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Y&R: December 2015 Thread

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Mariah's kick-ass, pure and simple. She actually has a backbone for starters, and seems to be the only one in GC with her head screwed on right. Between trying to protect her brother from Luca, and being the only one that's actually suspicious of Dr. Anderson, I can't really blame her for getting involved in other people's business.

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I agree she is very tough.   She had a tough upbringing and spent a lot of time in and out of jail.   But she didn't need to be tough to convince Kevin to con Billy Abbott out of a million dollars. And instead of sticking her nose into everone else's business, she could get a job with a future, get a place to live and work on her own personal  life. If Kevin is the best you can do,  umm there are no words.  lol

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Just to be clear, people are aware that these characters (and most of their portrayers) don't decide what happens, right?  That's what the writers do.  And we know that writers, particularly the likes of Pratt and MAB and those of their ilk, don't always write storylines for the most talented actors on the show.  If that were the case, we wouldn't have actresses like TEB and JW sitting mostly on the sidelines and actresses like CG with barely a supporting role, while lesser talents (I'll refrain from mentioning them but most of us know who they are) continue to eat the show.

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What's clear to me, Y&R is number one in the ratings. If JW, GC and TEB were bringing in the ratings, why would the writers not showcase them?   JW and TB have been around for many many years. and they have done every soap sl several times over.   What are the writers supppose to do with them now?


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Kevin could easily just tell her to mind her own business if he really didn't want her involved. He's a tech guy, she's street-smart, I think part of him enjoys how well they work together because of that, and that they can bounce ideas off one another so well. And as for her and Kevin personally, I think the little bond they have is sweet. They both have pasts they're not proud of and care for one another. But I will admit, I'm trying to make sense of why they didn't tell Billy why they needed two million instead of one if they all want this project to work, I can't see him saying no to some extra form of financial backing if he's that desperate, but it wasn't done maliciously. It doesn't make it right, and I don't know about you, but if I was meant to dislike a character whenever they did something that we didn't particularly agree with, I wouldn't watch soap operas.

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Isn't Mariah's plan to pocket the cash? Kevin said they needed a million and Mariah basically said "hey let's take two. Billy is too inexperienced to know the difference". Seemed pretty malicious to me. Also kind of reckless. I could see trying to pocket $50,000, but a whole million? That's a sure way to get caught and Kevin should know better by now.

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Oh, good god I hope they don't go down that route. I'd normally be inclined to say something along the lines of 'They couldn't be that stupid', but...well they aren't the first residents of GC to suddenly be acting on impulse. All the same, I'd be surprised and disappointed if they didn't invest it with the other half of the money.

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Lesser talents?  GMAB!  Are you an agent, producer, writer, director?  The folks making the decisons at Y&R are the ones who got hired to do so and get paid the big bucks.   Most of the big talents are in films or on primetime tv.  

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One doesn't have to work in the business to know when actors suck...We watch the shows day in and day out... One could use a scale of Charity Rahmer(1) to Beverlee McKinsey(10). There are actors on the short stack of the spectrum from daytime to primetime to film.  TIIC of Y&R are only into shock and awe but no substance. Real stories elevate the actors, if they are capable...unlike most of the tripe shown on Y&R.  CG has always performed above and beyond, especially through the garbage writing she gets, just like SC.  They bring their A-game even through Z-level stories. When was the last time HK brought it? KS is laughably one of the most tic-ridden actors in Daytime.  

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I was waiting for a KS mention, never fails.  All this because of CG, which when u cut the bull is bout SC. I like CG, but she ain't all that as she really hasn't had the material to bring it acting or pairing wise 

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Peter Bergman and Eric Braeden have done every soap storyline more than several times over yet they lead the episode rankings month after month. Ok,TPTB believe that those two are ratings gold. If Y&R manages to stay on the air another 10 years will we see 80 yr old Victor battling 70 something Jack?

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And you will keep seeing KS mentions because she sucks. Her time on Y&R needs to be cut back. She's only tolerable in a supporting role. I know I'm not the only one that feels that way, but, like you, we all have an opinion to share. KS was awful on GH, and she's no better here.  JFP needs to stop shoving her down the audience's throats...the character has been a bust since day one..

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