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General Hospital: November 2023 Discussion Thread

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I mean, Maxie has looked awful for years down to greasy hair.  It doesn't matter how many Emmys the costume designer/wardrobe has won.  

And all the examples you are citing are for women with more "typical" bodies for tv.

I actually think it's more of KS choice than wardrobe, but it's also a lot easier to make a thin women look awesome in clothes.  Brook Kerr would probably look good in a trash bag.  KS is an entirely different body type.  It's not that she can't look fierce, it just hasn't happened in years.

If it was one or two bad outfits for KS I would just say it was a mistake, but she's probably had 1 or 2 GOOD outfits in the last 5 years.

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The point you may be missing is that, that designer can work with problem areas as well if not better than the people you see as easy but he sees as like all of his people, is that everyone is a challenge to be met. He is exceptionally good at his job & he is devoted to it & he loves it. Some people trust him more than others do. Not trusting your support people is like sabotaging yourself. It is well known that KS has issues. And, you are right she is that body type, petite woman with full bosom. But, if she would deal, she might be shocked at how good she could look. Look at Kelly Monaco & at Becky Herbst, so teeny tiny that their sizes do not register like real numbers do. And, both petite. And, Monaco very full bosom. Challenges, to be met.I did not mean to take over or make a speech. Sorry. I just was trying to get to the rule of thumb. If its working for most, you gotta look to the one where it's not. There's the sticking point. 


That's just me underlining the important part. 

About today, I think it could be interesting for them to try to get Maxie out of debt. Very relatable. Maybe even a good lesson with the holidays approaching. Has any show ever dealt with this as a story?

Boy, Sonny really thinks Ava offed Austin! 

Not for the first time I wish I had a better grasp of the days passing on this show. I'd really like to know how long Austin lay on that floor, with the door wide open!!

You know the buyer Lucy has for Windemere that is known by a corporate or PAC or something name, not a person's name? Who besides me is thinking, maybe it's Nik. 

And, if Nik's back & we just don't know it yet, maybe he plugged Austin?!! 

Seems more reasonable that my last cockamamie theory!

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I was trying to be diplomatic, but agreed. 

When you put someone like KS onscreen as Maxie you aren't that good at your job.  She looks awful and you can site all the people he makes look great, but it's universally tiny women.  Brooklyn and post-baby Sasha have also had questionable choices.  It's great this guy loves his job and you know him or whatever, but like he can't figure out how to dress anyone over a size 8. 

Even Laura is giving me 2000's era Riche vibes with her outfits


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Maxie needs a love life again. I would recommend Portia's brother, Zeke. He had a one nighter with Jordan in June that was just a backdrop to realize she had unresolved feelings for Curtis. He hasn't been on ever since. Sasha, Brooke Lynn, and Lucy getting her ready for a night on the town might be nice. KS can't turn down a romantic story. It will be coming at some point. They will have to come up with something in hair, makeup, and wardrobe to make her look better. Zeke and Maxie might be hot in the bedroom. Both are single. Close in age. There is nobody else for her. They can make it a modern day Brad Carlton and Tracy Abbott love story. It worked out well on Y&R

Edited by Vince79
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If I remember correctly only B&B is up & they're against talk shows & the thinking is that soaps & talk shows are not effectively competitors. 

I was wrong. They are nominated.

The Bold and the Beautiful, CBS
Book of Queer, Discovery+
General Hospital, ABC
The Jennifer Hudson Show, SYNDICATED

Edited by Donna L. Bridges
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I am not saying everyone on GH looks bad.  Most characters look fantastic.  It's not Days where people are wearing their own clothes even when it doesn't fit the character or scene.  It's just the fact that Joss/Trina wear $300 Mother jeans everyday and no one can go to the mall and grab KS a cute, flattering $30 top from Torrid and force her to wear it.   Maxie looks sloppy.  It would be one thing if the show weaved it into her story as a frazzled single mom, but nope.  She's supposed to be a fashionista.

I don't think Laura looks sloppy and her wardrobe generally fits the character and role, but it is unflattering a lot of times.

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Instead of everyone pretending like she looks the same as she did in 2008, it would be really interesting if they dealt on-screen with how she looks now, especially from her point of view. The show and those involved probably couldn't handle something that real though.

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I am not sure what you are getting at @Donna L. Bridges.  KS can wear whatever she pleases when she's not at work, but I don't think it's out of line for GH to dictate a wardrobe to her when she's playing Maxie.  It's her job.  I get that actors should feel comfortable and have a say, but Cynthia Watros couldn't wear sweats at Nina/Sonny's wedding just because she didn't feel comfortable in a dress that day lol.

That would be a story I would like.  That would be relatable and normal, but we are just supposed to pretend Maxie is a fashion maven still.

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Have to agree with all of that. I'd comment on Maxie's sloppy dress even if she was a stay-at-home mom, but the fact that she's supposed to be a fashionista makes it ridiculous.

How sad is it that you have to say "force her to wear it"? In what universe should an actor have the call about the character's dress. All it would take is one directive from Frank. I'm OK if Maura Wright or Finola Hughes says "I don't want to wear that because it's too low-cut and revealing." I am not OK with Kirsten Storms wearing what she wants and looking like hell.

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Agreed.  I have no problem with actor's being comfortable, but it's gotten to the point that her styling is completely out of character.   Rena Sofer puts on new fake nails everyday for Lois because it's part of the character.  Maxie can put a nice blouse on and fix her hair.  And if KS can't do that-there are other actresses that could play Maxie and would do that.  It sounds mean, but KS can't coast along forever half assing it.

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