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The Media/Journalism Thread


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Thanks for satisfying my curiosity. 

Hm, from my brief experience working behind the scenes of a television show…I mean, not to make generalizations or cast aspersions or anything but, in my experience, a lot of media people are fairly spineless and often focused on hunting down their next opportunity, wherever they can find it, no matter where it comes from or where it leads them. No lie, I was once told by a television producer that I had too much integrity to be working for her. By then, the job had made me so sick that I agreed with her.

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So many on the left, from dead enders like Brie Brie to the "look at how impartial and truth-telling I am," branch, jump all over moments like these for some in the media daring to talk about the latest violent, incoherent ranting from Trump. I've seen some Trump supporters claiming this is proof that many on the left believe Trump will win and are now operating as if he has won. Sad to say I think they are probably right. 

(that and many on the left just really like Trump, mortal enemy of the "brunch-eating libs" they see as their mortal enemies, and always have)

Edited by DRW50
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The dead end branch of the left has operated as if "Mr. Trump" will always win since 2016, in fairness. Who can forget their sage electoral projections proclaiming doom for Dems in every midterm and general since? They tend to wishcast revenge fantasies against the libs vs. reality.

This even extends to slightly less clueless guys like the dude from Cracked writing an impassioned coping-phase-of-grief editorial in which he proudly proclaims that based on the SOTU he was wrong about Biden needing to step down from the ticket, if and only if he does what Cracked Guy says for the next couple weeks, in which case if Biden's numbers fail to rise (which they already have) the party must then definitely eject him. Laughable.

Edited by Vee
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That's what it is all about, in spite of all the blather from people about hypocrisy over criticizing her hiring, or the importance of being fair and balanced. It's all about access, wanting to still cling to the GOP for dear life those book deals and dinner party invitations. They thought they could get away with anything. 

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Good. Let those “journalists” continue to peddle their missives about crazy Trump, his sycophants and wackadoodle cult followers since that is more their speed anyway. Whatever happened to waiting a few years after an administration tenure ends and getting some perspective before writing a book? I don’t think these hacks like to write about Democrats anyway. Any books they wrote about Hillary were usually through the lens about her husband’s indiscretions (annd Hillary wrote far more interesting books about herself than they did) and the best-selling books about Obama were written by…Obama. 

Maybe these navel gazing journos ought to start writing books about each other…it would be perfect for them.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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