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DOOL APP: The Last Blast Reunion


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It has to be Jan's comma dream.  Maybe Mimi's hangover dream?


What I loved about the first installment of Chabby in Paris was that it really effectively showed the continuing stories of Abby and Austin outside of Salem (they didn't draw Chad too well outside of work).  (Even when we went to Hong Kong in 2018, they did a nice job of giving a glimpse of Shelle living their life there.)


For this, I like visiting Craig & Nancy... but I wanted more of an update of Chloe's life in New York City.  Like, draw a picture of the continuing story outside of Salem. This was, at first, just a reunion... evoking nostalgia but nothing else.  Which is fine, but it doesn't make an 8 week miniseries.  Then it could have been a good mystery (maybe even soap horror) with Kevin's murder... but now this is nonsense and not how they could ever think of ending Chloe's story.  But the problem with it being Jan's dream is that she wouldn't have all this information given she fell in spring 2005.  We'll see where this goes...

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I saw someone suggesting that it's actually Bonnie's book that's being "told", though it would be rather bisarre for Bonnie to kill off her own daughter in a book, lol.


Either way, considering how they've killed characters left and right it's pretty much a tell that this isn't real. I very much doubt they'd kill off people like Chloe, Philip, Belle  or even Mimi outside the main show.

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