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Y&R: December 2023 Discussion Thread


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Finally caught up enough. It does help that the holiday threw off CBS's player so they were are deleting episodes early. lol.


I made it to the reveal. And...??? I admit that I'm intrigued. 


First of all, I'm so happy to have CZ on a soap again. And she's been playing it to the hilt. I've been loving her. And anyone who can go toe to toe with Victor in the cuss out department was win. And that last camera frame at the house with Jordan in the walls...I got shivers. It was old school Y&R gothic and I didn't mind it at all.


Second of all, credit where it's due we at least did get some build-up to Claire and the mystery of who she was. So whoever thought otherwise...well...no. Still, I'm not sure how I feel about her being Eve. I vaguely remember Victoria, Cole, and Eve. And it's a shame we can't get flashbacks (though I love the Eve flashbacks since I was not around and only read of her) cuz it as HT Victoria. I definitely feel invested and the dark and gothic tone (and music) drew me in. But is there any wiggle room to make this plausible? At least when they did the changeling storyline on OLTL back in the day with Jess/Natalie there was enough wiggle room to doubt (and thankfully it was corrected before the show ended). It is inspired writing for sure.


And I liked the week of the reveal, the show focused squarely on it. The first time in a good minute that I didn't mind the focus on the Newmans. And then they slowly brought everyone else back in. Bring me to...


Happy to see we might still be getting Billy vs Kyle. And that Billy clued Jack in. But I live for seeing Abbott drama. And it looks like old Diane is coming back with her getting involved in Audra/Kyle/Summer...which I felt was dropped too quickly anyway. And while I don't like Ashley and Tucker basically switching roles, I can't hate on TSJ and ED's chemistry. They had a nice coda where you could just feel the sexual tension.


I feel they are doing a disservice to Chance/Summer. Not that I don't want it, but having Summer being all neurotic and quirky about it when AL can sell vixen (look at her in the intro) and fire. I do like how everyone else is sloooowly seeing she has it bad for Chance. And I still don't want to see Chance not be a cop or anything involving law enforcement. Say what you will about him, but him being a do-gooder has ALWAYS been his throughline through all of the actors who played him all the way back to JD. Though Chance as businessmen would lead to more scenes with Jill which I would LOVE.


So...Nate finally made it back to Chancellor-Winters? I might not like the 'twist' of how he got fired when he seem sincere about Victor's health, but that's where he should be. So...good job Mamie with the maunvering. 

Edited by Taoboi
Realized that was a double reply.
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I agree with you on everything you've said.

I have a question about Alcoholics Anonymous. Are they bound by privacy rules about not disclosing anything that is said in those meetings? The idea that Nikki Newman was kidnapped and force-fed alcohol would be huge news. Are those other folks at the AA meeting prevented from talking about what is said in there?

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@Beachstorm Yes I think AA is anonymous and whatever is spoken about must not be shared.

It took away from the poignancy of the scene when Nikki started detailing how a crazed woman had kidnapped her and used an IV to load her up with booze. IRL I'm sure the other attendees would think she was still drunk and hallucinating.

Had to laugh when Nikki was told the name of the song . It sounded like he said Titty Roll, which was quite appropriate.Think it was actually Kitty Roll.

And Nikki couldn't recognize that music? Even people who've never been near a strip joint would associate straight away. Maybe the alcohol is clouding Nikki's memory.

Jordan is  graduate of the Phyllis Summers disguise course. Lesson #1 -if you don't want to be noticed wear a ginormous hat and glasses that would immediately draw attention as nobody gets around like that .

PS how did Jordan know that Nikki danced to that song?

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Oh, the covenant of privacy & anonymity is huge! On occasion they have open meetings where people can bring their friends & family & those aren't cloaked in secrecy but all other meetings are. 100%. I can't think of any example where someone has sold a story to a tabloid, ever, out of one of their meetings. 

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An office, a cubicle, a chair, whatever.
The crux of my argument is that they really don’t need a hospital set to keep Nate connected to the medical field, a little imagination could keep him connected to the profession he devoted so much time, effort, money and intellectual focus to something that requires such a specialized set of skills. It’s weird the way that he has been shifted out of medicine and health care and for what? Some vague marketing job? Going hat in hand to the same pseudo corporations begging for an opportunity? Man, they really did sever him from any attributes of his dad and especially his mom, didn’t they?

Haha, that was my donation. An actual fully fledged storyline would be a totally different matter. There is a character from Frasier, an insurance claims adjuster who takes a fall in his apartment and when they take her to the hospital and the doctor starts to say something like “Oh-oh” or something like that, the insurance claims adjuster jumps all over him and says something like “What?! Did you do something wrong? Because I will sue blue, buddy boy!” Fraser’s totally taken aback by this ruthless display. That’s the thing that jumped into my head, lol. 

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JMO but, to me, shifting Nate away from medicine feels worse and more haphazard than shifting Chance away from police work. Hasn’t Nate been a doctor longer than Chance has been a cop? When Jill told Chance that the Chancellor in Chancellor-Winters is his birthright, I mean, she wasn’t wrong. In a way, medicine is Nate’s birthright, it is his connection to his mother who we unfortunately, no longer see. At least we get occasional visits from Nina. For some reason, it doesn’t bother me as much that they are shifting Chance and at least working in his family’s field, they won’t send him begging hat in hand to the self-righteous and hypocritical Newmans for a career. Ridiculous. With as many times as Adam has slithered back into Victor’s good graces, I found it insulting that he was lecturing Devon on not allowing Nate back into Chancellor-Winters. Hmph.

Nathan Sr. was never an office cog, and he liked to get into things {“get his hands dirty, so to speak), I don’t see him spending his days being tethered to a desk in corporate America. Also, how much influence did Nathan really have on shaping Nate as a person when Nate was so young when his dad died? I would think Olivia would have been instrumental in shaping who he became. 

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Didn’t Nate just exclaim that he was a doctor and that his first instinct was to treat someone who was ailing? So we’re just going to completely disregard all that time training? I know people who have been premed, a couple of whom actually took the MCATs, went to medical school, did internships, residency…that’s an enormous amount of time and work, it seems unrealistic to me that someone would completely toss that away for a vague marketing career.

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