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Pluto T.V. and soaps

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Oh, Happy Birthday is a ridiculous amount, I know that.

ATWT characters sang "Always" for Chrisband Nancy Hughes' anniversary party in 1986, also the show's 30th anniversary.

I do want to know about a middle-of-the-road 80s song, which rarely gets airplay, which, the show I am thinking about mostly used, except for one year that featured a nightclub.


I just wonder because I weny to Crackle and Who's The Boss" still plays Joe Jackson's "Stepping Out", Miami Vice, the series doesn't dub over Phil Collins' music.

In terms of movies, Rihanna memorably gave permission to a film to use one of her biggest hits for f-r-e-e. I just wonder how much of an effort do some of these entities try. I suspect P&G maybe asked one artist and didn't bother with the rest. The process seems opaque.


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While it would be great to see the P&G soaps on a channel like Pluto TV, it has been 10 years since the cancellation of ATWT, its last soap on the air.  None of their shows have popped up on a network or streaming service in 10 years.   It makes you wonder the condition and cataloging of their soaps from 30-40 years ago.  Do all these episodes even still exist?  I could see P&G destroying  the old tapes rather than paying storage fees for them.

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The irony with P&G, of course, is that they were ahead of the whole streaming game (esp. with soaps) a decade or more ago when they collaborated with AOL to put EON and AW online. One might have thought they would have become among the leading providers of streaming content as the technology began to grow. I don't know how much work it took on their part back then but it likely wasn't as cost prohibitive or technologically involved as it would be now. Between that and lack of appeal it would likely hold for the desired demographic, it doesn't seem to be worth their bother to them. Back then with the AOL thing, we were probably just so happy to be able to view the shows again that it didn't matter if the quality may not have been top of the top or that we had to watch on our computers; there wasn't anything else like it to compare it to. Now there are multiple apps and platforms built around shows and people have also become more persnickety about the video quality and effects of what they're watching. (Side note: I think it's too bad how much old stuff of any genre people ignore nowadays because they think it'll look cheesy, tacky, dull, worn away, etc.)

Dark Shadows, I think, has a built-in appeal. Vampires always seem to be "in." Plus, there have been remakes, films, the original has been available, etc., that can help bring younger viewers to the rest of the franchise, like with Star Trek. It's had a life through the years, so to speak. 

I do wonder about the longevity of The Doctors streaming platform. I am a subscriber so I have been using the app. But, and I may be wrong, I can't help but get the feeling that they have spent a lot of time and money creating something that is starving for more of an audience. I was surprised from the outset they went to the extent they did with building a platform for an old soap nobody saw for decades (and that has nothing to do with the supernatural). But the interface is far from perfect, basically just the collection of episodes, a  significant number of which are out of date-order, mislabeled, etc., and the promised contests, trivia and other features don't exist. I know the pandemic put a huge dent in things for them but I've been subscribed for a year and none of those special features have been added. The like/dislikes on most of the episodes on the app sits at zero, I can count on one hand the number of people who reply to their FB posts about the show. I'm starting to think I better hurry up and get through a decade's worth of that show in case they decide it's not feasible offering it through that platform anymore.

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SoapClassics streamed some ATWT and GL episodes on a dedicated website as they sold compilation sets in 2012-2013.

Also the SoapClassics streaming website was available to viewers in the Netherlands and South Africa, I believe, although oddly each region didn't always stream the same thing.

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