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THIS wedding dress montage...to Deelite's 'Groove is in the Heart'...was perfection.


Great episode. 


Elektra was EVERYTHING.


From the opening montage, to the wedding dress montage above to the bachelorette party, Ms. Jackson gave look after look after look. And this episode you can see the growth that has gone into the character over three seasons. Cuz Old Elektra would just be totally into herself and money. 


And after last season it's great to see her, Blanca, Lulu, and Angel together again. Speaking of the road trip...we get a viciously delicious read from her that TOPS the country club Karen she read. And let me tell you...as soon as she started to lubricate...hehe...I mean drink up the wine, you just KNEW the library was about to open.


And speaking of looks, Blanca continued to give some. Love the cream dress she had with the pony hair to the one side. 


We even got a cameo from Candy's surgeon...Ms. Orlando. It was like the writers want to make up for her not appearing in Episode 3. And it was nice to see her before the show ended.


Now the drama with Papi and Angel is such a soap staple. However, at the same time it was nice to see some conflict there that felt organic. Next week will be interesting if only to see if the conflict will be resolved organically or feel rushed.




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Edited by Taoboi
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MS. ORLANDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


LOL!!! But seriously, I feel two ways now that I've sat with it a while this morning. Hiissss at my tv system going out last night.


On one hand, this was a great episode. SPOILER ALERT: the wedding does happen!!! And it was beautiful. All those wedding gowns. The cameos!!! Candy's was awesome! And Cubby!I   It was nice to see a little bit of Angel's life. And this episode (90 minutes!!!) really focused on her and Papi. I felt like I was living with them. And I loved Papi's talk to Esteban about what a REAL man is. Well, darn I loved Esteban period. He was such an adorable kid...just like his Papi. 


Angel has had drama. And she has had her anxiety. But I just felt like one has to go back to Season 1 to get into some of what was touched on in this episode last night. She really has come a long way. And yes, I wanted to shake her at the beginning for not accepting Esteban. I was heated. It is not the child's fault. And it was before you. Get yourself together. But again, we got to meet her father. We got to see her nightmare about going to get the marriage license. We got to see her frustration babysitting. It was all so human...but I admit...relateable. It reminded me of a Mexican cook I loved who I discovered had 3 kids. I was taken aback. But...if you are going to love the person and be part of their world, you have to accept everything about them. So...I did. Sadly, not a happy ending. As POSE proved throughout its run, sexuality can be as complicated as it can be simple. 


There were a lot of little moments I liked. Blanca with her man. The Something Blue...hehe. Lulu's storyline touched on. Seeing all of the ballroom at the wedding. 'I Swear.' (my former boss and I were just talking about that song last week as an old 90s hit). The threads starting off the end of the show...Ricky's audition/new job, Pray Tell entering his final phase, the AIDS quilt.


BUT on the other hand, seeing the episode as a whole with the season...I am worrying about next week. Good news, it should be a 90 minute episode. But one of my fears has been the feeling of the writers rushing. And I have seen very little of that BUT it was clear in this episode. Angel's feelings over Esteban felt like it was resolved a little too early. Now that we are at the end, Lulu's storyline definitely felt rushed or mostly in the background which is disappointing because I thought it was building to something else. It really does not seem like Pray Tell and Ricky are getting back together. So...is Damon coming back? 


And most importantly...I don't want it to end. 



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@Taoboi You touch on some great points. This season has been brilliantly written but rushed. Just like the previous 2 seasons. For the longest time. I've had a feeling Pose might do what Thirtysomething did. Where a dying Nancy beat cancer. And out of nowhere Gary dies. I wonder if Pray Tell will survive? And another beloved character wouldn't. I do hope Damon's arc is resolved. Everyone stories tied up. While an MIA Damon isn't. Would be a blemish. On an otherwise great season. Even though i don't remember Chubby and Papi being best Judy's. It was nice too see his sprit. As well Candy's. They both looked great. Lamar felt out place at the wedding. After being nasty to the gang all season long. Papi singing ''I swear' was everything. This was a heartwarming penultimate  episode. Only grip was  Lulu's story. Wish we would've seen more of it.  Love Ms.Orlando one of Pose best recurring characters. Not ready to say goodbye yet.

Edited by victoria foxton
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@victoria foxton well I know that the actor in RL had personal tragedy hit as filming started. So a quick write-off was needed. However, a lot of the audience appeared to have missed it and then Damon is dead vs he left. Still...I am finger crossing he shows up next week. 


Hehe...I said the same thing about Cubby. That could see as forced. Or they might at have been close at the start of Season 2 when he and Lemar was part of Blanca's house. So...maybe. 


Same about Lemar. It was very much like how it seem liked how Elektra was written last season. Foe? Friend? Frienemy? He sound like he is sharing that fate. At least, the writers referenced it in the guys' scene when Papi was worried about Pray Tell and Lemar in the same room. And Pray Tell made a quip. 


 Yeah, 'I Swear' will go down as one of the best moments on this show. 


And yaaassss to Ms. Orlando. LOVE. 

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So...it's here.


The LAST episode of POSE.


After it only being seven episodes...after feeling slight hints of rushing...did it hold up?




This is probably going to be very scattered brained, but I loved so much about it (and the fact that it was two hours, not 90 minutes).


A lot of people posted online that the talk about medical racism and how that STILL holds up right now even though that was back in 1995. It made me think of the time on LOOKING when they touched on Prep. As a black man, I never heard of it so it was news to me. I wonder why...hmmmm...


Pray Tell, Pray Tell, Pray Tell. Not my favorite character, but he had a complete arc and I was along for the ride. And it was nice to see him doing well on the cocktail. It was nice to see him be there for Ricky. It was nice to see his breathtaking performance duet with Blanca to Ain't No Mountain High Enough. He was heading toward a happy ending. And it did occur to me that he was getting everything he wanted so something bad must be about to happen.  So I was not surprised that he died.


I WAS SURPRISED when the twist was revealed. Well it was in character because Ricky could always be naive. So of course he was happy that Pray Tell could get him on the cocktail and never questioned it. A sarcifice. And a bittersweet one because Ricky went on to be a House Father AND a backup dancer for the up and coming Destiny's Child.

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  To be honest, Ricky really has grown over this last season and he truly was not where he was at the start of the show, but none of the characters were.


Now...Blanca and the spin...YAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You all know I love spins...which is why I love me sum Lulu...who got a happy ending too...it was really, really, really good to see Blanca let loose like that with the spin and drop for me. And her lip sync was great and her dancing so well like a mirror image with Pray Tell...lol...I know my Gemini is showing.  MJ has always been good in her ballroom performances but she...like the looks Blanca has been showing off...has taken to a whole other level this season and that was so great. And I am also happy to say BLANCA LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So     And that ending that echoes not only the first episode, but the season 2 finale when she had that Prof X vibe going on, AND to Whitney's 'My Love is Your Love?' PERFECTION. I had tears at her full circle. AND she has a hot man that loves her. 


You know I'm going to talk about that brunch and how meta it was. They shaded TF out of SATC and it was hilarious. And it was also very on point, given the issues that are always brought up about SATC at the same time. I wouldn't mind a SATC show with THESE girls. Not that I don't like the OTHER girls. 


Or a spinoff of the new ballroom kids. Not much, but they did have potential. 


Since I was watching old clips yesterday, I thought that it was very telling that 1998 Lemar was doing the SAME moves he was doing in the first episode this season. And it was funny because the judges said then that he can made it through the 80s with his old moves, but had updated to the 90s to stay relevant. Now in 98, those moves looked very old, dated, and worn...like Lemar did not make it out of the mid90s. Same style and everything. 


I would have liked to see Damon. But I'll take the mention of him happy in Chicago with a guy. 


I wished they had used some of the other characters more, but in hindsight, their stories were most finished a few episodes back and this was about the rest of the characters. 



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