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Days of Our Lives: May 2022 Discussion Thread

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LOL! I'm not trying to stir some stupid pot. Please, I've got bigger perch to fry in life. I'm just adding satire commentary to a fictional television series. I don't ever recall going after members here because that's just not me. Secondly, if one needs to have total and absolute control in their own environment, then perhaps move to an Amish village and stay clear away from the world of internet. That's the only advise that I can give since we're talking about a fictional television show.  

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Oh, for the love of Christ. Well, like they say .... you step from one sociological bubble to another. I'm still going to post satire commentary anyway unless I'm banned. And if that's the case, then I'll look at the subjects of world poverty, social discrimination, cancer, homelessness, etc. and realize that I'll be just fine. 

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I'm just going to continue to be me and press the envelope some more, so to speak. If any others want to private message me about how they feel, there are other ways to go about it in my opinion.

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This scene made me laugh. It's been a mere 24 or 48 hours since Eli woke up from a coma since March? You just gotta love the sanctity of marriage even in soap-opera fictitious land:

Lani: "You don't think that Paulina is guilty? Why would you say that?"

Eli: "Well, a couple of things."

Lani: "Such as?"

Eli: "When you first told me about the shooting, you said that Paulina said that she shot TR."

Lani: "She did."

Eli: "That phrasing …"

Lani (interrupts Eli): "About what?"

Eli: "Lani, don't you think that's kinda strange? Why would you put it that way if you were there and witnessed the shooting? Why wouldn't you just say Paulina shot TR?"

Lani: "I was upset. I just …whoa, I just saw my biological father get murdered, so I guess I wasn't forming perfect sentences! Is there anything else you want to grill me on, detective?"

Gee. For a guy who almost died and then woke up from a coma since March, Lani sure sounds grateful to have her husband alive and well. 

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Oh, and here's another funny conversation between Chanel and Johnny:

Chanel (to Johnny): "I wanna go see how Tripp is doing. You know … he and I got close while you .."

Johnny: "I know, I know .."

Shut up, Chanel. All you and Tripp did was act like a bunch of amateur drunks on New Year's Eve sportin' aound Red Bull breath. That's nowhere to getting close especially when the only conversations Chanel has had with Tripp have lasted as long as the taste of spearmint in the stick of a Trident chewing gum. Yeah, REAL close my ass. 

Edited by Noel
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I don't think the show wants us to perceive Nicole as a 'whore.'   I would consider her more self-destructive than promiscuous, especially considering the men she chose to sleep with.  Xander actively tried to destroy her life and EJ was awful to her as well in the past.   These choices suggest to me that she's sabotaging herself not that she's sleeping around town.  I would have eliminated the whole Xander tryst and put more effort into her and EJ, but I also think Nicole was a character that was a victim to cast departures (Sami/Eric) and things didn't play out the way they should have.  It's a lot of men over a short period, but thinking of the entirety of her run, I don't think she's a whore.  I think some things Nicole did early on suggest she will easily use sex as a weapon (Marrying Lucas for money, marrying Victor, randomly sleeping with Roman, etc.), but she was a victim of sexual abuse and has issues.  I do think she has grown a lot since then.

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When she slept with Xander, when she was so drunk & even more than drunk when she was so upset with Eric & hadn't adequately expressed that & was so full up & overflowing with anger & feelings of loss & also of betrayal & abandonment too, and she slept with Xander, I tried to think of it as an action that had motivation behind it, even if it was a sabotaging of herself & that she was gonna hate herself in the morning, but this little voice kept saying, PLOT DEVICE, DONNA, don't get so worked up. But, short answer, I don't think of her as a whore. And, Good Lord did she ever pay for that night's indiscretion! I can't think when we saw a guy pay in spades for a night like that, maybe Chad after he stooopidly slept with Gwen.

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I'm not saying the show wants to us to perceive her as one. I'M playfully joking around and I'm saying that she is, lol! Shall I make a graph and put all the characters of Salem on the horizontal axis and then put the quantity of people slept with on the vertical axis from a five to six month time frame? I like your explanation and it's very much detailed and I thank you for that. I And hey, if this graph would indicate that Nicole has the highest quantity of people slept with, then all power to her. I'm not slut-shaming or whore-shaming. The scene with Sarah was funny in the sense that Sarah doesn't know that Nicole slept with Xander. Actually, she probably knows now since half these conversations are done in private. That could explain why she stormed off to the ladies room when Zander arrived. Or, maybe Eric told her that her baby is dead instead. Who knows? There's nothing climactic about it I know that much as these storylines breeze on by quicker than a New York minute. 

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Johnny/Chanel/Allie/Tripp is so messy and I’m here for it. I’m fine with any of their pairings. There was great writing in all of their scenes today. I also really liked seeing Tripp stand up for himself and not accept being someone’s second best.

And hopefully, in the end, Kristen and Jake end up screwing Gabi over. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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The bad writing and the ugly cheap, weird looking room. As well as Shawn's stupidity. Really undermines things.  

The dry and boring DiMera board meeting put me too sleep. It's just more of Kristen's played out bs.


I agree that best stuff was the Tripp/Chanel/Allie/Johnny quad.

Edited by victoria foxton
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Ok, did this bitch seriously just snatch the wig off of Nancy’s head?? Lol I can’t.

And why was everybody dressed in floral prints today?

Got to give a shout-out to Zach Tinker though. He really is a chemistry magnet. But they’re going to bust up Will and Sonny, at least bring back Paul. 


Edited by AbcNbc247
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