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B&B Promo: Will Sheila ever be gone for good?

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can we please just have Sheila go to therapy, already and integrate her into the families/cast? This is a tired joke, at this point. Bill, Thomas and Taylor are running around like upstanding citizens, even after the trainwreck they wrote each of them into in the past. Let it go. Sheila is nowhere near the worst of the worst, let alone the worst of the current cast. Let her live, already. 

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I respectfully completely disagree.  She is evil.  No therapy will help.

She's not someone with a mental health problem.  She's evil and cares for nothing/nobody but her own objectives.  Anyone she says she loves is just a tool to her.

I have watched Sheila for over 30 years since Y&R.  She cannot be helped.  In my opinion there is nothing worse than a villain being integrated into the community while continuing to be an evil villain.  It's ruined Days.

Edited by janea4old
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she never burned down a building with people in it just to build another building with their name on it, and granted she chased someone off the road... but they didn't die. Thomas killed Emma Barber, or are we gonna pretend that never happened? And she never killed anyone by drunk driving. 

let's get a grip, here. Sheila is not better or worse than your average soap character in this day and age where Sonny Corinthos is the patriarch/patron saint of GH. If we're gonna get on a high horse and demand characters pay for their crimes or whatever, let's round them all up. LOL

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I agree that mobster Sonny Corinthos should not be a main character on GH, he is should not be considered a regular member of the community.  I stopped watching GH for many years because of that character.

I feel that neither Sheila Carter nor Sonny Corinthos should be regular characters but obviously the soap writers feel differently.

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I'm not comparing Sheila to characters from other soaps. You said, and I quote "Sheila is nowhere near the worst of the worst, let alone the worst of the current cast."

That's what I was responding to. And Sheila is, by far, the worst and most evil character on B&B, now and throughout history. Do I really need to remind you of all the heinous things she's done? Yes, other characters have done bad things, but compared to Sheila Carter they're practically saints. That's not to say I didn't enjoy her reign of terror the first time around. Kimberlin Brown played her to perfection and her confrontations with Susan Flannery's Stephanie were absolutely riveting. But that was 25-30 years ago. Now Sheila is a tired cliche, and she should have been put out to pasture long ago.


Edited by I Am A Swede
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sure. I highly doubt it's anything worse than what characters currently on the canvas chilling have ever done in the past and never answered for. At least Sheila supposedly went to prison and "paid" for her crimes (that she was caught out over. LOL) meanwhile peeps in B&B have "grown" and "changed" and that's enough. lmao!

that said, this Sheila marry-go-round is a yellow bricked, boring road to nowhere. But it is what it is and if they're gonna keep Sheila around I believe they should rehab her. Because she's not scary anymore. 

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Well, let's see.....

She shot Taylor, Brooke, Stephanie, Finn and Steffy; she tried to drown Lauren in a hot tub; she held the Forresters, Lauren and James hostage at gunpoint and threatened to kill them; she kidnapped James and held him prisoner in a basement; she deliberately killed a man with bees; she ran Li off the road; she held Finn captive; she tried to pimp out her own daughter Mary/Erica to Rick; she poisoned Stephanie with mercury; she kidnapped Brooke and Ridge on their honeymoon; she tampered with Brooke's non-alcoholic champagne; she threatened to harm Thomas when he was a baby to keep Stephanie away from James

And that's just on B&B. You can add her crimes on Y&R to that list.

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