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GH: May 2024 Discussion Thread

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Which is probably for the best if even a simple good night kiss as they go to sleep in their Rob and Laura Petrie twin beds is too suggestive for them.

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To me it is simple. If you will not play the romantic scenes that are required, then you cannot have a romantic pairing. So, you limit the stories that can be told about your character. If after time your character becomes unimportant to the canvas, then, things will take their rightful course, and your character will be written to move to Outer Mongolia. And, that's that. 

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Outside of Joss and Dex and Sprina. I dont think many couples had sex on screen this past year. I also was getting tired of all the sex Joss & Dex were having. 

AS & JS still do kissing scenes. I dont see a big deal they dont wanna be doing simulated sex on screen. 

Edited by John
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No one's asking for "simulated sex," although I realize using phrases like that helps your narrative.

What Swickard and Setton are doing is MILES different from what we've seen on daytime for DECADES. Stop acting like we're asking for full frontal nudity.

You don't approve of firing them? Fine -- then let's "take the character in a different direction," the staple used by daytime since forever.

I'm sorry, but it's just beyond ridiculous that these two actors will not do anything resembling a love scene.

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Actually love scenes on Daytime soaps are considered simulated sexuality. How come no one is yelling at Steve Burton for not doing love scenes or even getting shirtless but AS & JS have to be fired for the same? 

Production at GH seems to have no issues with AS & JS request so I do not see it as a big deal. 

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Okay, anyone who mentions Ann Jillian's name in my presence has to suffer through this.  That's the rule:

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Steve has been doing love scenes on Days and has been called out about a million times in these threads as well.  No one is specifically picking on AS/JS.  Most equate it to the same thing as Steve's stance although I don't know if he's currently against love scenes at this point.

Brook Lynn/Chase don't have to be going at it 24/7, but, you know, should probably consummate the marriage on their wedding night at the very least.


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It also goes to her wardrobe. I could totally understand AS being sensitive after giving birth (or for what Kirsten Storms has talked about going through), but that was quite some time ago. Kirsten's wardrobe (and more importantly, performance) have leveled up considerably in recent months and she feels like a vital and vibrant player to me for the first time in years. AS' BLQ still is often dressed like a much more mature woman and she is clearly unwilling to commit to the romance or intimacy portions of a soap opera.

I think Amanda's often done a fine job in the role. But if she can't do love scenes, she can go. This isn't a situation like Jason where not only does he have decades on the show under his belt, has at times been insanely popular and plays a character with major brain damage who very rarely gets close to or sexually intimate with anyone (and therefore, IIRC has had a grand total of five sexual partners since the year 1995 - though I'd still kill Jason off). This is supposed to be a vibrant, healthy young woman ready for romance in 2024. If she's not willing to play that part in full, she can leave. And I would've fired Swickard and killed Chase already, just because he's boring.

He was recast.

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Since when do our opinions have anything to do with what production has issues with? Should we stop talking about the writing mess because "production at GH seems to have no issues" with it?

Steve Burton has been criticized PLENTY over the years for his supposed refusal to go shirtless and to do sex scenes. It's clear that Burton gave in more on DAYS -- more bed scenes, more shirtless/tank top scenes. That means GH has allowed him to call the shots completely -- and that, too, is wrong.

Still, Steve Burton is a bigger daytime star than Amanda Setton. Big stars get more say. Amanda Setton -- in my opinion -- is the problem here. She's not so good that she can't be easily replaced. I just feel that Josh Swickard is covering for her.


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John, you know as well as I do that when they hired Billy Miller it was as a recast Jason. But that is not the point. You're not engaging with what I'm saying.

I understand that you are a fan of the show through thick and thin and just want it to do well and you want to keep watching. You are entitled to that. I have watched this show off and on for over 30 years myself. I want it to do well. But people are allowed to critique the show, these actors and their behavior onscreen and off and yes, sometimes want them gone. We're all aware that many of the actors are very nice people who may be fun in interviews or to look at or communicate with on their social media. But that doesn't make them our friends, and that doesn't make them people who have to be protected. We're all just consumers here of a product and the product is this TV show. And people are allowed to feel a certain way about it. There's nothing you can do about that.

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