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Soap Opera Cast Lists and Character Guides- Cancelled and Current

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Search for Tomorrow

Sylvie___ Descartes...Maureen Anderman...? 81-Dec 81 ..manager, Zack killed by a sniper

Dr. Barbara __Moreno...Olympia Dukakis..April - December .83...+Stu... mother of Angela and Josh

Janet Bergman Gardner Walton Collins..Millee Taggert...71- June 82 Married Bud Gardner (widowed),Dr Dan Walton,(widowed) Feb 72 Dr Wade Collins (widowed) Aug 77 almost married fortune hunter Chance Halliday,(1978) involved with Ted Adamson. Daughter of Stu and Marge,mother of Chuck (forgotten) by Bud ,Gary,Liza and Danny (by Dan)


Jennifer Pace Phillips Wyatt   daughter of Walter; pursued by Gary; married Scott; went to prison; married John; killed Eunice, institutionalized

                           ...Robin Eisenmann. November .73-?

                            ...Morgan Fairchild...73- March 77 

John Wyatt...Val Dufour... October 72 -79 Married Eunice, Jennifer and Stephanie. Killed in a struggle over a gun with Ted Adamson.


Kathy Parker PhillipsPhillips Taper...Courtney Sherman Simon...71- Dec 78,82-84 lawyer 

...Nicolette Goulet...79- June 82 Married Scott (divorced) Garth (widowed) stepmother to Eric, mother to Dougie (by David Sutton)involved with Sam Hunter and Tom Bergman.

Mitch Farmer    ???      March  74     dated   Paula Markham

Edited by Paul Raven
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Guiding Light 

Pam Chandler....Maureen Silliman July 74 - June 76 Orphaned unwed mother of Samantha (born Feb 75) Had difficult pregnancy and birth. Worked for Sara Werner on research project bringing her into conflict with headstrong Dr Tim Ryan who delivered her daughter. Lived with Bert Bauer. Attracted to Tim and jealous when he dated Rita Stapleton. Assisted Andy Norris in writing his novel. Became a waitress at Metro restaurant. Dated Ben McFarren in an attempt to be noticed by Tim. After being contacted by David, her daughter's father, left Springfield in the hopes of re-establishing that relationship.

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WSB Agent  ????   6/1/2023    ushers Martin into office


Stella Henry   -- works on fixing things with Curtis    6/1/2023

Agent Hursley -- coordinates a deal preventing Anna from ever being an agent again   6/1/2023

Courtesy of @depboy's amazing summaries


Bruce Andrews     James McKrell     1970    Handsome patient that took a shine to Denise Wilton.  Denise attempted to make Steve Hardy jealous with his attention.      

John Bacardi      ????     Laura's father  1/5/1970 - 2/11/1970  "Fanatical" father of Laura, a girl with a blood condition, Mr. Bacardi doesn't want any transfusions for his daughter.  Threatens Steve Hardy's life if anything happens to his daughter. Angry with the staff, but mostly Steve, after she has court ordered transfusions. He shared his love for his daughter with Nurse Lucille March. When Laura entered isolation for her own good, Bacardi took Steve and informed the hospital that if his daughter dies, so will Dr. Hardy!!!   He finally is able to speak with her on the phone, and she begs him to return to the hospital. Bacardi refuses. Though the staff does their best, Bacardi learns she died from a newspaper article. As Steve again attempts to speak to him, he snaps. Hardy pulls the carpet from beneath his feet. The police arrive, and Steve is patching up his leg. Steve later reports that Bacardi will get a suspended sentence if he allows himself to be committed .

Laura Bacardi    ?????    1/5/1970 - 2/3/1970    Patient with a serious blood condition.  Her father was against blood transfusions. Lee Baldwin petitioned the court to allow surgeries and transfusions. After a series of transfusions she has to be isolated from germs with no visitors. After taking Steve Hardy, her father calls her. She begs him to come and see her.  She died, but the hospital tried to keep the news from getting out.  A newspaper article tips off her father.

Douglas Burke     Bruce Powers       1/31/1969 - 7/9/1969    Patient admitted with blindness, hypertension and an enlarged heart. He is assigned to Dr. Tracy Adams.  Her first plan is to deal with his hypertension. The two form a bond over his treatment. She warns him about the dangers of his potential renal surgery, then tells Meg she has feelings for Doug. He has the renal surgery and it is successful. Doug tells her he is in love with her.  They discuss a cornea transplant, but Tracy worries that if Doug regains his sight, he'll realize she's black.  Steve Hardy lets them know the operation has an 80 % chance of working.  Doug wants to talk about the possibility of a marriage, but Tracy tries her best to avoid  the subject.   As Doug finally exits the I. C. U.  Tracy confesses to him that she is black.  With his bandages nearly ready to be removed, he tells her that color and love are two different things. As long as the love is there, color means nothing.  When the bandages briefly come off, Doug is stunned by her beauty!  As July rolls in, Doug tells her she's a coward, then decides to go and find her, but a heart attack takes his life. Tracy learns from her good friend, Steve Hardy that Douglas is gone.

Mr. Butler        ????   2/27/1970 -  ??   New head of Hospital.  Tells Peter that he's been accused of rape; questions Peter about the case and lets him know that it's bad publicity for the hospital.

Beverly Cleveland      Susan Bernard    3/14/1969 - 9/29/1969   Co-worker of Howie Dawson. He helped her avoid problems at work and she helps Howie with his job. She pouts over complaints about short skirts, and borrows money from him. When Beverly complains about her boss constantly hitting on her, he gets possessive. When the boss asks her for a getaway vacation, she declines and gets fired.  The Dawsons invite her to stay with them, Jane and Howie bicker and she feels bad. One good reference for a job from Howie isn't much help. Mrs. Dawson paid Beverly's former boss (Mr. King) $1000.00 for a glowing reference.  She gets the job and moves on.

Dennis Y. Dennison    ?????   mentioned  2/27/1969   lawyer Polly claimed would be taking  her case

Dr. Donovan     ????  2/20/1970      Meg's doctor-- tells her the lump may be cancerous.

Lieutenant __ Fielding  ?????  1/27/1970- February 1970    Police officer assigned to look into Steve Hardy's disappearance.  Helped to track down Bacardi.

Tim Flanagan       ??????   2/19/1969        Attorney that calls Lee to ask permission to offer Iris a job.  She turned him down


Barbara X.   (Gordon)    ?????    9/11/1969 - 10/20/1969  Young hepatitis patient that wouldn't give her last name;  Jessie invites her to be Jessie's guest while she recuperates.  Threatens to run away when her father tracks her down.  Her father, Ralph Gordon admits he's screwed up and Barbara agrees to give him another chance.  Contacts Jessie (11/3/1969) to tell Jessie she's back in school and doing well.

Ralph Gordon    ?????     10/14 -10/20/1969     Father of Barbara X.  Wants Barbara to give him another chance.

Phoebe Harmon    Robin Raymond   August 1969     Peter's lonely patient whose husband left her; befriended by Jessie Brewer.

Mr. King     ????     9/26 & 9/29/1969     Beverly's former boss -- took $1000.00 from Mrs. Dawson to give Beverly a good recommendation letter.
Dr. ___ Morgan   ???   October 1970   OBGYN that tells Audrey that she's pregnant.
Bernice Ostrand    ?????   May 1970    Accused Dr. Peter Taylor of rape. He was only in the room alone with her because he believed Bernice to be suicidal.  She admitted on the stand that it wasn't the truth. Peter was exonerated.
Dr. Overland     ?????    3/5/1969    Lee's doctor for a back problem   says he needs to stay in traction
Attorney R. F. Sawyer   ?????    3/2/1970 - May 1970     Filed a rape case against Peter Taylor for Bernice Ostrand. Took him to court
Mrs. ___ ___ Taylor  Mentioned in a letter -- April 14, 1970;  ????  April 21 - May 1970;   Louise Fitch   May 1970 - October 1, 1970.  Peter's loving mother; she arrives with an enlarged heart. After seeing Peter and Jessie together, she urges Jessie to marry her son. In late September, she had a heart attack.  October 1st, she gleefully supports Jessie and Peter's relationship, asking them not to mourn her when she dies.  Sharon McGillis Pinkham tells Steve the following day that Mrs. Taylor passed overnight in her sleep, peacefully.
Jeffrey Walters     Adolph Caesar     7/30/1969 - 1/2/1970     Brought up from the Emergency Room, Dr. Tracy Adams is assigned to his case. Walters is hostile to her, and they disagree about how to help their community.  Jeff is upset when he learns that she had fallen for a white man (Douglas Burke). As October rolls around, her former patient calls her to "do lunch".  He convinces Tracy to run a hygiene class for "ghetto"children. After helping young Scott Bentley with his kidney issues, Tracy is surprised by a proposal of marriage. She says yes, and on 1/2/1970 they married and went off into the sunset together

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Carol Webster   Nancy Fisher     First mentioned -- 9/30/1969.   10/8/1969 - July 1970.    Jane's cousin who came  to stay with the Dawsons after Beverly left. Has great news about a job with NOW Magazine.  Drives Howie crazy by telling him to dress properly to find a job, correct manners for interviews and dinners, etc. While Howie finds her bossy, his roving eye still ends up finding his pregnant wife's cousin irresistible.  By March of 1970, she not only kissed him, but invited him to an advertising party fr NOW Magazine in New York City.  Howie went with her to NYC and didn't mention that Carol would also be there. Of course, Jane found out.  Howie gave in, but rushed to Jane's side in the Maternity Ward.  Her baby doesn't make it. As Jane had enough with Howie, Carol had to end their involvement, unable to cause more grief to Jane.
Additions to Tracy Adams, Iris Fairchild, Denise Wilton and others previously posted coming soon.
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Deborah __- Mehren   Janet Mason's BFF; Sara McIntyre (later Thorpe)' s secretary

                                   Olivia Cole   1969-71 Still appearing as of Dec 72 

Claudia  __  Dillman   Grace Matthews   1968-69   Marty's overbearing mother Still appearing as of Dec 72 (possibly different actress?)

Professor Alex MacDaniels    Keith Charles   September 1975  Married, older Professor involved with student, Hope Bauer in California. Hope's father Mike instructed Alex to break up with Hope under threat of exposure. He did, upsetting Hope deeply.


Hope Bauer Spaulding     daughter
               of Mike and Julie
       Jennifer Kirschner 1963-65
          Paula Schwartz   1968
    Elissa Leeds (AW 1966)  1968-73
             Tisch Raye  Sept  1975- Jan 76
           Robin Mattson  April 1976- July 77 
           Katherine Justice    May 78-?
          Elvera Roussell  March 1979-83
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From what I can find, Tim was datie Evie but got a job offer out of town that was too good to pass up and left in Nov 76. No mention of Pam and no reason I could see that a marriage would be mentioned later.

I just checked Soap Central and there is an entry stating Evie left town and Pam and Tim were married. Not so.This is not the first false entry I have come across at that site. Someone takes delight at posting false info.

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Guiding Light

Nurse Peggy Scott Dillman Fletcher Thorpe
         Fran Myers     1965- May 77; Nov 77
         April 78 - April  1979
Patti Sue Cosgrove    Gwynn Gillis    Oct 1978 model, ex of Dr Mark Hamilton
Dylan ???  August 79 Alan's pilot. Crashed plan with Alan and Hope on board. Died shortly after.
Roger Thorpe
          Joel Fabiani    (temporary)   1991
              Dennis Parlato    1997-98
        Michael Zaslow  1971- ? May 78- April 80; 1989-97

Gordon Middleton      Architect; Amanda's first husband. worked with and attracted to Hope Bauer

                 Marcus Smythe   Sept  1978- Sept 79

Jerry McFarren     Ben's trouble causing younger brother

                        Peter Jansen Oct Nov 76

                       Mark Travis   May  1978 returned for Ben and Eve's wedding

Dr. Clark     Roy Poole Dec 79  medical examiner exhumed Roger's body confirmed it was not Roger at all

Dr. Johnny Fletcher Erik Holland  1967 Jan 73


Ann ___ Jeffers     Mike's secretary; lost son when her husband stole him; allowed Jimmy to stay with adoptive family; dated Mike, Justin, Ross, Joe Bradley and Andy Norris; became friend and roommate to Diane Ballard which didn't last when Diane showed interest in Ann's true love, Mike.
                            Maureen Mooney    Aug 1975-June 80
Edited by Paul Raven
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I found a blurb from the time and it said Tim went to Philadelphia.  Another article said Pam left town to try to patch things up with an old boyfriend.  Maureen left the show sooner than Jordan so doesn't seem like the old boyfriend was Tim.

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Brandy Sheloe journalist  who had an affair with Justin, causing Jackie to divorce him and give up her baby years before arriving  in  Springfield to pursue Justin again,causing a rift between him and Sara, eventually gets Justin to sleep with her and begin a casual relationship but he won't commit so she leaves Springfield. Briefly involved with Alan Spaulding 
                        Sandy Faison    1977
                    JoBeth Williams   Dec 1977-Oct 78
Georgene Belmont Granger   Angry that Rita received Cyrus' inheritance, comes to Springfield for revenge.Gets a job at Cedars,begins stalking Rita -throws her down a stairway,sets fire to Rita's apartment almost killing Evie, Finally holds Evie and Rita at gunpoint before admits to killing Cyrus and Malcolm - arrested
                              Delphi Harrington  Sept 1976- March78
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Sandy the Lab Tech     Tiffany Lowery   2013; 205; 2016; 2018;   1/16&17/2019;   5/17, 18, 19/2023 

Med Tech        Tiffany Lowery    2017

Henchman    Reid Kawakami  4/6/2023 & 5/1/2023 

Kevin    Treymond Smith  4/28 & 5/1/2023      Bodyguard, Sonny

Roger..     .Jeremy Davies 1991 - 92     guitar playing band member; Robin's classmate; teased her

Nurse Clara      Susan Diol       June 2023    Wallow's nurse

Jackson Montgomery    Walt Willey     July 2023   Former Pine Valley attorney

Bank Manager     ????    6/2/2023    Opens Victor's safe deposit box for Spencer/Trina

Mason Gatlin    6/2 & 5/2023     wants Ava to spy on Sonny regarding Pykeman

Nurse    ???    6/5/2023        with Portia/ Ezekiel   

Ezekiel Robinson    6/5/2023 - Present       back in town with a client to see from the area; meets Jordan

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Walter Pace..father Jennifer (see Ted Adamson) widower of Mrs Pace (died July 74)married Stephanie (Oct 76) Introduced when Jennifer and Scott went home for her mother's funeral,disapproved of Scott being married. Sept 76 returned after  Jennifer attempted suicide.Needing money romanced and married wealthy widow Stephanie Collins, requested she sign over her holdings for a sham investment. When Stephanie discovered his deceit she demanded he testify that Jennifer was lying about Johns guilt in Eunice's murder.In return she would pay off Walters debt and divorce him. He left  town to be near his institutionalized daughter.

...Wayne Tippit ...July 74

...Ed Grover...Sept 76...?       

....Tom Klunis... ? 76- March 77 

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