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GH: May 2024 Discussion Thread

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Today was pretty good as far as moving pieces in to place. Carly absolutely would be stupid enough to go see Pikeman. Jason confiding in Anna, now we know what the evidence is against Carly.

Are we going to uncover which mob leader made the recording of Carly from that meeting? Selena Wu would certainly be a fun twist, didn’t they kill off the other family heads?

This show confounds me. We have a canvas full of popular characters that are just languishing. You want to drive up the ratings? Maybe put Liz on my screen more than Sasha in an actual story. Same with Anna. Why is Laura second fiddle to Heather Webber?

Except both of them were hotter and had more charisma and personality.

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Other than the mysterious enemy Jennifer Smith was talking to...yes. There was the loudhead nephew of one of the dead mob bosses, but Sonny handled that. 


Especially Logan. WOOF.



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I can see that. I know I've said this before, but there's just something about how EM plays Joss that is annoying...that was not at all apparently with her temp recast who was given the same writing. 


Smug sums that up nicely.


PS. Not alone on the Aidan recast. Took me half the episode to notice. 

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Lulu eventually grew out of it and was tolerable, but I don't imagine Jax and Carly's daughter will lol.

Eden McCoy just plays Joss like she's better and wiser than everyone else which actually might be how she is told to play it.  But the recast was much more enjoyable.

Fair.  Figured that.

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I think there are a few execs at GH who fancy themselves writers. They need to stay in their lane and make sure GH continues to be produced under budget and on time. Let the writers write while you produce as your job title says. Plain & Simple.
Edited by John
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I will die on this hill. GH had a great group of younger characters (though severely lacking in diversity) and they blew it all up. IMO it was the kind of group that would have been perfect for the next generation to lead the show- Georgie, Dillon, Maxie, Spinelli, Lulu, Logan, and Cooper should have been invested in and not dumped. Don’t even get me started on Diego Alcalzar being the text message killer.

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I thought Cooper was a block of hard cheese tbh. I didn't get it at all. Logan, I thought he was wasted but allegedly Duhon was an problem on set. They squandered the character regardless and poor Georgie. I'm still not over her death. But Guza, Phelps, Frons, etc. were infatuated with their find in Julie Berman and instead angled all youth story around her (with virtually every young man infatuated with her at once) for ages until Spixie became a thing.

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I will give credit where it's due. It's not as bad with Eden as it was pre-writing change. Perhaps Eden saw the recast and thought about switching it up somewhat.  


I definitely enjoyed the recast so much more. 

You're not wrong. It really did.


At least there was potential with Logan as Scott's son and Cooper being allegedly connected to She of the Bren. And Diego...woof. Then Maxie, Georgie, Lulu, and Dillon with their history. Le sigh.



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I do not deny enjoying him for his looks. A well worn soap tradition to have a hunky, mostly good guy.

I know that is the story on Duhon, but it must have been Guza he pissed off, or he was simply tired of Logan. JFP/scab Wolf changed the ending of the text message killer story and essentially spared him being revealed as the killer and disposed of at the climax. 

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I would say Logan and Cooper had potential and it was ridiculous Diego went out that way.  But I think Guza was entirely over the Alcazar clan.  Didn't Sage die a horrible death too?

Georgie being killed off was just a colossal mistake.

The Duhon stuff seems to be true since he barely worked again and wasn't a bad actor.

It will never not be a missed oppurtunity to have made Cooper a Julia/Brenda brother or perhaps Julia's son.  Like why give him that last name and not go with it?

Lulu had way too many love interests for sure.  And she didn't seem that fun to be around and had chemistry with approximately none of them until Dante appeared.

I don't think Eden is an objectively bad actress and this girl has been playing this role since she was a child/tween.  I just don't think Joss is very likeable either.

Yes. There were actually way more clues pointing Logan than Diego

Edited by carolineg
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The main thing I remember about Logan was all the rumors about just why he was written out.

When Sarah Brown was in the part, any sense of hypocrisy from Carly over a power position was muted by how many characters in Port Charles loathed her as well as by just how much disdain Steve Burton had for playing scenes with Brown. That era is one of the reasons it's impossible for me to ever believe the whole BFF/true love/ride-or-die mentality. Back then, it was clear Jason was only interested in "saving" Michael, and Carly was a part of the package. 

As others have said, Berman does remind me of EM's Joss as both come across as so entitled and unbearable. This is a reminder of how much worse it could be with Joss, as I imagine Guza would have had Spencer chasing after her along with Dex, Cam (Cam probably would have tried to rape her and Dex and Spencer would have covered up Carly killing him). 

Given how much Luke despised Carly and how much of an outsider she was for a number of years, it's strange sometimes to remember that she and her children are now the only real Spencer family left. There's Aidan, of course, but he's never going to be a major character, and will be lucky to live to his 20th birthday. I guess Lulu has kids too, I don't know, but they don't seem to have much purpose. 

If Geary, Francis, etc. had not been so allegedly precious about JJ as the only Lucky, I wonder how different things might have been. Geary in particular was awful on that front. And now it's pretty much too late for Lucky or Lulu to ever be whatever they may have been intended to be - they would likely meet the fate of perpetual dead space like Belle and Shawn on DAYS.

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I believe that was the shaky foundation they laid for Diego’s motive.

It certainly helped. You could root for her because she was so damaged, and yet people like Tony, AJ, Monica and Alan had very justifiable reasons for their disdain. And you had Bobbie trying to build some kind of relationship with her often hysterical daughter. Complex!

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Oh, makes sense.  If I recall correctly she died accidently in a freezer because of Georgie, but not Georgie because someone else killed her.  Morbid for sure.  

Anyhow, Carly being scrappy AF was rootable.  Saddling herself to Jason was super smart at the time.  Then even moving on to Sonny when Jason wasn't an option as well.  I just don't think LW exactly gets that backstory even though I love her hair and wacky ways. 

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