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Hmm, seems this troll doesn’t understand the point of blocking. He can keep talking about me though as it must take away from being the depressed old man who so badly wants to be Michelle Stafford and f.ucked by Josh Morrow to get his mind off his worries.


I wonder how the “epic Phick reunion” that was supposed to happen this summer is going for his pathetic stan ass.

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wow, personally insulting someone because a character/actress you hate (and they like) stays winning... aren't y'all (waaaaaay) too old to be acting like this? 

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Michelle Stafford has effortlessly reinvigorated the Phyllis character. For me, she is the best. thing on the show. I was all in for her recent scenes with LLB. The only problem is that I would like to see Daniel back and her more in the Abbott orbit. I want her to get a home set and opening shot soon.

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i thought they were gonna do something *interesting* w/ Kyle's past like make him a drug dealer/connect to his rich friends, and an overdose is what made him rethink his life choices/run back home to daddy... but nope. Just more boring shtick. 

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EDIT: also, I'm calling it now: Phyllis is gonna sleep with Theo. I think TPB are gonna push forward w/ a SL they were too scared to do with Kyle (but was heavily teased back in the GT days), because they didn't want to "taint" the character. 

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According to soaps.com day ahead recap for tomorrow's show, Theo and Celeste will talk at Crimson Lights. Theo will tell Celeste that him and Kyle tore up New York together, and that he has a lot of stories he could tell her. He will say that Kyle isn't like that anymore and Celeste will be surprised when she learns that Lola had surgery. At Society Kyle will want to spend time with Lola, but she will act like she is too busy. He will tell her that he knows that she has the rest of the day off and urge her to be honest with him.


Lola will tell him that she is having a hard time reconciling NY Kyle with the current version of him. She is unsettled by his past Kyle will tell her he believes that they can work through this. Celeste will show up upset and will confront Kyle and Lola about Kyle being married to Summer and Lola's liver transplant. She will holler at them that Theo told her everything and that she can't understand why Lola would want to be married to Kyle.


Lola and Kyle will tell her that things were complicated and Lola will say they should talk at the apartment. Lola will end up telling Celeste she doesn't have any room to judge Kyle/Lola's relationship. Celeste will worry about betrayal and Lola will tell her that Kyle married Summer to save Lola's life.  Celeste will end up being placated about that, but will be upset that no one told her that Lola almost died. She says she will not stay where she is not wanted. Kyle will find Theo at Crimson Lights and will rough him up. He will tell Theo that he knows he tried to hurt Kyle's relationship with Lola and tell him he's dead to him. He will also tell Theo if he hurts Summer he will pay. 


Also, on tomorrow' show the judge will decide that neither Adam nor Nick should have custody of Christina right now. He will tell them he will revisit the decision in three months and urges them to find a temporary guardian to watch over him. Adam will go to Sharon for help and Nick will turn to Victoria to see if she can temporarily care for Christian. 


And Billy will continue to get messages and think they are from Delia. (I think that Kevin may be gaslighting Billy to get him to go after and get rid of Adam).

And Jack/Ashley will return from Paris and announce they have merged both of their companies.


And Soaps.com is reporting that Jason Canela (Arturo) was recently spotted on set. There was a picture of him, Jordi and Christian Le Blanc posted on Christian's Instagram. They reported the post has been taken down but are speculating if he Jason has returned to tape scenes for Lola's wedding. I wouldn't be surprised if he has and think it makes sense for Arturo to be there. If he is taping scenes I wonder if Mia will return as well:



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I wonder what they will end up doing with Rey now. I liked Sharon and Rey as a couple. But ever since Adam has come back, they have been having Sharon be drawn to him. And Rey's insecurities about that and his past with Mia have come out as a result of that. I wonder if their breakup will be short term or if they will be broken up for a while. If so, I wonder who they may pair Rey with. Phyllis is single and Ashley is back (though I don't know for how long).


I wouldn't be opposed to Rey/Ana. (If they make Theo a bad guy and write him and eliminate a potential pairing/triangle with him, Ana/Summer.) Rey hasn't been shown much lately, and I think his airtime may be reduced even more after he breaks up with Sharon. Unless they find something to do with him, besides investigate Adam for Nick. 

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i mean... JM, SC, MCE, ad nuAdam (idk his name) are all over soc media together, so that seems to be the quad. I wonder if they're gonna do Rey + Phil? Or, maybe, put Rey with someone his own age perhaps? LOL 

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Why do we have to find a new love interest for Rey?  Can't we just throw in the proverbial towel and have him leave town to work things out with Mia?

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