know who Luna and her mother are. As people, as human beings. Nothing. 0. They are incredibly one-dimensional and boring. So disappointing, because both actresses have potential.

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@Maxim 100%. Honestly, Poppy and Luna are so peripheral. It's not like Li is a character that's had any real impact to care about her family.

What could've worked in a very soapy way: $B and Li started an affair after he found her in 2022. That would've been something that could've helped further integrate Li into the canvas. Li and $B announce their engagement -- Poppy and Luna slither into town. At least, we might have been mildly interested.

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