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DAYS: December 2023 Discussion Thread

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A side character is exactly what he should be. Way back when Leo first started, I liked him. I thought he made a good villain to Sonny and Will. I feel he works best as a character that comes to town stirs trouble for about 3-6 months then leaves. He shouldn't be a permanent character. Every attempt to make us feel sympathy fails. Also a lot of his humor and jokes are no longer funny and stale. 

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I liked him all the way through the Diana/John story.  Or at least didn't dislike him.  

I wouldn't mind him coming in and out.  I wouldn't mind him as a "friend of" if you will.  I wouldn't even mind him as supporting.  The main character nonsense is my issue.  He's evil, but isn't a villian and we are made to sympathize with someone who has 0 redeeming qualities.

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Rogers and Seaforth are hammy and painfully embarrassing. Rogers is especially bad. Did you know Deidre’s ex-husband cheated on her with Suzanne?

Roman and Marlena are a footnote in Days history compared to John and Marlena.

The only Susan I care about is Susan Delilah Banks (Eileen only), my favorite character.

I like the 90s. Donna. I like the early and mid 2000s. Not interested in anything that came before 1993.


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Gotta admit, I’m a little surprised that Chad/Stephanie actually broke up. I really thought that they were gonna stay together and go on to deal with this thing with Harris. That seems like a better conflict for them then it would be for Ava/Harris. 

The Chad/Stephanie scenes were nice and well acted. I never saw them as this totally fated couple but they were good together. Part of me is hoping that this isn’t the end for them. All of Stephanie’s other choices aren’t that good

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The EJ/Nicole/Eric/Sloan scenes were good too but they all did seem a little rushed. The episode should have ended with EJ/Nicole showing up at the police station instead of it happening half way through. We should have gotten a little more from Nicole about why she took the baby and what she was trying to do. And a little more from EJ about Nicole’s sanity.

Today also provided another good chance for some conflict between Eric/Sloan. Throw problem after problem at them regarding Nicole and the baby and eventually all that could break them up. Or maybe Sloan has an affair. Too bad the guy that she should have an affair with was just written out

All of that would be really interesting to see. 

I’m also a little interested in whatever’s happening with Paulina too. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Indeed, what in the heck is up with Paulina?!! She can't get awake. She can't stay awake. 

I haven't posted about current DAYS in days. My life has been crazy & the last crazy bit is going from a troublesome ancient computer to a brand new one. 

My current fascination is actually involving DAYS/Y&R where we have a solicitous husband & a vulnerable wife. The Great Victor Newman is mostly supportive words, small touches & fetching Nikki cups of tea. Somehow he has failed to notice that she is drinking like a fish. EJ on the other hand is like the sun, the moon & the stars to assist Nicole. Nicole said one sentence of regret about not decorating for the holidays. Somehow EJ managed to call the servants & give them orders so that the mansion was draped in Christmas finery by the time they got back from the Square. Nicole smiled. There are many other examples of EJ noticing his wife & actually doing things to try to ease her burden. 

Today in Salem was quite a day. So much going on.

Chad & Steph actually broke it off. I was surprised. The scene was well-written & the actors were at the top of their games. Both cried. Billy Flynn is a good male crier. (I won't say this forever but just for now: Emmys 2023 he wuz robbed. Great pic from BTS with him & his lovely wife.)

Stephanie immediately checked in with Harris. She really had a drunk black-out, remembering NOTHING of the night before. He was able to explain how drunk she was, that she vomited all over herself so he changed her into clean clothes & then put her in his bed. Also that nothing else happened! Only thing she didn't like is that Harris believes in total transparency with Ava. 

Somehow Sloan doesn't seem to realize that she left her child unattended in a pram in a city square. I think this is the first time Eric has wanted to either throttle her or give her a good shake! This is a first for them & it might lead somewhere. That was one. Two was disagreeing on how to act toward Nicole. Sloan went from demanding she be put in prison to saying she had asked her to babysit. But, she took advantage of a private moment to threaten her. 

Alex & Chanel had a brief sweet conversation where they gave a nod to their threesome & also covered messing things up with Allie. 

Blessedly there was no Leo. 



Edited by Donna L. Bridges
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The worst characters that spring to mind for me are the horrible Gwen/now Teresa characters. Gwen has been front and center since she showed up as Jack's kid. And now this gawd-awful Teresa rendition. Is the actress best friends with the writer or something? I don't enjoy her.

She is followed closely by Kristen/Susan, Stephanie and that train wreck that is Jada's sister. I almost forgot Sarah. She maybe should be at the top of the list as well. I agree with your Konstantin and Alex too.

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Today's episode was okay.  I thought Chad/Stephanie broke up when she moved out.  Guess not.  Decent scenes.  I am not too heartbroken over it.

So nothing happened with Harris which I assumed, but is that it?  Is this plot point going anywhere lol?

As far as Paulina, I am interested in the story, but I thought this woman was getting regular checkups after all those panic attacks and issues she was having during the Sloan saga.

The Nicole/Eric/Sloan/EJ stuff was good.  This part of the story was really rushed though.  The kidnapping should have lasted more than 1 episode.  And, yes, clearly Sloan is wrong because she did steal Nicole's baby, but people are acting like she is crazy for having a perfectly normal reaction.  Nicole has demanded a DNA test and now kidnapped Jude and everyone is like you are completely overreacting Sloan!  With the current facts the characters have she really isn't at all lol.


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