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GH: May 2024 Discussion Thread

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The last two episodes felt really bloated. It's obviously another case of their making 2 episodes from 1. Are they doing that because of the BTS drama, to stall for time as they try to figure things out? Way too much drawing things out, and very poor editing. 

Shocking they didn't show Tracy's reaction to Gregory's death. Instead they have scenes of Police Commissioner Anna subtly pushing beaten up Dex not to press charges against Sonny, making them both look like buffoons; completely ridiculous. 

It was nice seeing Nancy and Lane going back and forth though! The memories 

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Based on the strength of the recent daily stuff I'll probably stay til PM's name is off the credits. Some new material (or exits) do seem to be beginning to coalesce so that's worth looking at, but at this point I'll be amazed if he even gets away with cutting Easton - or if FV doesn't bring Finn back right after.

The Finn plot point with him drinking by accident does also seem like a direct lift from GL - the Ed thing, right? Don't knock if it works, I guess.

Honestly this is where you could and should cut at least four more people in addition to Finn and Gregory: BLQ and Chase (and bring Brook back single in a year or less) followed by Sasha and sadly, probably Cody though I still think he's very viable. They lift right out. Same goes for Spixie actually, but I wouldn't cut them because Kirsten has improved so much so quickly and is vibrant again onscreen (and the new writing suits her). I'd def cut more though. Valentin seems to be on the block as mentioned, but again as I said I don't think Frank will let that happen.

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I could see Finn making a disappearance to rehab for a bit a making a return unfortunately.

Those 4 you mentioned would be the easiest to remove.  I would worry about what Lois would have left to do if you got rid of Brook Lynn.  I guess she can mother Gio or something, which is not ideal lol.

I am on the fence about Spixie.  I really do enjoy them, but it would be very easy to give them a quick happy ending off screen too.

Valentin can leave any time now.

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I suspect this was all intended to write him out. With PM gone, even if he exits I think he'll be back in a flash unless the network puts their foot down, a la Howarth.

BLQ I would bring back quickly. I remember when they married off Cain and Tina on OLTL in '94 when Karen Witter wanted to leave after a big love story and much fanfare - she was back in like 4-5 months recast bc Cain was a con man who'd left her high and dry, lol. I might have her back by early '25. Say Chase cheated or was too judgmental and controlling (because he is).

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This does feel like an ideal time to write BLQ and Chase out. As that doesn't seem likely, I would still go with my idea of them being foster parents. 

Of characters who actually could leave, I would say there's never been a better time to write Sam out, even if they need angst for Jason.

The character could easily be recast, although the problems with her are widespread among younger women on the canvas.

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I would as well re: a recast, yes. But I would have her exit and time away til 2025 or so to be the reset. Maybe after they split she heads up a Deception office out of town and Chase can't handle her being devoted to the work, is too controlling, etc.

I would either write Sam out or kill her, yes. I think it's time. I don't usually opt for that with someone so popular in the past with so many connections, but I do think her death would be a hammerblow to many people. And you could severely test Alexis' sobriety (or break it).

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I read that Lane was on elsewhere, too. I was going to watch LD/NLG [they always deliver!], but with the recent news, I don't want to invest just to have the proverbial rug pulled out from under me here, so I'll just read and smile. (Mega Mason/Julia fan that I am/was.)

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I have spent the past 20 years disliking Sam and KeMo's monotone portrayal.  I have often felt she was the most low energy actor on the entire cast.  Honestly, though, she hasn't bothered me recently.  Kemo/Sam seem more invested.  I wouldn't cry if she left, but she's not on the top of my list.  I would get rid of Molly before Sam if we are getting rid of an Alexis kid.

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Oh, T.J. and Molly lift out the instant that baby dies. Easy. Gotta go. Curtis can then die, find out he's not Trina's dad and flee, get called out of town on business and never come back, follow the spectre of Laura off the pier and into the fog a la 1981 - any number of options. And you can still cut more than all these!

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