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Y&R October 2023 Discussion Thread


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Christian LeBlanc revealed today that the reason he has been absent from the show is that he has been battling cancer.  In June of this year, he was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, after he started having nosebleeds.   He is now in remission and recently returned to the set, his first episode back will be the Thanksgiving episode

Sources to the above story.

https://www.soapoperanews.net/2023/10/c ... t-his.html

and link to video of his interview 
 https://www.wwltv.com/video/news/local/ ... bb1b7853af

Edited by lucaslesann23
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The Newmans are so tired to me. Victor is so bored now that he decided to fake dementia just to test his kids because he has nothing else to do. This is ridiculous. Does Abby even know anything is going on with her dad? She’s so isolated from the Newmans AND the Abbott’s somehow.

Edited by Antoyne
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They keep covering the same ground. Mark Grossman is solid but if this is what they brought Adam back for, it wasn’t worth it. They need to move them off the hamster wheel or consider taking some of them off canvas if they can’t find other things for them to do. It’s boring. 

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Not that I’m defending the story, as it’s lame, but I think soaps have to allow people to do horrible things, even if they “set a bad example,” as these incidents surely happen IRL. Victor is a horrible person who had Phyllis raped, etc., so it wouldn’t surprise me if he pulled something like that. I think we’ve gone so far that mere dramatization of ghastly behavior is seen as endorsing it. Sometimes soaps cross the line into glamorizing horrible stuff (like the violence on GH), but that’s poor execution.

The other characters should be the ones taking Victor to task. The problem is after a week or so they’ll be back kissing his @ss, in the same way Phyllis has suffered few real consequences for faking her death. There’s no stakes because characters come through stories completely unfazed.

She’s been the one the show has considered most expendable until VERY recently. I suppose Audra and Claire Grace have given her new life.

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Abby is so isolated from the Newmans that I forget she's Victor's daughter at times. It would make sense if one of the siblings at least reached out to Abby with their concerns, right?! IMO, Abby has been written as more Abbott than Newman. She rarely interacts with the Newmans at all.

I personally think the show needs an Adam break. It's the same story over and over again. I would say rest the character and bring him back in a few years with a fresh perspective.

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Sorry to hear that.


I've been saying since he's been back, that YES, Giggly Heffa has been falling for him again...well timed to LB's anniversary this year because I feel the writers want to touch on Chris/Danny/Phyllis triangle from BITD. Like they want to touch on Psycho Phyllis again...but could MS pull it off? was my question. 

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I actually think, of the two brothers, Nick needs the break more, although that’s a minority opinion. I feel like Adam’s return—a total “In Case of Emergency Break Glass” move that previous regimes had been avoiding—was in part to give Nick something to do, as he had been flailing for years. 

Instead of dealing with the problem of defining Nick as an adult pillar of the show, no longer the dimpled studmuffin, they’ve defined him as the anti-Adam. He hasn’t quite worked in most of his romantic pairings, try as they might (aside from Sharon, which feels a bit lackluster). The Sally pairing is so painful that I regret having suggested that he hook up with Sally when she was beefing with Phyllis.

He’s not given opportunities to be a father to his young kids, and he seems more like an older brother to Noah than a dad. He does shine as Faith’s dad, but the show doesn’t feel committed to Faith either. In relation to Victor and NE, they can’t decide whether Nick is the vengeful son or the ambivalent outsider.

Whereas Adam is defined almost to a fault. Mark Grossman has chemistry with several people and Adam is an active, dynamic character who can drive more story. I’d love to see all the Newmans go, but I think oddly Adam has more potential on this low-budget version of Y&R.

Edited by Faulkner
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I think Tucker has supplanted Adam as JG's pet. Tucker is involved in everything. He schemes with everyone. Anytime there's some mystery as to who is behind something, the answer is Tucker. He's the cool rich snarky big bad. Adam has become a dog that's kicked around. They're back to 10+ years ago where haha, Victor put his office in the bathroom! Wild! 


Nick is very boring and aimless. The only time he worked in a long time was in the Cameron Kirsten story. One really simple scene I liked was when the girls were over at the cottage and Sharon got one of his packages and Nick understood what was going on and there was this whole unspoken communication between them because they didn't want to scare anyone. Nick is kind of a Neanderthal, so his best stories were the action oriented ones when he was put in jail, or fighting with somebody, being a hothead and getting into trouble even when he was right. But with this lack of budget, there's nothing for him to do that suits him.

Edited by BoldRestless
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Yeeeeah outside of seeing Victor in the driver seat and plotting, I was not feeling the Newman stuff. It felt like more of the same. It actually might have even been better if Victoria WAS trying to set Victor up. Or...if Victoria actually tries to.


Where are the Abbotts? From starting off the week to POOF!!!


Thankfully, Mamie and Jill were on. Though we really need to get Jill out of the phone. lol. I really loved that Devon was able to get through to Tucker and admit that he was really on the warpath because he really DID love Ashley. After all, we know how hard it is to find a partner for ED that matches her. I'm curious to see how Ashley plays it once she returns to town. And if it will be as cool and calm as she was when she came back at the start of this Ashley/Tucker drama.


I forgot to mention it...but I do love all the Dru mentions. 


Nate/Devon scenes are always worth a watch. 

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He just had to fight to get custody of Adam's son, just so they can never show him. Such high stakes. I know they think it makes Victoria and Nick seem like good parents if they mention Christian and Katie as if they exist, but... it doesn't. They should just have them all in boarding school and not write those cringey lines about getting home to Christian and watching Katie's ballet recital. I appreciate that GH and B&B actually show the kids once in a while so that when they're aged up, I know who they are.

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