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Y&R: February 2024 Discussion Thread

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Ashley is definitely going bonkers at the moment. I mean ED can sell it, but again…why???

Had to laugh about the Abbotts going out for a “special” dinner at Society. I mean aren’t they always there!

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 Also Jack drinking wine while being Nikki’s sponsor…?


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Jack ridiculously drinks alcohol all the time since his romp back a few ago with Gloria (after he kicked his addiction to pills). In fact, right after dealing with the very drunk Nikki when he went with Victor to get her at that bar, Jack came home and immediately poured himself a nice big Scotch. rme

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Hehe. That was last Monday as well.  


I was enjoying him in his turtleneck thinking he must be working out again since his body looked more defined again. And then that turtleneck came off quick. lol. 

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Since outside of the whole Deacon/Nikki mess and the time she was looking for Victor on the beach are the only thing that come to mind for me, I don't think there have been too many tales. Though there was the period where she was telling off people, too. I do like it gives MTS something to do.


On one hand, I like seeing Jack and Nikki around each other. On the other hand, I do feel the same. Now that Jack is recovering as well, the concept is just dicey that he would be her sponser. Seems to me more of an attempt to have Nikki vs Diane at some point. The story was better when it was Lauren Nikki was running to...AND it would give underused Lauren something to do.


Lol. Jill still got it!!! No question!!

DEFINITELY. I haven't drooled like this since his Todd Victor days on OLTL 

Edited by Taoboi
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