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GH: March 2024 Discussion Thread

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Well, what he said was that he expected to stay on at DAYS but then he found out that he would not. Only then did he reach out to see if GH was now amenable, and they were. So, that is what I am going by, a Steve Burton statement. IOW, his contract came up & he thought another would be offered. But, this time it was up to Janet. Not Alarr.

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I actually don't even think it matters if Steve was fired or not. I don't think any side is too torn up about it. We are just so lucky to get him on two soaps at the same time

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Posted (edited)

He could've portrayed the "guru" that Laura supposedly ran away with as a teenager.

Also, AH just as easily could've played a new character, whose sister once worked as a stripper for Sonny and later o.d.'ed on drugs or committed suicide out of guilt.

Edited by Khan
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That is a good idea. (And I do think they need to explore that history from Laura's life, but I worry if done soon it might come off too much like the Shiloh cult nonsense from a few years ago unless they really lean into modernizing it like online cults like Love Has Won, etc.)

Yeah, there was no need for him to be her second long-lost brother on top of Martin. I assume Frank thought it would give JK more longevity. It hasn't!

AH has had some decent dialogue in the last few tweaked eps but I see no need for him to be on the show.

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I like that idea.  They could have even had it be Crystal's brother, the girl Stone got HIV from to have some history behind it.

I still see zero need for him to be specifically Jagger, but maybe we will find out soon? 

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Today was great. The Sonny & John Jagger scenes were amazing. That was defintley PM & EK there

Heather, I like Alley Mills but if Heather dies I wont care at this point. Loved Laura knocking her ass out

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Posted (edited)

HA! Got the right players but it was Laura who saved Cyrus! Wonder if Heather was faking at the end or what exactly happened. 

Also, maybe it was just me but I thought Jason's hair was poufier on top & we know that good hair is a priority. 

So, Jason does not have amnesia. Check, one, Jason is not actually working for the other side, not unless he's a double agent. Check, two. Jason did the right things for Dante. So, yesterday he saved Sonny & today he saved Sonny's son. Check, three & four. 

PLUS, Sexy Dexy was a part of saving Dante too, which will buy him a pass from Sonny & allow him to reside in Port Charles. 

 I really appreciate how much they've gotten done in just two days. 

D&C could've dragged this out for 3 weeks. 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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No relation to Love Don't Pay the Rent or Love Shoulda Brought Yo' Ass Home Last Night.

(I'm sorry.)

Whenever I see Jeff Kober, I can't help but think of "China Beach."

And I worry that if they DO explore that history, it'll culminate with Laura welcoming another "forgotten child" that she never told anyone about.


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Heather was right about one thing. I would rather stlll have Esme around than Cyrus.

I like John Cates. I would rather have him around than watch any more of Drew. I hope Drew leaves the show soon.

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My fear: Drew will leave feeling bitter and vengeful, then return down the road having restored his face to look like Jason's.

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Multiple Things can be true at once:

1) Sonny truly loved Stone 

2) Sonny did use Karen & gave her drugs to strip & sleep with him knowing she was an SA Victim

3) Sonny latched onto PC's love of Stone to rehab his image.

John Jagger Cates spoke no lies today

When John Jagger Cates spoke to Anna about Robin & her devotion to Sonny, I did not take that as a slight on Anna because she could not be there. I saw it as Cates basically saying Robin has poor judgment where Sonny's concerned. Truth.

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