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GH: December 2023 Discussion Thread

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It was reported that NAC would be gone from the show for two months. It appears now that Spencer is going to Paris with Trina. Trina is going to spend a semester at the Sorbonne. I don't like Spencer and Trina, so if both of them vanish for two months I would be fine with that.

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OK So Apart From Anna Slapping Valentin, There Were ANY other Slaps On GH this year? 

I was very fortunate a friend gave Me access to his personal collection, and managed to watch some this year, so I wanna do a Slaps Retrospective for this CRAZY YEAR, and include all that I can! 

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Friday's highlight was the Esme & Heather scenes.  Touching mother-daughter reunion in prison!  I was surprised by the good advice Heather gave, almost like the mom from The Wonder Years would give.

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  Esme being the troubled, lead female of that generation is what GH deserves.  I hope they don't go over-the-top and prematurely burn off the character when she's got so much potential for so many years of mayhem and drama.

Carly's new year's eve dress to the club was frumpy (or just mundane, if I'm being charitable). 

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I meant to post this earlier, but I was watching Thursday's episode and why aren't they giving Rena/Lois anything to do?  All she does is talk to Olivia. We are told Olivia/Lois were bff since they were kids, but I have literally no investment in this friendship.  Can't she have interactions with the rest of the town?

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Lois has been written like a cartoon. You'd think on Thursday's show, they'd finally let her get real and say that yeah, she did have a problem with her best friend marrying her ex-husband. Then maybe her and Olivia could have had a deep conversation for once, but nope. Very disappointing.

Edited by Jdee43
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I don't even know if I think Lois has been written like a cartoon.  Lois is just written boringly.  It's as if she has no life or agency of her own.  She is only on the show to react to other people's issues.  I absolutely agree she should have feelings about Olivia marrying her ex-husband, but I would also like to know what she's been doing the last 25 years.   I hate when shows basically put characters on pause in their lives.  It's as if Lois has just been hanging out in Bensonhurst for the last few decades doing nothing of note.  I also don't know why Lois can't interact with non-Quatermaines.  Why doesn't she have scenes with Carly, Sonny, Nina, even Ava?   I know a lot of the cast she interacted with is long gone, but it seems like a waste to have her hanging out in the Q's kitchen for 2 months.

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Yes, I enjoyed those Sonny/Lois scenes, but I don't understand why there aren't more.  Sonny actually spends days lurking around the Metro Court and the hospital-he can't have a few scenes with Lois?  Wouldn't it be interesting if Lois took a liking to Nina and bonded with her before she finds out she turned Carly/Drew in?  Speaking of Carly, Lois seemed to be TeamCarly yesterday, but are they friends or friendly*?  You could introduce Lois to a whole new set of characters around town and create new relationships, but she's just not doing anything except drinking wine at the Q's.

*Lois should not be friends with Carly just because of her longstanding bff status with Brenda, but since Brenda currently doesn't exist and Olivia is her bff now I'll allow a Carly/Lois friendship.

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I feel bad because Hulu put up yesterday's episode late and I watched it this morning and it does appear Lois is actually going to do something lol.  I hope she does tell Sonny because she should.  Lois really has no strong ties to anyone involved with this mess except Sonny so it makes sense.  Perhaps that is the reason the show has kept Lois on an island.  I still think it has been a waste of Rena's talents, but if she ends this boring SEC story I will keep my mouth shut.

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