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NOTICE: What Happened, How It Was Resolved and Moving Forward


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Thank you Errol for all that you do! I can't believe you do all of that yourself! 


It was so weird when the board was down

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 I realized how much time I spent here, sometimes just reading threads. I'd hate to see it ever go away. Twitter and Facebook aren't the same as a message board.

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Quoting myself ...


And speaking of the article on the AMC and OLTL reboot topic, NO to a "hybrid" soap. NO. I know some fans get their underwear in a bunch when Nora pops into GH, but I don't want a hybrid soap (and I like when she pops up ....). And I saw someone comment they want them on GH. Um ... the show has like 6,000 castmembers. NO. Either reboot them both and rotate them, or air them as half hours.


The reality is, both shouldn't have been cancelled and ABC daytime's ratings have suffered since. No show has been able to capture the audience that those soaps once had. Gee, go figure  


I still think The Talk on CBS is an entirely huge waste of time.

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When it became obvious that GL and ATWT were in trouble, even before cancellation, I suggested this on another messageboard that I used to be a member of and nobody was trying to hear it!  Soap fans like to pretend that these shows were always 60 minute serials.  They don't want to recall the history of when shows like (The) Guiding Light were 15 minutes!


I've only watched less than a handful of The Talk episodes.  It seems to be about absolutely nothing but idle chitchat. 


Over the weekend, I enjoyed a binge-watch of Season 1 of The Good Fight and in addition to my enjoyment of the episodes, I thought about how some soap fans were up in arms over the coarse language in the PP versions of AMC and OLTL and what could have made an expletive uttered on TGF any different from an expletive utter on one of the TOLN soaps, well, other than soaps are pigeon-holed by perceptions of what they're supposed to be, even if a soap no longer airs on a network but is streamed online and should have all the freedoms of that particular platform.

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I thought way back when that the soaps should all be a half hour again, but man, talk about resistance! LOL


It would be much more bingeable. 


You can accomplish a lot in 20 minutes (25 if it's streaming with limited commercials). Let's not pretend B&B even knows how to make the best use of it's time .... and I think there's a reason B&B is successful overseas. It's pretty, vapid and shallow, but it's also a half hour


I mean, the UK and Aussie soaps are all half hours, some don't air 5 days a week either ...


I also didn't mind the cursing, but I have a potty mouth myself, so .... it's not like they just had them cursing to curse. 


I agree that soap fans seem to want to pigeon hole the soaps into what they think they should be. But these soaps were NOT always an hour ...


If it were between "saving" the soaps and bumping them to a half hour, or cancelling them, I'd be all for half hours.


It really sucks P&G wanted their soaps to die and refused to sell them. It really really irks me.

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IMO, the half hour is entirely B&B has remained as successful as it has been. 25 minutes and a smaller cast are way easier to get sucked into every day than a full hour commitment. The writing is also (usually) better. Unfortunately, this isn't the case for B&B, but...

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Does anyone notice that you have more emojis depending on what browser you use? 


I don't like the layout of this site when I use Firefox but I've noticed that in Firefox, not only do I have a lot more emojis, but they're all in color! 

Although, I prefer to use Chrome (bigger fonts) but the text sort of wraps in a weird way and I have less emojis and only some are in color.


Does this happen to anyone else?


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