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Days of Our Lives: December 2021 Discussion Thread

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that story shows that RC doesnt understand DID. The Alters are for the most part connected to the Trauma and I dont even remember what the root of Abby's DID was. Viki & Jess on OLTL & Connie on GH were sexual abuse

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It would also be a nice button on the original story and that overall era's plotlines, to have Northrop's Roman back to conclude what was, for him, unfinished business. Roman leaving Marlena and the 'sin' of her affair with John was a major catalyst for her eventual possession that left her open to Satan. I don't feel anything with Josh Taylor in the role can ever be considered fully dealt with. Having WN back would allow them to reexamine all of that period and put it to bed. I'm not saying you need to reunite Roman and Marlena because I love John and Marlena and the fact is at this point they're endgame and that's that, but you can make a go of teasing the audience while also resolving old, old stuff properly.

Every story Ron has ever done with DID has proven he doesn't understand DID.

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TLC had a great special on DID a few years ago & one of the subjects said that her alters are not all that different , just small tweaks. Erika Slezak even said in an interview once, thats usually how DID and alters work

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That's what would be so brilliant and beautiful about bringing back Wayne as Roman.  You could have another go-round with Roman/Marlena/John, which I would love (I STILL believe it could work if written right); or you could have Kate/Roman/Marlena/John, with even the possibility of John and Kate hooking up; or even Kate/Roman/Laura, which would yield its' own, tantalizing dividends.  Wayne Northrop back as Roman would be just that good.

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I'm not saying you need to reunite Roman and Marlena either (...although, a boy can still dream...).  I'm just saying, give me what JER wouldn't: an honest-to-God triangle with Marlena, Roman and John, where the fix isn't in before the story even takes off. 

Give the audience back shades of what made Roman, and Roman and Marlena, such a big deal during the Reagan years and then see if John and Marlena are truly endgame.  If they're actually NOT endgame, and Roman/Marlena actually win over the audience again, fantastic!  Roman and Marlena are back together, and (much to Kristen and Sami's endless frustration) John gradually falls for a made-over Susan.  But, if John and Marlena ARE endgame...?  Well, then, Roman and Marlena's issues are resolved, John and Marlena can go back to cooing at each other, and Roman will be truly free to be in a new triangle between Kate and her long-lost sister, played by Lisa Hartman Black.

Because, Ron Carlivati is an idiot.

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But I think that would take too much time for a writer (Ron or even someone else) to invest the time it would take for that to happen.

If it were me, I'd have the medical board find out about the possession, take Marlena's license away and then she and her loved ones try their best to get it back. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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And that's why this genre is in the toilet.  Because no one at the top even cares anymore.

Wait, what?  You want to "punish" Marlena for being possessed by the devil again!  I mean, it's not like it was her fault, lol!

Like I keep saying, this SHOULD lead Doc to take a hard, serious, thorough look at her life, and what has led her to this point.  Maybe she could realize she shouldn't be a psychiatrist anymore.  Maybe God is calling her to a different profession, like an evangelist, or even a nun!  (Boy, wouldn't THAT put a kink in her and John's marriage!). But, she shouldn't just shrug it off and carry on to the next insane episode.  Demonic possession is nothing to be casual or cavalier about.

Edited by Khan
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No way lol I would make sure that she gets her license back in the end. That, to me, just seems like a real organic transition from the possession onto to something else, instead of something so melodramatic, or the possession just being forgotten.

I got tons of story ideas lol

Edited by AbcNbc247
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I can't believe in any situation John/Marlena wouldn't be endgame and the way John has done everything for Marlena lately makes it a hard take for me to have a love triangle with the 3 of them.

I love Ro/Mar and Wayne/Deidre, but I do sorta think that particular ship has sailed even though I would have been all about it circa 1998.  I think the show went back and forth too many times with JT to make it viable.

Perhaps, if guilt over the Possession led her back to Roman I could possibly understand that.  But the show has bent over backwards to make Jarlena endgame and I think that's right.

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Well, I could see a scenario where Marlena's sanity is called into question after the medical board hears she is writing a book or giving an interview about her ordeal, thereby forcing Doc, her legal rep and her family to prove the unprovable -- I mean, the devil IS real, but how do you prove it in a sanity hearing? -- but I wouldn't have the board automatically revoke her medical license just because she fell in again with the wrongest of wrong crowds, lol.

Bo and Hope, Shane and Kimberly, Patch and Kayla, even Jack and Jennifer -- just about all of DAYS' other, legacy couples got a shot at romantic redemption, but thanks to that horrid Jim Reilly and his "storytelling genius," Roman and Marlena will never, ever get that opportunity.  I'll never forgive him for that.  Ever.

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I guess it truly depends on the guy you ship with Marlena.  I believe they did get an opportunity post 1991. The writing was not the best for him I agree.  But Wayne left/was fired and that was that.  I think it's like a Sonny/Brenda/Jax situation where it was super popular in the moment, but one part of the triangle (Jax) fell out over time.  Same with Roman.  I just don't think you can go back on that especially with 70 year olds.  John/Marlena have been built up too much, especially John's hardcore dedication to Marlena.

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But, you see, you've just provided John with the necessary motivation: his hardcore devotion to Doc. 

John has endured a ton over the years for Marlena.  Why, he's even literally fought the devil for her!  Twice!  And, let's not forget, when John was still just The Pawn, it was Marlena who willed him into recovering his memories.  (Well, they weren't HIS memories, but you get the point).  Ergo, when it looks as if feelings have resurfaced between Roman, the man John USED to be, and Marlena, the only person in this world who's ever truly known him, John feels he can't just step aside and let Roman win back Marlena, not after everything he (John) and Marlena have been through.

The question is, how far would John be willing to go to hold onto Marlena?  Will he like the man he becomes in the process?  And how will Kristen -- who's never fully gotten over John, IMO, no matter what anyone says -- exploit the growing divide between John and Marlena (provided, we could get Eileen Davidson to commit to more than cameo appearances)?  And what happens when John reaches what everyone feels is the point of no return?  Maybe Roman and Marlena decide they're better off remaining as they are, but could Marlena forgive John for his actions throughout the crisis?  Are redemption and a reunion with Doc even possible for John?  (Of course, the answer to that last question is yes, but I would want the road to be a long and arduous one.)

In a way, it's kind of like what happened years ago on ATWT, when Andy Dixon was battling the bottle, and his long-divorced parents, Dr. John Dixon and Kim Hughes, were thrown back together to help him through it.  Kim's husband, beloved Dr. Bob Hughes, felt left out of John and Kim's growing closeness, which, in turn, left him vulnerable to a ONS with Kim's longtime rival, Dr. Susan Stewart.  Now, Bob and Kim didn't split for good, but the affair did rock their union; and the story itself played on so much history between John and Kim (their marriage was pure hell), between Kim and Susan (they fought over Dan) and between John and Bob (John always resented Bob, because Bob was chief of staff and had the better bedside manner, even though John felt he himself was the more skilled physician).  Not a single character in that unfortunate saga was under 30 or had a bangin' bod, but it was riveting just the same.

Edited by Khan
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