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Filthy Rich


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It was... fairly predictable. I guess ok pilot, but I could see all those twists coming a mile away; I assumed they'd keep that final one for the season finale though.


Could be a fun ride though for the next few months. I assume it has to overperform for Fox to renew it as they seemed dissatisfied with it enough to originally keep it until the end of the season.

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Oh yeah I forgot about that. lol. I guess I could watch on Fox, but I might wait.


Hmmmm...I haven't seen GREENLEAF. That said, I thought it was a good pilot. Not a GREAT pilot, but good. 


It has potential and quite a few ways to go. Hints about the one son's wife...deceased or just out of the picture. The mystery of the other son and that backstory in the hospital room. And then the daughter with the mother that the Dad actually loved. And that's not even talking about the legit children...daughter with fashion dreams, son with a wife that is probably cheating with that pastor guy...and son is giving off a gay vibe.


I really haven't had a southern soap in a minute (for me that would be SAVANNAH) so I'm curious to see where it goes. 

Edited by Taoboi
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Not sure if this is properly clarified in the pilot, but they're siblings and it's not a secret on the show to any of the characters. Maybe it wasn't made clear in the pilot.


I will admit that the recap sections of the episodes are fun, because they made the episodes start with the legitimate son's wife do a prayer where she sums of the mess.

Edited by te.
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