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Ladies of London


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Call me crazy but I actually still like Caroline Stanbury. I understand her initial frustration with Julie and I feel had Sophie not gotten involved they could've worked it out and gotten over it. I understand how she feels since her two friends took the opposite side which must be frustrating. I'm curious if it will get better or worse though. 


Overall i do agree that this season is excellent. I love the cast and I've grown to love Caroline Fleming. I hope it doesn't get canceled with Caroline moving and the bad ratings. 

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Adela...she's not a lady? She really should be in the opening credits bc she's not only in almost all the episodes, she has her own talking heads, storyline and is fully integrated with the cast. She's been a better addition than Julie or Caroline F last year. Love her


Caroline S....I still like her but this season is not a good look for her. She is coming across like a spoiled entitled brat. I definitely get why bc all the changes and pressure is getting to her.


Juliet...has ZERO purpose this season. The producers cant even muster up a storyline for her. She only serves to follow Caroline around like a lapdog. She should have been demoted and her spot given to Adela


Still dont like Julie. I find her weak and uninteresting.


Im glad Sophie got upgraded. Its disapppointing seeing how Caroline is treating her bc I do think its unfair


I feel sorry for Marissa and her troubles. I dont think its far of anyone to judge her for picking up and moving on inspite of whats happened with her. She explained it perfectly in her confessionals and to Julie and I get it

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Goodness, I love this show.


The producers/editors were trolling Juliet so hard this episode it was hilarious. They were practically showing outtakes of her talking head interviews and showing that she knows jack sh*t about having a decent blog. The problem with being an online presence is that you are unabashedly on display and people are either going to love you or hate you - and that's Juliet's problem, she is so unlikeable. Hell, even her 8 year old daughter seems to troll her. 


Juliet really didn't come off well with Marissa. That awful, smug, nasty look on her face when Marissa called out Juliet for taking swipes at Marissa's traveling to New York was ugly. Uglier still was her attempt to deflect, which failed miserably because it wasn't even about her! Next week looks to flop for Caroline Stanbury as she changes her story from saying Marissa started the rumour to Marissa repeating the rumour being just as bad. No, girl, it isn't. 


I really enjoyed drunk Sophie. That lady is fun! 

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Did you see the gown Caroline F wears next week, @DaytimeFan? And her response?




I couldn't get into it on a first viewing. But second viewing was great. I guess because I was working on my own blog at the moment.


I was kinda digging Juliet (IKR) until she came for Marissa. No wonder the friendship is over.


I loved drunk Sophie as well. I hope that this feud with her and Caroline is over. Though it seems Julie might actually cause some drama next week.

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Loved this episode...despise Juliet. What a bitch. That venal cow needs to never be on television again - the commentary about Adela's suicide attempt was just disgusting. Talk about a total lack of empathy, common sense and manners. I was so happy to see Sophie gun for Juliet at breakfast at the end of the episode. Juliet is incredibly unaware of how awful a person she is. Everyone at that table was against her and she got defensive like a crazy person. 


This is one of the funniest Bravo franchises, mind you. The discussion about what colour Caroline Fleming's bikini line is was hilarious.


Sophie gives me life. She is so fun! Same with Adela, what a great addition. 


Marissa handled all those "rumour" discussions like a pro even though she's clearly utterly exhausted and blown out. It was interesting how Caroline Stanbury's attempt to trash Marissa at breakfast fell apart as everyone (sans Juliet) cooed how much they like their Marissa chats and Caroline Stanbury basically threw in the towel on trying to get to her. 

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I have finally caught up on LoL. I really love this show! Not that I live their lifestyle, but the locations mean a lot to me because I live here, too. I walk past Caroline Fleming's townhouse in Chelsea almost every evening home from work (it is gorgeous with a HUGE glossy black front door and literally a beautiful jungle of ivy and plants outside her front window). Their friendships are fairly authentic; as Caroline Stanbury said, she's known most of the group excluding Julie for about 20 years.


It's not as if we didn't already know that Juliet is an awful person. I used to joke that if you open the dictionary at 'mediocre,' Juliet's picture would illustrate the entry. But the last few episodes we can see what a truly jealous, vile person she is too. I can only imagine that Juliet's innate mediocreness has finally caught up with her. She now realizes that next to the other women, she is completely lacking brains, sparkle, character, looks, home, money, and connections (as snobby as it sounds). She has nothing to offer except as Stanbury's lapdog and even then Caroline looks like she is over it. Seeing her go after a post-partum-depressed Marissa was a new low even for this dumb-dumb, and a producer must have eventually clued her in to how badly she was coming across, because she spent the rest of the episode trying to make it up to her.


I love Sophie (and her gorgeous hair) but she is too much of a people-pleaser.


IA with all of you about Caroline Fleming. IMO she is the most watchable lady this season. I love her kookiness, humor, no-nonsense attitude and boho-aristo demeanour. And her wardrobe!


Having the husbands join them in Scotland made for a nice ending to the episode. It was nice to see and hear Cem, and I finally understood why he and Caroline S are a couple. They seem a good fit, and he calms her.

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I agree about Caroline Fleming this season.  Last season, I couldn't stand her; she rubbed me the wrong way.  This season she's done a 180 and I'm really enjoying her!


Where in Chelsea is her townhome?  I'm going to be in London for a couple of weeks later this Spring and would love to stroll by it!

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"It's a little odd to be baking this bread d*ck over an open fire." - Sophie Stanbury


This season has been so great and funny. Caroline Fleming is a cooky oddball and she's redeemed herself very well this season. Juliet continues to be trolled by the producers. Adela was a brilliant addition this season, in addition to the upgrade for Sophie. It's been so enjoyable. 


I do fear this is the end given that Caroline Stanbury is Dubai bound and Marissa appears to have moved to California. 

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  • 2 years later...
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Well... @Cat and @DaytimeFan, it would appear there had been some talks some time ago about maybe rebooting Ladies of London, helped by the fact that there are people just now discovering it online and streaming and watching it. I wanted to see if you two had had heard anything. 


And also...the Queen Caroline posted the day after X-mas that after 17 years, her and her husband are leaving each other. I admit to being shocked myself.


Also giggling at how many people want her to resurface on tv given her close ties to NYC by Dorinda and apparently her ties to BH by Lipsa. 

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@Taoboi @DaytimeFan I did not know Caroline and Cem had split up. That's sad, although they always kind of lived somewhat separate lives where she traveled around a lot doing her thing and he did his business. I thought it seemed to work for them, but maybe they grew apart. Personally I think Caroline Stanbury would not be out of place on RHONY where she is close with Dorinda, and I believe her beloved hairstylist Luke (who also appeared on LOL) also lives in New York. Especially if RHONY is missing Bethenny's outsized presence (which it surely is). BH sorely needs somone like Caroline too, but that nest of vipers may not be for her. 


Revamping LOL is also an option. Marissa is now in Pasadena but I doubt her nasally voice would be missed. Unfortunately, the vile, shark-eyed Juliet is still in London and still crazy close with Caroline Stanbury, so she could well be asked back. Juliet seems to have edged out Sophie Stanbury from Caroline's affections, but I would love if Sophie came back too, along with her pal Adela and the fabulous Duchess Caroline Fleming! Julie I can live without on this show. So basically LOL would be casting around for a couple of Chelsea-based Americans.

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