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YR Fall preview

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When Josh Morrow is too old to pass for, idk, 38, they're gonna kill Nick off. I agree he has had virtually no other or deeper stories in many years besides being a stud who fùcks.

I like Trevor when he shows up to act, but when he doesn't look out. He gets bored easily and starts doing whatever he feels like, actively playing against scenes written for pathos. He always had absolutely scorching chemistry with most of his leading ladies especially Florencia Lozano, but it was very hard to enjoy their scenes when by the time she came back he was playing a serial rapist who had violated the same woman twice. To his credit Trevor seemed to know this and began playing his character on OLTL as an out and out psychopath, but unfortunately the writers just kept writing it as though "Todd II" was a romantic leading man who, you know, occasionally had psychotic breaks over his daughters or tried to befriend the woman he'd raped. (If anyone else remembers the disturbing scene where he visited Marty at her office and had a meltdown just before she fell down the stairs, you know what I'm talking about) It was a very bizarre viewing experience, and while in hindsight I can sympathize with subverting the material more it was hard not to feel like I was getting trolled by the actor everyday.

I honestly can't see Trevor playing a normal romantic lead. When they tried to do it at OLTL he tanked it and played the truth of what they actually had given him, which was a largely unrepentant predator (and ultimately his character was unmasked as a savant with multiple personality disorder). I don't think he is built for or interested in playing normal heartthrobs. He is a funky dude who plays weird people, that's what he is best at and where he excels - it's part of why I wish some form of OLTL was still around, because there is a lot you can do with crazy Victor Lord Jr. getting out of the nuthouse and causing chaos from time to time on a recurring basis like the Joker. But I can't seem him spouting the rote crap they give to these guys on Y&R and not looking completely checked out within about three minutes.

Edited by Vee
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Lol, I know you don't like him but the fact is he was a very attractive dude in his glory days and had pulled female viewers for many years for that reason. The problem is he's not a fantastic actor and they don't have any role he can convincingly play beyond being the now-aging fratboy hunk who bangs chicks. But he's never, ever going to be recast unless he quits abruptly. That's not me being a fan of Josh Morrow, that is simple reality. Unless some Ronn Moss, Michael Muhney or Steve Burton at GH shít goes down it is never gonna happen.

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That is true of most of the cast now. Case, Scott, Braeden, Heinle, Stafford etc are there until the axe falls.

So from that point of view I sympathise with Griffith as he is forced to tell stories for characters who in many cases are played out, not only because of their tenure, but also because of poor storylines.

Having said that I still blame Griffith for coming up with inane business stories and retelling the same plots for those characters. eg Adam against the Newmans, Nick turning against Victor etc


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Is he though? How many people are Sony/CBS realistically going to crow about if he starts cutting? Starting with his favorites from ten years ago who he inexplicably rehired, that is. I think you can still get mileage out of EB and MTS in senior positions and Case and Morrow in specific roles (as in remarried and not put in pointless pairings no one cares about, not that I care much about Nick and Sharon, but it's the only story left), but Heinle doesn't need to be around forever and neither does Stafford. It's all just a wash.

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I agree that Victoria, Phyllis , Billy etc could all do with a rest and I have no idea why Chelsea was brought back.

Mal tried with Fen, Ana the Rosales to bring in fresh blood but Josh wouldn't have it.

They had a chance to reset Adam but within weeks it was back to the same old.

I think CBS/Sony just want to hang on to the viewers they've got and believe that serving up familiar content is the way to do it.

Look at CBS primetime and the old school dramas that make up the bulk of the schedule NCIS, CSI, FBI,Blue Bloods, SWAT all safe and predictable.

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Oh, I agree. I think we've talked about that before too, and I think it's largely the same calculation at GH. They're coasting on subsistence levels of viewers and apathy. But I think there are changes that could be made that the parent companies wouldn't care that much about (though the veteran cast might). I just don't think Griffith or anyone else cares to make them.

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"The tension between Devon and Nate is going to push nate to take an action that could have ramifications throughout the family and company."


This action was revealed in the CDN,  Nate is plotting a hostile takeover with Victoria. Nate told Victoria about CW going public. He's going to be an insider to victoria so she can scoop up Chancellor Winter shares. When she has a majority share she will put Nate in charge of CW.

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I'm sure Trevor isn't getting paid under five that's for sure. However, Trevor is one of those actors you can tell when he isn't feeling the material and it shows. 

I'm hoping Olivia returns to town to smack both her son and nephew upside their heads. It's clear the Barber-Winters family needs a matriarch/patriarch and I'm sorry Lily isn't capable of doing that. I mean Nate has been on for five years now and he hasn't had one conversation with his mother. If Tonya Lee Williams can't come to LA from Toronto than have her FaceTime. Or if not recast with someone like Amelia Marshall at this point. 

Josh needs a business consultant regarding these business stories. It seems he is playing musical chairs with Newman, Jabot/Marchetti, Chancellor-Winters etc., and has no idea what to do with them. Buzzwords aren't going to make us think these companies our worth caring about. 

And I wonder is it a Sony/CBS mandate about getting rid of the teens/young adults on this show. I mean Moses doesn't get a goodbye scene and Faith was shuffled off to U Of M. 

Edited by Forever8
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